

单词 profusely
释义 pro·fuse·ly 英prə'fju:sli 高COCA²⁷⁹⁸⁸BNC²⁷⁷⁰³iWeb²¹⁹⁸⁷Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

in an abundant manner;

they were abundantly supplied with food

he thanked her profusely

profuse-ly像⇒adv.丰富地⁶⁰;大量地⁴⁰;不吝啬地;慷慨地近义词 freely自由地copiously丰富地abundantly大量地generously宽大地extravagantly挥霍无度地liberally指教育着重于智力的开…
同义词 lavishlyabundantly,copiouslyamply,richly
abundantlyadverb plentifully
amplyadverb fully, sufficiently
generouslyadverb with a free hand
abundantly,amply,bountifully,charitably,copiously,freely,handsomely,lavishly,liberally,munificently,openhandedly,prodigally,profusely,unsparingly,unstintingly And sweating increases— people who are heat adapted sweat sooner and more profusely, allowing their bodies to cool more efficiently.
流汗增加——适应了热环境的人们能更快更多地流汗,从而使身体更有效地降温。 yeeyan

Men like Wang Jiangka, a profusely perspiring engineer in charge of one of the steamy tunnels, endure sweltering temperatures at the tunneling site, where workers put in five12- hour shifts a week.
很多人像浑身是汗的工程师王江卡音译一样,在闷热的管道里负责施工,忍受着酷热高温,工人们一周倒五次班,每次12个小时。 yeeyan

The old man, unconscious, bled profusely from a cut on his scalp.
那个老人,已不省人事,从他头皮上的一个伤口里流出很多血。 yeeyan

The patient usually sweats profusely, feels clammy to the touch, may complain of a headache or nausea, and may be disoriented and feel weak.
热衰竭患者通常会大量出汗,但摸上去是湿冷的,会有头疼或恶心的症状,分不清方向并感觉虚弱。 yeeyan

When you’re bleeding profusely from an open wound, you want a doctor who binds that wound up, not a doctor who lectures you on the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle as you get older.
你外露的伤口鲜血淋漓,需要的是马上缝合伤口的大夫,而不是大谈随着年龄的增加保持健康生活方式有多么重要的医生。 yeeyan

As a result, extremely graphic and violent hallucinations filled my mind, to the point where although just lying in my bed, I was sweating profusely from the horrific images in my mind.
其后果是,我脑子里充满了极其真实而又强烈的幻觉,尽管我只不过是躺在床上,但我却因心里想到的令人恐惧的景象而冷汗淋漓。 yeeyan

As Bob heard this, he immediately began crying profusely.
当鲍勃听到这,他也立即哭起来了。 yeeyan

But he continued to curse and struggle, and I butted him again and again until he went down heavily, on his knee, profusely bleeding.
但是他仍旧骂着、挣扎着。我一次又一次的撞他,直到他沉重地跪倒在地,不断流着血。 yeeyan

But when“ occasionally” turns to“ often”, when your boss stops thanking you profusely for your efforts and just treats it as norm, this is when we're all in trouble.
但是当“偶尔”变成了“经常”,当你的老板停止对你的加班进行丰富的感谢并且只把那当成一种常态,那就是我们陷入麻烦的时候。 yeeyan

Say you are worried about having to speak publicly and sweating profusely.
说你担心在公共场合演讲,你感到汗流浃背。 yeeyan

Six months out or one year later, check in and thank your donors profusely.
半年或者一年过后,登记并且感谢你的捐赠者的慷慨。 yeeyan

The Italian hiker next to me had a heavy pack and was sweating profusely in the cool morning.
我身边的意大利同伴背着一个沉重的背包,在这个凉爽的清晨竟然还满头大汗。 yeeyan

Then, again, before I could properly understand English, a profusely illustrated edition of“The Old Curiosity Shop” fell into my hands.
还有,在我还没完全理解英文之前,一本有大量插图的《老古玩店》就被我捧在手上。 yeeyan

Then, turning to the model, he thanked her profusely and ushered her backstage.
接着,他转向模特儿,对她一再致谢,把她送到了后台。 edu.sina.com.cn

This proposal won't help the young woman with a rare blood type, knocked over by a car, bleeding profusely. This won't help the thousands of anaemic cancer sufferers needing a blood transfusion.
这条规定帮不到遭遇车祸,大量失血,却持有罕见血型的女子,帮不到成百上千需要输血疗法的贫血性癌症患者。 yeeyan

When he is served a plate of Mediterranean vegetable pasta by the charming French chef, he thanks her profusely and leaning towards the Polish man opposite him asks if he would kindly pass the salt?
当一位迷人的法国厨师给他拿来一盘地中海式蔬菜通心粉时,他再三感谢她,然后向对面的波兰人弯下腰,问他:能不能帮忙把盐拿过来? yeeyan

Why he was so profusely apologetic I couldn't understand given that what happened was no more his responsibility than that of the passengers in the carriages behind.
为何他带着如此深的歉意是我不能理解的。因为对发生的一切他要承担的责任并不必坐在后一节车厢里的乘客要多。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn




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