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词汇 progenies
释义 prog·e·ny 英'prɒdʒəni美'prɑːdʒəni BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
the immediate descendants of a person;

she was the mother of many offspring

he died without issue

progeny population后代后裔群体落…progeny test后代测定,系谱测验,…vegetative progeny无性后代progeny selection后代选择unisexual progeny单性后代biparental progeny双亲后裔progeny cell后代细胞progeny tested bull后代品系progeny testing后代测定,后代测验…progeny testing station后代测定站progeny virus子代病毒pen-progeny testing全圈后裔测定…
近义词 seed种子issue议题heir继承人young年轻的posterity后代offspring后代descendant后裔successor接班人children孩子们,儿童,小孩名词…

用作名词He appeared, surrounded by his numerousprogeny.他出现时,子女前呼后拥不计其数。
Progeny of the sea often appear grotesque or fantastic.海洋的子孙显得奇怪或荒谬。
Their main operations is distribution of product, transfer ofprogenyand imparting of technique.以产品销售、成果转让、技术培训等为主要业务。 A single type of materials was used in these studies, leading to declined total variation among hybrid progenies.
在该项研究中,多个研究者采用的材料类型单一,降低了杂交后代分离的总变异量; ricesci

Hybrid progenies of Fan6, Chambord, Suwon11, Kangyin655,7084 and chris in parent combinations had strong resistance to stripe rust;
亲本以繁六、钱保德、水源11、抗引655、7084和柯斯的杂种后代抗条锈性强; cnki

Many progenies were obtained by a Brassica oleracea- Sinapis alba monosomic alien addition line plant selfing.
将甘蓝-白芥单体异附加系自交,获得了其自交后代。 dictall

The material treated with low doses, the development and growth of their progenies were promoted, but the higher doses, the results were opposite.
低剂量辐射对原生质体后代的发育和生长有促进作用,高剂量辐射对原生质体后代发育有抑制作用。 cnki

The contemporary comparison between a bull's progenies and other male's progenies is a general way of progeny test, and has been applied to beef production.
同期同龄比较法是在过去和将来采用并将继续使用的较为普遍的方法。 cnki

The inheritance of fruit shape reflects a trend of round and fruit shape index of progenies is smaller than mid-parents by 11.64%.
果实形状遗传表现趋中变异,后代果形有变圆的趋势,果形指数平均值一般低于亲中值的11.64%。 cnki

The speed of seed protein accumulation of progenies is faster than of their parents, and their absolute content of protein is higher than of their parents.
籽粒蛋白质的积累速度快于亲本,且子代材料蛋白质绝对含量高于亲本。 fabiao

The sprouting percentage of hybrid progenies was reduced by backcrossing with the resistant parents.
用抗性亲本回交可提高其后代的抗穗发芽性。 cnki

A steady wheat line723 which was selected from the hybrid progenies of common wheat and Thinopyrum intermedium by wide cross was obtained. Line 723 is immune to powdery mildew.
本研究中的723品系是小麦-中间偃麦草小片段易位系,是对当前流行的小麦白粉病表现免疫的稳定品系。 fabiao

Chunlan, selected from progenies of natural hybrid of Tie Guanyinkept in the germplasm garden of Tea Research Institute, was a newly bred Oolong tea cultivar with early- growth and high- quality.

Conclusion The female mosquitoes can gain Den-1 virus via sexual route and transmit it to the progenies, but the males can not.

Conclusions The melanocytes in outer root sheath of hair follicles from the fetal scalp are presumed as melanocyte stem cells or their progenies.

On the variation of the progenies, the progenies materials had a trend that is different from female parent greatly, but similar to male parent.
从后代变异方面看,子代材料大多表现出与母本差异较大,而与父本类似的趋势。 fabiao

Overall, a relatively high level of genetic diversity was found in the progenies of the 14 mating combinations in Liriodendron.
结果表明,总体上,鹅掌楸交配子代群体具有较高的遗传多样性。 chinagene

Paper introduces the research background and significance, annotates the research progenies home and overseas and introduces the research content and thoughts.
介绍论文的研究背景与意义,评述国内外研究成果,介绍论文的研究内容与思路。 fabiao

Preliminary results indicated that the stilbene synthase gene could enhance the resistance of transgenic plants and their progenies to both pathogens.
初步结果表明,芪类合成酶基因可以提高转基因植株及后代的抗性。 cnki

Tazhong low uplift with abundant resources in Tarim Basin is a remnant Paleozoic uplift formed during late Caledonian and early Hercynian progenies.
塔里木盆地塔中低凸起是形成于晚加里东—早海西期的下古生界残余古隆起,具有丰富的油气资源。 cnki

The results showed that the effects of the amylose content selection on cooking and eating quality properties and yield traits in cross progenies varied with crosses and traits.
结果表明,籽粒直链淀粉含量选择对杂种后代蒸煮食味品质和产量相关性状有不同程度的影响,其影响程度因杂交组合及性状不同而异; ricesci

The esterase isozyme polymorphism among the parent isolates132 and135 and their progenies were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE.
利用非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术,对亲本和部分后代菌株进行酯酶同工酶多态性分析。 cnki

The preliminary judging for the morphological detection of hybrids showed that all progenies of hybrid had the genetic materials from Thinopyrum.
实验对杂交后代进行形态学检测,从主要的形态学特点初步判断后代中均具有中间偃麦草的遗传物质。 fabiao

Then, we used RAPD to detect all progenies, in which contained the DNA sequence of Thinopyrum intermedium.
然后通过 RAPD分子检测确定后代中含有天蓝偃麦草染色体组的 DNA序列。 fabiao

These studies indicate that individual bacteria and their progenies cleverly escape from host cells and distribute to new sites of the body, continuously staying one step ahead of the immune response.
这项研究表明单一细菌和它的后代很精明的逃出宿主细胞并播散到体内新的部位,一贯走在免疫反应之前。 dxy

They were most likely spermatogonial stem cells and their first several progenies according to the biological characteristics of spermatogonial stem cells.

Those progenies had fine growth and development and good acceptability to alpine-cold area of Qinghai province.
胚胎移植后代牛的生长发育良好,在青海高寒地区具有良好的适应性。 cnki




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