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词汇 profited
释义 prof·it·ed 英'prɒfɪt美'prɑːfɪt COCA³⁹¹⁶⁰BNC³⁸⁶⁰³Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺

money gained by trade or business


advantage gained from some action

vt. & vi. 获利; 得益于

gain profit from〔by〕

the excess of revenues over outlays in a given period of time including depreciation and other non-cash expensesthe advantageous quality of being beneficial
derive a benefit from;

She profited from his vast experience

make a profit; gain money or materially;

The company has not profited from the merger

profit, advantage, benefit, interest




profit, benefit















用作名词 n.
动词+~allot〔divide〕 a profit分配利润bring a profit to给…带来好处earn〔gain, get, obtain〕 a profit获得利润increase a profit增加利润形容词+~abnormal〔excess〕 profit超额利润actual〔bare〕 profit实际〔微小〕的利润average profit平均利润big〔enormous, fat, great, immense〕 profit巨额利润extra〔legitimate〕 profit额外〔合法〕利润gross profit利润总额negative profit亏损respectable profit相当多的利润名词+~book profit账面利润介词+~for profit为了利润amount of profit利润额to one's profit为了个人的利益transaction without profit无利的交易~+介词profit by state-owned enterprises国有企业利润profit for the term本期利润profit from〔in〕 business商业利润profit of labor劳动收益profit on capital资本利润profit over cost扣除成本后的利润profit to the seller卖方利润用作动词 v.~+副词profit enormously巨额利润profit greatly获益匪浅profit handsomely丰厚利润profit liberally利润很大~+介词profit by one's experiences吸取以往的教训profit by one's mistakes从错误中受益profit from one's advice从某人的建议中获益profit from changes in prices从物价变动中获利profit from one's investments从投资中获利profit from the sale of sth因卖某物而获利
profit by〔from〕 v.+prep.

得益于 benefit from or be helped by sth

profit by〔from〕 sth/v-ingA wise man profits by his mistakes.聪明人会从自己的错误中受益。
He obviously hasn't profited by his experiences.他显然没有吸取以往的教训。
A lucky group of students will profit by an exchange visit overseas.一批幸运的学生将出国进行交流访问,他们将从中受益。
He profited by this time to look at the paintings.他利用这个时间看看画。
They profited by putting their money in his business.他们通过向他的企业投资而获利。
He profited greatly from his three years in college.大学三年获益匪浅。
I have profited from your advice.你的建议对我很有好处。
He hoped to profit from his investments.他希望从投资中获利。
She will never be a professional musician, but I'm sure that she has profited from her lessons.她永远不会成为一名职业音乐家,然而我敢肯定她从音乐课中学到很多东西。
You could profit from listening to a wise man.智者一席话,使人受益大。近义词 gainbenefitinterest
反义词 lose丢失break even不赔不赚
用作名词n.It's profit you're after.这是你所追求的利润。
They participate in the profits.他们分享利润。
There is soon an excess of commodities; they can't be sold at a profit.商品很快就过剩了,要不赔钱卖掉这些商品是不可能的。
What's the profit of doing that?做那件事有什么好处呢?用作动词v.≪用作及物动词
S+~+ n./pron.Taking these courses profited him.选修这些课程对他有好处。
You will be profited if you follow my advice.照我的忠告去做,你会受益的。
What is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?假使一个人获得了整个世界而失去了自己的灵魂,这对他又有何意义呢?
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.It will profit you nothing to do that.你那样做一点好处都没有。


profit是及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,还可接双宾语。可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词,常与介词by, from等连用。

profit表示“利益”时,只有单数形式,前不可加a。而表示“利润”时,可同时有单复数形式。We hoped to sell the goods at a profit.我们希望卖掉这些产品能有所收益.

Part of the profits were devoted to charity.利润的一部分捐给了慈善会。

profits tax可表示为“所得税”;

表示“利用,得益于”可用profit from,profit by和profit of三种表达方式,第一种是最常用的,且一般出现在动名词前。

He profited from/by/of) this time to look at the paintings.He profited from looking at the paintings.
用作名词There is very littleprofitin selling newspapers at present.现在卖报纸利润很少。
I want to know the netprofit.我想知道净收益。
It is well known that fake and inferior commodities do harm to theprofitof consumers.众所周知,假冒伪劣商品损害了消费者的利益。用作不及物动词Weprofitfrom the work of the specialist.我们从专家的工作中得到益处。
He learned toprofitby his mistakes.他学会了从自己的错误中获益。
Knowing what you know andprofitfrom it.知道自己知道什么,并从中获利。用作及物动词All his wealth did notprofithim.他所有的财富于他无益。 In the 1990s the Royal Mail was a model modern post office. French and German postal executives used to visit and learn, and it profited from selling its know-how around the world.
20世纪90年代的皇家邮政曾是现代邮电业的典范,吸引了法、德两国的邮电主管来访问学习,又向全世界销售其经营诀窍并从中获利。 ecocn

The generation of modern constitutionality has profited from the publicizing of humanism or humanitarianism.
而近代法治的生成又得力于人文主义、人本主义或人道主义的张扬。 cnki

The root cause of North Korea's economic difficulties is its isolation from the forces of globalisation, from which east Asia in particular has profited.
朝鲜经济陷入困境的根本原因是它在全球化力量中的孤立隔绝,而东亚在全球化进程中尤其受益良多。 yeeyan

“ This woman, who died penniless, in a sanitarium in a state of dementia, was a woman who could have profited from Mother's Day if she wanted to,” Antolini said.
“这个女人,逝得一文不名,在疗养院里已是痴呆,如果她想的话她可以从母亲节中获益,” Antolini说。 yeeyan

Andy Carroll pulled one back before half-time and Agger profited from slack marking in the closing minutes to score twice.
在终场结束前卡罗尔扳回一球,然后五阿哥获益于对方的松懈在临近终场时打进两球。 zhibo8

Baidu, China’s leading internet- search company, profited hugely in the past from being a conduit for pirated Western entertainment.
百度是中国互联网搜索领域的老大,从充当获取盗版产品渠道的过程中获利丰厚。 yeeyan

Companies, especially Affymetrix, profited from churning out chips that could probe larger and more comprehensive sets of genes.
尤其是像 Affymetrix这样的企业更是因为制造适应更长更普遍的 DNA的芯片获利非浅。 ecocn

Galatians1:14 And profited in the Jews' religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers.
加1:14我又在犹太教中,比我本国许多同岁的人更有长进,为我祖宗的遗传更加热心。 cardiffccc

He profited greatly from his three years at university.
他在上大学的三年中受益匪浅。 hotdic

Here both urban and rural areas have greatly profited from the recent economic reforms.

I smell trouble for the executives who have profited illegally.
我想那些非法牟利的主管有麻烦了。 wwenglish

In recent years, however, millions of farmers have lost all their land to relentless urban expansion local governments have profited massively from selling appropriated rural land to developers.
然而最近这几年来,随着无休止的城市扩张,数百万的农民已经失去了土地地方政府则从倒卖土地给开发商的过程里获利不菲。 yeeyan

In these conditions, the banks have so far profited handsomely from ratcheting up their own risk- taking.
在这种情况下,投行目前为止已从改善自身的风险行为中获益颇丰。 ecocn

It profited him nothing.
此事对他毫无益处。 hotdic

Others carp that Mr Clegg should have profited more from the anti- politics mood provoked by last year's parliamentary- expenses scandal.
也有人说,从去的议会开支丑闻上,克莱格应该得到更多的选票才对。 ecocn

The opposition Socialists, who teamed up with other leftist parties and the Greens, have greatly profited from the government's unpopularity. Nearly all of France is in their control.
反对派社会党与其他左翼党派以及绿党联盟,他们从政府的威望下跌中获益良多。 ebigear

The kind of regulatory and tax arbitrage that small countries once profited from is now subject to an international crackdown.
曾经让小国获利的那种监管和税收套利操作,现在面临国际打击。 iciba

Then, once the trade lanes reopened with the coming of peace, even those who profited from the war were stung by the tide of imports that swept into American ports and sharply lowered prices.
之后,随着战争的结束,贸易通道重新开放,即使那些在战争中赚了一笔的人都为潮水般地涌入美国港口并引起行情骤降的进口商品而痛心疾首。 hicoo

These departments may collect fees from the units and individuals profited by the use of such waters and devote the money thus collected to the increase and protection of fishery resources.
县级以上人民政府渔业行政主管部门可以向受益的单位和个人征收渔业资源增殖保护费,专门用于增殖和保护渔业资源。 putclub

They took something from me without asking and without acknowledgment, and they profited— if only in the currency of academic reputation— from work that I had done and signed.
他们未经询问和认可就从我这拿走了东西,并且还用这些东西盈利如果只是得到学术荣誉那就罢了。 yeeyan

Would they have us wait merely that we may show to all the world how little we have profited by our own recent experience?
难道他们让我们等待只是为了向全世界表明我们从自己最近的经验中得益甚微吗? for68




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