

单词 profiled
释义 pro·file·d 英'prəʊfaɪl美'proʊfaɪl 高COCA³³⁵⁴⁵BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰iWeb³⁵²³⁷

side view, especially of the human face


edge or outline of sth seen against a background


brief biography of sb or description of sth in a newspaper article, broadcast programme, etc.

an analysis often in graphical form representing the extent to which something exhibits various characteristics;

a biochemical profile of blood

a psychological profile of serial killers

an outline of something especially a human face as seen from one sidebiographical sketchdegree of exposure to public notice;

that candidate does not have sufficient visibility to win an election

a vertical section of the Earth's crust showing the different horizons or layers
write about;

The author of this article profiles a famous painter

represent in profile, by drawing or painting直接源自意大利语的profilo,意为画轮廓
用作名词 n.
形容词+~handsome profile漂亮的侧面轮廓~+介词the profile of a tower塔的轮廓the profile of industry工业概况
近义词 shape形状sketch速写report报告sum up总结outline大纲contour周线summary摘要describe描述portrait肖像synopsis摘要summarize概述side view侧景silhouette影子rundown扼要报告mug shot面部照片visibility能见度
用作名词n.He drew her profile.他给她画侧面像。
We could see the profile of a distant hill if it is very clear.如果天气晴朗,我们可看到远山的轮廓。
Let's see our sales profile of this month.让我们看看这个月的销售图表。
The newspaper publishes a profile of a leading sportsman every week.该报每周刊登一篇关于一个优秀运动员的简介。
He sat in profile to me.他侧面朝我坐着。
She attempted to see herself in profile with the aid of her mirror.她想用小镜子看看自己的侧影。
用作名词I photographed him inprofile.我从侧面给他拍照。
She is prettier inprofilethan at full face.她的侧面比正面好看。
We could see theprofileof a distant hill if it is very clear.如果天气晴朗, 我们可看到远山的轮廓。
The deal will certainly raise the company's internationalprofile.这宗交易肯定会提高这家公司的国际形象。
However, ERP'sprofileis rapidly rising, making it one of the hottest IS categories.然而,ERP的形象在迅速上升,使之成为最热门的信息系统之一。
The government is trying to keep a lowprofileon this issue.政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。
My boss asked me to write aprofilefor the new tennis champion.我上司让我给这位新网球冠军写篇小传。
The newspaper publishes aprofileof a leading sportsman every week.该报每周刊登一篇关於一个优秀运动员的简介。用作动词The huge trees wereprofiledagainst the night sky.在夜空的映衬下显出大树的轮廓。
She has tried toprofilea man typical of New York.她试图扼要描写一个典型的纽约人。as in.outlined
同义词 charted,diagramed,epitomized,generalized,graphed,mapped,summarized
outlinedadjective given in summary
charteddiagramed,epitomized,generalized,graphed,mapped,summarized Given that he’s become something of a cryptography celebrity in the past year e.g. he’s been profiled in Forbes magazine, one would have to think his application will get a thorough read.
于去年他已经成为某种程度上的密码学名人比如,他已经登上了福布斯杂志,人们不由地会想,他的申请将会得到重视。 yeeyan

African leaders and scientists profiled the ideal vaccine, right down to the price.
非洲领导人和科学家描述了理想疫苗的特征和价格。 who

Aside from the overall numbers, we know that the vast majority of Libyan fighters profiled in the documents hailed from northeastern Libya, where today's rebellion is centered.
除了所有的数字以外,我们得知文件中描绘的绝大多数利比亚战士来自利比亚东北部,今天这里是反动派的中心。 yeeyan

Bring the profiled user model closer to an enterprise user by increasing the variety of features and usage patterns.
通过增加特性和使用模式的多样性,让描绘的用户模型更接近企业用户。 ibm

Coming up in part Two: I will review some of the most interesting people profiled in the column and distill leadership lessons that I hope you will carry with you over time.
接下来第二部分中:我将回顾在专栏中介绍过的最为有趣的人们,并且浓缩领导经验,希望它们能一直伴你身旁。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

If they find a partial match, they can zero in on relatives of the profiled person as possible suspects.
如果他们找到部分相配基因,那他们就能集中力量于录入基因档案的犯罪嫌疑人的亲属身上。 yeeyan

If you haven't been following, the other countries I've profiled so far have been Germany, Holland, Poland, Korea, United Kingdom, Russia and Spain.
不知你是否接触过这一系列,我迄今对以下国家的网络应用情况进行了简述,如德国,荷兰,波兰,韩国,英国,俄罗斯和西班牙。 yeeyan

If you already know about the person being profiled, you're annoyed by how much is distorted and omitted.
如果你对于主人公已经有所了解,你会对影片中省略或篡改的部份感到恼怒。 ecocn

Indignation runs high when a celebrity professor succumbs to racial profiling, but whole communities are effectively“ profiled” for the suspicious combination of being both dark- skinned and poor.
当知名教授认同种族定性时,人们的愤怒就变得高涨,但实际上整个社会已经对这种可疑的深肤色与贫穷的结合定性了。 yeeyan

Instead all relevant data can be transferred from the profiled database and the tool can run connected to a different database, such as a development environment, using the imported data.
而是可以将所有相关数据从该数据库中转移出来,该工具可以连接到另一个数据库例如开发环境运行,使用导入的数据。 ibm

Many of the companies they profiled performed badly in subsequent years and the book has been heavily criticised since it came out in 1982.
书中介绍的很多公司在随后的几年里经营情况恶化,因此该书在1982年出版后遭到猛烈的批评。 ecocn

Nutrition, previously profiled as a main pillar of primary health care, has been notoriously and dangerously neglected in recent years.
曾被作为初级卫生保健中流砥柱的营养工作在近些年遭到无情和危险的忽视。 who

Obviously, the more individuals profiled in the database, the more likely a crime-scene sample can be identified, hence the president’s enthusiasm to expand the nationwide repository.
很明显,越多的个人信息存到数据库中,从犯罪现场提取的样本就越容易被检测出来。因此总统热衷于扩大全国范围的基因储存库。 yeeyan

One of its main features is dynamic presentation: Content displayed on a Web page will change depending on how objects are profiled and on different parameters.
它的一个主要特点是动态表示:网页显示的内容随观察对象的角度和参数的不同而有所不同。 ibm

Properties of application objects can be profiled, used in visibility rules, or used as a value to match against in a selection rule.
应用程序对象的属性可以进行配置,可以在可见性规则中使用,或在选择规则中用作需要进行匹配的值。 ibm

State media in February profiled a family that had to pay an extra400 yuan, a third of their monthly salary, to get home.
二月份官方媒体报导过有一家人不得不额外花费占他们月工资三分之一多的400元来购得回家的车票。 yeeyan

The women profiled in the piece made their decisions for very different reasons.
本文提到的妇女因为不同的原因做了这样的决定。 yeeyan

Unless the person being psychologically profiled wants to shirk criminal responsibility or can see themselves as a danger to themselves or others, it makes sense to want to establish“ normality”.
除非接受心理测试者试图逃避刑事责任,或是设想自己于己于人会构成危险,否则证实自己“常态”的想法还是情有可原的。 yeeyan

Profiled elements should be selected at the global level, and their selection depends on the current profiling goal.
所分析的元素应当是在全局范围内选取的,并且它们的选取取决于当前分析目标。 ibm




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