

单词 profanity
释义 pro·fan·i·ty 英prəʊˈfænɪtiː, prə-美proˈfænɪti, prə-AHDprō-fănʹĭ-tē, prə- ☆☆☆☆☆高SCOCA²³⁵⁹⁶BNC⁶¹⁰⁰³iWeb¹⁸⁶⁷⁷

vulgar or irreverent speech or action来自profane,亵渎。钱博士profane亵渎的,不敬神的+ity抽象名词后缀,表性质和状态→亵渎,不敬神⇒转作具体名词亵渎神灵的行为和言语
profane亵渎的,不敬神的+ity抽象名词后缀,表性质和状态→亵渎,不敬神⇒转作具体名词亵渎神灵的行为和言语。近义词 oath誓言curse诅咒cursing咒骂swearing发誓vulgarity粗俗expletive填补的blasphemy亵渎神明sacrilege亵渎圣物swearword极不恭敬的话…

用作名词Their conversation was full ofprofanity.他们的谈话亵渎神圣。
He uttered a stream ofprofanities.他说出了一连串不敬的话。noun.foul language
同义词 four-letter word,obscenity,swearingabuse,blasphemy,curse,cuss,execration,impiety,imprecation,irreverence,malediction,profaneness,sacrilege,swearword,taboocursing,cuss word,dirty language,dirty name,dirty word,no-no
反义词 piety,praise,respect,reverence,clean language
bawdinessnoun obscenity
bawdrynoun obscenity
blasphemynoun irreverence
cursenoun hateful, swearing remark
anathema,ban,baneblasphemingblasphemy,commination,cursing,cuss word,cussing,damning,denunciation,dirty name,dirty word,double whammy,execration,expletive,four-letter word,fulmination,imprecation,malediction,malison,naughty words,no-no,oath,objuration,obloquy,obscenity,profanation,profanity,sacrilege,swear word,swearing,vilification,whammy
dirtinessnoun obscenity
dirty wordnoun indecent or vulgar word
bad word,curse,cuss,cuss word,dirty name,expletive,foul invective,four-letter word,naughty word,oath,obscenity,profane oath,profanity,swear word,vulgarity After emigrating to the United States in1974 Mr Limonov, now64, became notorious for a profanity-strewn novel describing the louche life of anémigré in New York.
现年64岁的雷蒙诺夫于1974年移民美国,著有一本充满亵渎的小说,描写的是一个生活在纽约的流亡者的放荡生活,这使他的名声十分不堪。 ecocn

Another reason for this profanity-ridden convention is the influence of the authorities.
这种言语亵渎展览大会其来有自,来自当局的影响。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

It includes under- age drinking, sexual situations and profanity.
片中有人物未到年龄喝酒、性场景和亵渎言语等。 yeeyan

It supports regular expressions, has a built in profanity filter, and lets you upload your OPML file for easy importing of your RSS feeds it can also export to OPML.
支持常规表达,内嵌不雅语言过滤器;支持OPML文件上传,可轻松导入 RSS种子,或输出 OPML文件。 yeeyan

One in10 of the225 employers surveyed thought profanity can boost office morale, and a similar number said they actually swear more often at the office than outside it.
在参与调查的225名雇主中,有一成认为说粗话有助于提升员工士气,相似比例的雇主称自己在办公室里确实比在其他地方说的粗话更多。 iciba

The problem is that when profanity is overused, it makes many people uncomfortable.
问题是,这种猥亵语如果过度使用,会让很多人感到不舒服。 yeeyan

There are no rules for the photo, except that you must be in it, and your question cannot include profanity.
照片内容不作任何限制,但是照片中必须有你的身影,并且你的问题不能包含任何亵渎的成分。 yeeyan

These categories are based on whether or not apps contain profanity, sexual content, and violence, for example.
分类标准为是否含有暴力、色情、侮辱性内容。 yeeyan

“ Truly wow, ” said Ms. Leo, before beginning a rambling and emotional speech that contained profanity.
在还没开始她有些不敬的散漫而又激情的获奖感言前,里昂夫人说:“真是没想到。” yeeyan

A new study by the Parents Television Council PTC shows that profanity on primetime television is continuing to increase.
一项来自父母电视委员会的 PTC的研究显示黄金时段电视节目中的脏话正在越来越多。 yeeyan

Be friendly to each other. Profanity and insults will not be tolerated.
大家要友好相处。侮辱和亵渎是不能容忍的。 jukuu

By far the most incidents involved profanity, discriminatory language, sexually suggestive material and depictions of drunkenness. Most resulted in informal warnings.
到目前为止,大多数的事件涉及的亵渎,歧视性语言,发情药和醉酒等。大多数人都被非正式警告。 dxy

Do not use profanity.
不可用亵渎的语言。 yeeyan

GoPetition also offers filtering options such as the ability to filter profanity and duplicate signatures as well as SEO capabilities.
去请愿同样提供过滤掉亵渎和重复签名诸如搜索引擎优化功能来过滤选项。 yeeyan

I could tell she hastily wrote it in a state of desperation, since it’s filled with misspellings, flighty run-on sentences, and profanity.
我看得出来,她是在一种绝望的状态下匆匆写下这封邮件的,因为邮件里面有很多的拼写错误,随意的断句,甚至一些不太尊敬的语言。 yeeyan

Or, say your company wants to design products that will help parents keep their children from reading profanity on the Internet.
或者说,你的公司想要设计一个能够帮助他们的用户一些家长监管他们的孩子在互联网上阅读黄色的信息的产品。 cnblogs

Remember, there is nothing funnier on earth than an old man who likes profanity.
要知道,在这世界上再没有比这样一位不满上帝的老头更有趣的存在了。 yeeyan

Search for unique profanity, sex terms and ridiculously long words here.
搜索亵渎、性有关词汇,以及长得出奇的单词; yeeyan

They are a set of rules against murder, stealing, cheating, adultery and profanity.
他们是一系列与谋杀、偷盗、欺骗、通奸和亵渎相悖的规则。 unsv

To begin with, it’s a profanity of language.
首先,这是对语言的亵渎。 yeeyan

User reviews and comments that include profanity or personal attacks or other inappropriate comments or material will be removed from the site.
用户的评论和注解中包含亵渎神灵、个人攻击、其它不适当的注解或材料都会被从网站上删除。 cadjy

Workplace profanity is offensive and unprofessional, say three-quarters of small business employers, and nearly half say it can border on harassment.
有四分之三的小企业主称,在工作场合说粗话对同事不敬,也很不专业,近半数业主声称这近乎于骚扰。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Yehuda Baruch, a professor of management at the University of East Anglia, and graduate Stuart Jenkins studied the use of profanity in the workplace and assessed its implications for managers.
东安格利亚大学的管理学教授耶胡达•巴鲁克和研究生斯图亚特•詹金斯共同研究了工作场合的“爆粗”现象,并就管理者应如何处理这一问题提出了建议。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

You no longer spout profanity when talking about sitting while drunk.
当你喝醉坐下说话的时候将不能口出秽言。 iciba




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