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pro·fess 英prəˈfes, prəʊ-美prəˈfɛs, pro-AHDprə-fĕsʹ, prō- ★☆☆☆☆高IT6八GCOCA¹⁵⁸⁴⁴BNC³⁷²¹⁸iWeb¹²⁷⁶⁰Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺⁴ 基本双解英英词源搭配记法近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus例句 v. 声称⁷²; 冒称⁷; 以…为业⁷; 正式接受入教⁷; 表明信仰⁷副词professedly过去分词professed现在分词professing三单professes 揭示
v.动词 vt. 声称; 公开表明claim sth, often falsely; state openly Verb: practice as a profession, teach, or claim to be knowledgeable about;She professes organic chemistry confess one's faith in, or allegiance to;The terrorists professed allegiance to their country he professes to be a Communist admit to a wrongdoing;She confessed that she had taken the money state freely;The teacher professed that he was not generous when it came to giving good grades receive into a religious order or congregationtake vows, as in religious order;she professed herself as a nun state insincerely;He professed innocence but later admitted his guilt She pretended not to have known the suicide bomber She pretends to be an expert on wine 在中世纪时,每个比较正式的行业都有自己的行业公会。新人要想从事某个行业,必须向相应的行业公会发起申请,由其审核从业资格。如果合格,行业公会就会发布通告,公开宣布某人成为该行业从业人员。 用作动词 v. ~+名词profess one's faith表明宗教信仰profess a gaiety显示出快乐profess Islam表白信仰伊斯兰教profess modern languages打算教授现代语profess total ignorance自称一无所知~+副词profess boldly冒失地声称profess gaily愉快地显示profess shamelessly无耻地自称profess vainly含糊地表白 钱博士pro向前,向外+fess宣布→公开宣布,承认⇒正式准予加入 词根fess-承认,宣布来自拉丁语,派生自动词词根fa-说的过去分词形式,本意就是“已经说出来”。 词源解释在中世纪时,每个比较正式的行业都有自己的行业公会。新人要想从事某个行业,必须向相应的行业公会发起申请,由其审核从业资格。如果合格,行业公会就会发布通告,公开宣布某人成为该行业从业人员。方振宇词汇奥秘比较记忆professedadj.公开表明的professedlyadv.公然表明地pro向前,向外+fess宣布→公开宣布,承认⇒正式准予加入。词根记忆pro赞同+fess说→表示赞同的说法→承认联想记忆由教授professor反推profess词根记忆pro+fess说=在前面说坦白近义词 say说air空气claim要求admit承认own自己的agree同意allow允许allege断言confess承认contend竞争testify作证pretend假装concede承认maintain维持recognize承认acknowledge承认own up坦白地承认反义词 suppress镇压 用作动词v. 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.He professed his belief in her innocence.他宣称他相信她是无罪的。 He professed his dislike of music.他声言不喜欢音乐。 She professed total ignorance of the matter.她自称对那事一无所知。 He professed Islam.他表白信仰伊斯兰教。 They professed optimism about the outcome.他们对结果表示乐观。 She is going to profess modern languages.她打算教授现代语。 Her manner professed a gaiety that she did not feel.她的神态显出一种她并未实际感受到的快乐。 He professed himself with the price he'd got for his boat, though secretly he was very satisfied.尽管他暗自很满意船的卖价,但他表面上假装不满意。S+~+to- vThey have become what they profess to scorn.他们成了自己曾声称看不起的那种人。 I don't profess to know anything about poetry.我不认为对诗有什么了解。S+~+that-clauseHe professed that he knew nothing about the plot.他声称对该阴谋毫不知情。 I profess that I was surprised at the news.我承认这个消息使我感到惊奇。 She professed that she could do nothing unaided.她承认自己不能独立无助地做任何事。 I profess that the idea is new to me.我承认这个概念对我而言是新颖的。 用作宾补动词 S+~+ n./pron. +to be n./adj./v -edI don't profess myself to be an expert on that subject.我不自认为是那个问题的专家。 He professes himself to be sad but doesn't look it.他自称感到悲伤,但外表却看不出来。 He professed himself a lover of music.他声称自己是个音乐爱好者。 He professed himself unable to explain it.他承认自己不能解释它。 He professed himself convinced.他承认被说服了。 He professed himself satisfied with the progress made.他表明自己对所取得的进步感到满意。Pprofessorn.教授Pprofessedlyad.明言地Pprofessorshipn.教授之职Pprofessionn.职业表白声明Punprofesseda.不公开宣称的Pprofessionlessa.没有职业的Pprofessoraila.教授的教授似的Pprofessoriaten.全体教授教授职位Pnonprofessionala.无职业的无专长的Pprofessionalizevt.vi.职业化专业化Pprofessoriala.教授的教授似的庄重的Pprofesseda.明言的专职的宣誓后入教的Pprofessionaln.专业人才a.专业的职业的Pprofessoraten.教授职务教授任期教授地位Pnon-professional非专业性的与专门工作无关系的Psemiprofessionala.半职业性的n.半职业性运动员Pparaprofessionaln.专业人员的助手a.专业人员的助手的Pprofessionalismn.职业特性专业技巧职业行为职业作风专业人员的特质职业化Punprofessionala.违反行业习惯的违反行业道德的不合行规的非职业性的外行的
profess的基本意思是“声称”,指在有反对意见的情况下明确陈述,本词的特征在于是区别于官方声明declare的个人陈述。profess有时含有所谓的或不真实的意味。 profess是及物动词,可接抽象名词、动词不定式、that从句作宾语,还可接以to be+ n./adj./v -ed充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。 动词99%,名词1% 用作动词They have become what theyprofessto scorn.他们成了自己曾声称看不起的那种人。 Those who today pretend to be Christ's followers hypocriticallyprofessto carry out those teachings now.今天那些冒牌的基督教徒假惺惺地声称他们现在要实行这些教导。verb.declare, assert 同义词 acknowledge,admit,affirm,avow,confess,feign,pretend,proclaim,stumpallege,announce,asseverate,aver,avouch,certify,claim,confirm,croon,depose,dissemble,fake,maintain,own,predicate,purport,sing,spiel,spout,state,vouchact as if,blow hot air,come out,constate,cross heart,get off chest,get on soapbox,make out,open up,own up,say so,soapbox,swear on bible,swear up and down,talk big 反义词 conceal,deny,disavow,disown,dispute,hide,refuse,renounce,repudiate,be quiet,contradict,invalidate,question,reject acknowledgeverb admit truth or reality of something accede,accept,acquiesce,allow,avow,come clean,come out of closet,concede,confess,cop a plea,crack,declare,fess up,get off chest,grant,let on,open up,own,recognize,yield acknowledgesverb admit truth or reality of something accedes,accepts,acquiesces,allows,avows,comes clean,comes out of closet,concedes,confesses,cops a plea,cracks,declares,fesses up,gets off chest,grants,lets on,opens up,owns,professes,recognizes,yields admitverb confess, acknowledge accept,accord,acquiesce,adopt,affirm,agree,allow,approve,avow,bare,bring to light,communicate,concede,concur,confide,confirm,consent,cop a plea,credit,declare,disclose,divulge,enumerate,expose,go into details,grant,indicate,let,let on,make known,narrate,number,open up,own,own up,permit,proclaim,profess,recite,recognize,relate,reveal,spill,subscribe to,talk,tell,tolerate,uncover,unveil,yield admitsverb confess, acknowledge accepts,blesses,buys,concedes,enters,entertains,gives access,gives the nod,gives thumbs up,grants,harbors,houses,initiates,introduces,is big on,lets,lets in,lodges,o.k.'s,permits,receives,shelters,signs,signs off on,suffers,takes,takes in affirmverb declare the truth of something assert,asseverate,attest,aver,avouch,avow,certify,cinch,clinch,confirm,cross heart,declare,guarantee,have a lock on,ice,insist,lock up,maintain,nail down,okay,predicate,profess,pronounce,put on ice,ratify,repeat,rubber-stamp,say so,set,state,swear,swear on bible,swear up and down,testify,vouch,witness affirmsverb declare the truth of something asserts,asseverates,attests,avers,avouches,avows,certifies,cinches,clinches,confirms,crosses heart,declares,guarantees,has a lock on,ices,insists,locks up,maintains,nails down,o.k.'s,predicates,professes,pronounces,puts on ice,ratifies,repeats,rubber-stamps,says so,sets,states,swears,swears on bible,swears up and down,testifies,vouches,witnesses And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. 我就明明的告诉他们说,我从来不认识你们,你们这些作恶的人,离开我去吧。 yeeyan Isn't it strange, Republicans retort, that people like Mr Waxman, who profess to care about working Americans, cheer on bureaucrats determined to smother business and destroy jobs? 共和党则声称,像 Mr Waxman这样宣称关心美国人就业问题却为誓要抑制美国企业成长减少就业的官僚们呐喊助威。 ecocn There’s no greater threat to religious people than to profess your desire to think for yourself. 对于教徒来说最大的威胁莫过于声称你想要自己思考。 yeeyan “ The little baggage had witchcraft in her, I profess, ” said he to Mr. Dimmesdale. “这小姑娘准是有魔法附体,我敢说,”他对丁梅斯代尔先生说。 hjenglish An estimated14% of Americans profess to have no religion, and among18-to-25-year-olds, the proportion rises to20%, according to the Institute for Humanist Studies. 根据一份人文主义者机构的研究表明,大约有14%的美国人自称不信教,在18—25岁的年轻人中,这个比例要上升至20%。 yeeyan And though they profess to limit their jihad to the enemy outside, their most violent acts have been against other Gazans. 尽管他们声称杰哈德攻击目标一致对外,但是他们针对另一些加沙人的最猛烈的暴力行为也时有发生。 ecocn As much as I profess to being a writer, there are no words, no means of expression to convey my thanks to the hundreds of people that helped me. 我差不多公开宣称是一名作家,但没有什么言语、没有什么表现手段能够表达我对数以百计帮助我的人的感谢。 yeeyan As a group, Tea Partiers profess an almost single- minded determination to cut government spending and limit taxation. 作为一个整体,“茶党运动”的成员宣称他们一心追求削减政府开支和限制税收的理念。 tingvoa But that makes it sound remarkably like a credit- default swap CDS, an instrument European politicians profess to hate. 但是,这样的话听起来很像信用违约互换 CDS—欧洲政治家公开表明憎恶的产品。 ecocn He concluded ruefully that it was“ arrogant and rash” to profess virtues that you cannot live up to, and retreated into indolent seclusion. 他懊悔地总结道,宣称自己信奉不能修行到的美德是非常“自傲和轻率的”。最终,他选择隐居,不理世事。 ecocn I profess myself the weak and bumble servant of God, to whom I address my prayers and look for victory and triumph, and whom I adore. 我对那些我祈祷和崇拜的人,自称是上帝面前软弱且犯过错的仆人,追寻着胜利和成功。 putclub In shops in Homs, some profess to prefer stability to reform, anxiously pointing to Iraq and Lebanon as examples of what can go wrong. 在霍姆斯的商场中,有人自称相对于改革更喜欢稳定,他们忧心仲仲地搬出伊拉克和黎巴嫩来举例说明改革可能是错误的。 ecocn In the U.S., people jump on the phone and profess to know each other after15 minutes. 在美国,人们拿起电话,聊上15分钟后就会自称了解对方。 fortunechina It is a commonplace to compare philosophical theories and the behavior of those who profess them. 比较哲学理论和信仰哲学的人们的行为的话,你会发现这一点司空见惯。 yeeyan It is what you profess. Well, the thesis is also, another way to think of it, an answer to a question. 它就是你要表达的东西,这个论文也是,另一种思考它的方式,关于一个问题的答案。163 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 也要坚守我们所承认的指望、不至摇动。因为那应许我们的是信实的。 yeeyan Most Chinese profess contempt for “ little Japan”, and young people with no experience of the war often jeer more stridently than their parents. 大部分中国人表示鄙视“小日本”,而那些从未经历战争的年轻人通常比他们的父母更为慷慨激昂。 ecocn Operators profess admiration for Chou's hands-on approach. 运营商公开表示欣赏周的事必躬亲的态度。 yeeyan Or we can act like the great nation that we profess to be and tend zealously to our own problems rather than looking abroad for dragons to slay. 或许我们该像大国一样做出表示,我们公开承认并积极解决我们的问题而不是把矛头指向海外的中国。 yeeyan The country is administered by faceless bureaucrats who profess adherence to a revolutionary ideology, but look out only for themselves, and no longer believe in anything. 这个国家现在是被长着同样面孔的官僚们管理着,他们还假装信奉着那个革命的意识形态,但实际上只在乎他们自己,其它的什么都不再相信。 yeeyan There is only one philosophy, one ideology, one quasi- religion that people are free to profess and to propagate. 只有一种哲学,一种思想体系,一种准宗教可供人们自由地信仰和传播。 yeeyan They profess to have the same values, but the outcome of the execution, implementation of their values is the Iraq War and the mess and the whole mess that we find ourselves in today. 他们公开宣称具有同样的价值观,但他们的价值付诸实施的结果是,是伊拉克战争,是一团糟,我们现在正身处其中。163 What politician doesn’t these days profess concern about the sharp elbows of American capitalism? 这段时间又有哪位政客表示不担心美国资本主义的强硬干涉呢? ecocn Whether for this reason or from conviction, most profess themselves unfazed by the prospect of a failure to raise the debt ceiling. 不只是不是因为这个原因,抑或是因为信念,大多数竞选人都公开表示,面对抬高债务上限的失败前景,自己很淡定。 ecocn While Inglehart does not profess to know the true secrets of happiness, he says that this most recent study has made the picture a bit clearer. 尽管英格勒哈特 Inglehart声称并不清楚人们感到幸福的真实秘密,他还是表示这一最新研究使得情况比较清楚了一些。 yeeyan Yet both parties profess to believe that the tax code should be simplified and the base broadened, chiefly by eliminating most loopholes. 双方党派都公开表示应该主要通过消除漏洞来简化税收制度,扩宽基础。 ecocn |