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词汇 autobots
释义 autobotsCOCA²⁴³¹⁰⁷
For the last two years, an advance team of new Autobots has taken refuge here under my command. Arcees, get ready to launch.
过去的两年,一支由汽车人组成的先遣部队。在我的指挥下,寄居地球。阿尔茜,准备行动。 cnr

In one future you awaken and become the great leader of the Autobots.
未来的一天,你将苏醒成为汽车人的伟大领袖。 yoho

Paint scarred and chrome chipped by shrapnel from a hundred battles, he is the oldest of the Autobots.
他是汽车人中年纪最老的,身经百战,全身布满了伤疤和因炮弹飞溅而插入的铬片。 the-arker

Thanks to the Decepticons, who come up with another evil ploy to take over our planet, the frustrated Gen-Yer has another opportunity to team up with the Autobots to bring peace to the world.
幸而霸天虎试图通过另一个邪恶计划来霸占地球,沮丧的主角才获得了再次与保护地球和平的汽车人们合作的机会。 yeeyan

The content of this movie is about humans cooperate with AUTOBOTs to against the DECEPTICONs.
电影内容是在说人类跟博派金钢合作对抗狂派。 hkknow

While no one doubted his courage, his recklessness occasionally put other Autobots in danger.
大家都相信他的勇气,虽然他的鲁莽偶尔使其他汽车人陷入危险的境地。 the-arker

A group of Autobots see Scourge going below the surface they decide to follow him in a shuttle.
一队汽车人发现瘟疫在地面活动,他们决定乘一辆飞船跟着瘟疫。 sh700

Character card features the Autobots and Decepticons which appear in Season one and Season2.

Chosen by the Matrix to lead the AUTOBOTS on their mission to Earth, Optimus prime is the very embodiment of all that every AUTOBOT strives to be.
擎天柱是所有汽车人中最优秀的表现者,被选中为能量堡的司令官,带领汽车人在地球上执行任务。 the-arker

He was hesitant to join in the slaughter of largely defenseless Autobots, but did not want to take up arms against someone he'd considered a friend.
他犹豫着要不要加入手无寸铁,损失惨重的博派,但又不想与他一直认为是好友的红蜘蛛针锋相对。 the-arker

He drives and works hard always trying to impress his superiors- great AUTOBOTS he idolizes above all else.
他总是努力的工作、战斗,希望给他的上级——那些他崇拜的伟大汽车人战士,留下深刻印象。 tfcc

Hi there! Actually, I am Optimus Prime! Autobots! Transform and roll out!
大家好!其实我是擎天柱! 汽车人!变形,出发!!!! chinapet

His Charisma and humor in the face of a war helped him form a united front against the Autobots.
他在战争中表现出的超凡魅力和幽默感帮助他团结了大家对抗汽车人。 blogbus

I am Optimus Prime and I send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars.

In the film's opening sequence, the Autobots and Decepticons battle in an industrial part of Shanghai, but when a U. S. military commander refers to the city, the word “ Shanghai” is muffled.
在电影的开幕,汽车人和霸天虎在上海战斗,但是当美国军事指挥官说到这个城市的时候, “上海”被消音。 tianya

It represents a horrific loss not only to the Autobots but to Cybertronitself.
那代表着一个可怕的损失,不仅是对博派,更是对塞伯坦本身。 tfclub

My name is Optimus Prime. We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron. But you can call us Autobots for short.

Optimus Prime: Autobots, transform and roll out!

Other Autobots and their evil Decepticon fors now form a veritable fleet of the latest motorcycles, cars, trucks and U. S. military hardware.
其他汽车人和罪恶的霸天虎现在形成了名副其实的最新摩托车,汽车,卡车和军事车队。 tianya

STARSCREAM uses his speed and maneuverability as a jet to launch aerial attacks on the AUTOBOTS.
红蜘蛛变形为喷气机,利用他的速度和机动性对汽车人进行空中打击。 tfcc

The film is set three years after the events of Revenge of the Fallen. The Autobots focus on keeping peace between humans by taking out volatile overseas political targets.
这部电影是设定在复仇之战的三年以后。博派藉由去除不稳定的海外政治目标来维持和人类的和平共处。 ctcvn

The AUTOBOTS and DECEPTICONS see the unlimited power hidden beneath their innocent forms and struggle to possess them.
汽车人和霸天虎都发现了这种隐藏在他们的天真外表下的无穷的力量,并为夺取他们而战斗。 tfcc

Those AUTOBOTS who survive a fight with ASTROTRAIN often need only hear the echoing boom of his engines in the distance to once again quake in fear.
那些侥幸在大火车手上逃过一劫的博派只要再次听到他发动机的轰鸣声,就会吓得浑身发抖。 tfclub

When Evac received the transmission from Optimus prime inviting the surviving Autobots to Earth, he knew he was needed there immediately.
当拯救接收到擎天柱对还存在着的汽车人传送的命令时,他就知道那里非常迫切需要他。 the-arker

Yet three words go through my mind, three words that I dare not utter lest one of the other Autobots hear me and fall into despair to hear their Prime speak so.




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