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AutobotIMDB¹⁷⁴⁹¹ 基本例句 汽车人¹⁰⁰ The Autobot Arcee was originally meant to appear in the first film, but was replaced with Ironhide because the writers thought robot genders would be difficult to explain. 本来影片中会有女汽车人阿尔西的角色,但是编剧没办法解释清楚机器人的性别问题,所以就用铁皮代替了她的位置。 mofunenglish Who is your favorite Autobot? 最喜欢的汽车人角色是谁? blogbus Autobot Camshaft is the perfect scout to call on when you need someone to hit the ground firing. 当你需要一名凌空射击手时,传动轴是最好不过的选择了。 the-arker And why is Megatron, deep in the Autobot base and stuck in his cell, laughing? 而被幽禁在博派基地深处的威震天,为何会在他的牢房内展颜微笑? tfcc At one time, you couldn't find a more faithful and good-humored Autobot than Wheeljack. 曾经,在汽车人里,你不会找到有谁比千斤顶更忠诚和快乐。 tfcc Being the only Autobot with the superstructure strong enough to withstand the bonding process, Optimus Prime courageously accepted to be outfitted for it. 他是唯一个结构强度上能够承受火焰喷射的汽车人,擎天柱勇敢的接受装备。 tfcc But from faith perspective, Optimus Prime is correct, he defended the Royal predators Professor his Autobot belief. 但从信仰的角度来看,擎天柱是正确的,他为他的汽车教授皇家掠食者的信念。 zhidao.aliwd.com.cn Choose a Chevy Autobot, upgrade its powers, and challenge friends to make it to the top of the scoreboard. 选择一辆雪佛兰汽车人,升级的权力,挑战朋友,使其向的记分牌上。 movingshop.org Chosen by the Matrix to lead the AUTOBOTS on their mission to Earth, Optimus prime is the very embodiment of all that every AUTOBOT strives to be. 擎天柱是所有汽车人中最优秀的表现者,被选中为能量堡的司令官,带领汽车人在地球上执行任务。 the-arker Commissioned by Optimus Prime during the second year of the Earthen Conflict, the Overload weapons system was developed by a team of Autobot scientists led by Science Office Red Alert. 地球的冲突第二年,由科技长官红色警报领导的一支汽车人队伍受擎天柱委托,对超载的武器系统进行了升级。 tfcc He was eventually taken on board to voice the Autobot Bumblebee. 最后,他获得了为大黄蜂配音的机会。 moviepub He lives for the thudding roar of his shells bursting among a cluster of enemies and the shrill crackle of his lasers cutting through the armor of an Autobot warrior. 吵闹活着,只为他的炮弹在敌人群中爆炸所发出的轰鸣声,只为他激光器刺眼的裂纹穿透汽车人战士的盔甲。 the-arker He exemplifies all of the special qualities found in Autobot commanders: courageous, tactically skilled, and a natural leader. 他有着作为汽车人指挥官中的特质:勇敢、熟练的战术、天生的领导才能。 tfcc He's an unproven rookie who wants to be a player, to one day stand as an equal with other great AUTOBOT champions. 他是一个新手,但是他希望成为一个成功者,有一天能和那些伟大的汽车人战士平等的站在一起。 tfcc Look, you're an Autobot. You shouldn't be living in my dad's garage. 听着!你是汽车人。你不该住在我爸的车库里。 dzxw Metroplex was a towering mass of Autobot back in the G1 era. 在 G1时期,大都市是汽车人高耸的基地。 tfclub Our Autobot space craft has the ability to get there. 我们博派的太空船有能力到那里。 taoke777 SIDESWIPE is the youngest and the least experienced of the AUTOBOT soldiers. 横炮是汽车人中最年轻、经验最少的战士。 tfcc Strangely enough, our registry database tagged it as an ancient Autobot ship! 奇怪的是,我们的登记数据库标示这是一架古代的汽车人飞船! tfclub The smartest Autobot of them all, Optimus Prime is a prime example of a true leader and problem solver. 擎天柱的领导能力和解决问题的能力使他成为汽车人中最聪明的一个。 miemiey The power of the Matrix was his to command, and the wisdom of past Autobot leaders lived within him, but he lived always within the shadow of his mentor and idol Optimus Prime. 能量宝的力量由他来掌控,过去领导人的智慧存在他的体内,但他也生活在导师和擎天柱的阴影之中。 the-arker Though he is mainly used as a transport vehicle for moving warriors and supplies, he only truly feels at home pounding AUTOBOT warriors into scrap metal. 虽然大火车的主要职能是运送狂派的战士和资源,但他只有在消灭博派战士时才能真正地找到自己的感觉。 tfclub To eternally remind him of the betrayal that sent him on his dark road, Wheeljack wears a crossed-out Autobot symbol alongside his Decepticon badge. 为了提醒自己不要忘记那些出卖自己,把自己抛弃在黑暗中的人,千斤顶用一个被划破的汽车人的标志作为他的霸天虎标志。 tfcc Autobot Jazz: You want a piece of me Megatron? 爵士:你是不是想要我的一个零件,威震天?5asd Autobot prophecy spoke of a Chosen one who would claim the Matrix and rise to defend Cybertron in its darkest hour. 汽车人预言中有谈到,谁被选中,谁就有权利拥有能量宝,并要在塞伯坦最黑暗时期站起来捍卫塞伯坦。 the-arker |