

单词 procurer
释义 pro·cur·er 英prəʊˈkjʊərə, prə-美proˈkjʊrɚ, prə-AHDprō-ky‹rʹər, prə- 高COCA¹¹¹³³²BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺iWeb⁵²⁰²⁸

someone who procures customers for whores in England they call a pimp a poncesomeone who obtains or acquires;

the procurer of opera tickets

来自procure,费力取得,获得,-er,人。来自该词的古词义。pro-在/向前cur关心=cure--er名人|物⇒n.拉皮条者⁷⁵;索取者²⁵近义词 buyer买方pander迎合customer顾客client委托人solicitor律师purchaser买方securer获得者Ponce 皮条客…fancy man情夫consumer消费者panderer淫媒者punter顾客pimp皮条客
Have you ever unlawfully distributed or sold a controlled substance drug, or been a prostitute or procurer for prostitutes?

“ Supplier” in these regulations refers to the provider or the contractor who may conclude or have concluded a procuring contract with the procurer.
本条例所称供应人,是指与采购人可能或者已经签订采购合同的供应商或者承包商。 lawyee

“An increase in grain prices impacts us because we are a major procurer of grain for food, ” she said.
“粮食价格的增长对我们造成了冲击,因为我们是粮食的主要生产者,”她说。 blog.sina.com.cn

Article 7“ Procurer” in these regulations refers to the national authorities, institutions or other social organizations procuring the materials or services with financial capital.
第七条本条例所称采购人,是指使用财政性资金采购物资或者服务的国家机关、事业单位或者其他社会组织。 lawyee

He procurer feuds and reconciled controversies between friends.
他挑起在朋友之间的长期不和和和解论争。 ictruth

She is friendly with Sun Jie, a37-year-old procurer who employs the other male prostitutes here.
她跟37岁的中间人孙杰音关系很好,孙杰还雇佣了一些男性性工作者。 enfamily




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