

单词 processional
释义 pro·ces·sion·al 英prəˈseʃənəl美prəˈsɛʃənəlAHDprə-sĕshʹə-nəl ☆☆☆☆☆高GCOCA⁸⁰⁸⁰⁴BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²iWeb³⁸⁵¹⁰
religious music used in a procession
intended for use in a procession;

processional music

processional cross

of or relating to or characteristic of a procession;

in good processional order

procession队列-al…的后缀:其它的⇒processional adj.队伍的;列队行进的近义词 ritual仪式sacred神圣的formal正式的ceremonial仪式celebratory庆祝的prosodion游行圣歌commemorative纪念的regimented动词regiment的过…

用作形容词The brain trust suggests to examineprocessionalcatchword.智囊团建议审查游行口号。 It is hopeful to determine the correction of the processional constant by observations made at two epochs of10yr interval.
可望以相隔10年左右的两个历元的观测测定出岁差常数改正值。 cnki

The midmorning dance is for schoolchildren. The formal noon processional is the main event, with the men in top hats and frock coats, the women in gowns.
中午的正式队伍是主要的节目。男士们头戴高顶大礼帽,身穿礼服大衣,女士们也身穿礼服。 chinafanyi.com

Processional organization is according to Nietzsche the fundamental operation of everything that is real and alive.

Both caves, but particularly cave6, are richly carved with episodes from religious stories and processional scenes.
两个洞,特别是6号洞,都丰富地装饰着从宗教故事到宗教游行场景的事件。 blog.sina.com.cn

Inside the museum is one of the site's most valuable relics: a glazed brick relief of a lion, one of120 that once lined the processional way into the city.
在博物馆内放置着该地区最有价值的一件文物——狮子釉砖浮雕,是入城道路上120座浮雕中的一座。 newssgo.com

It was three years ago, nearly to the day. Our middle child was walking through the processional as Mamaroneck High School celebrated its graduating seniors.
三年前,差不多是这个时候,马马罗内克高中为其高三毕业生举行庆祝仪式,我们的第二个孩子在列队行进音乐中迈进。 dict

People carry the holy fire and processional banners to the Teacher in the dwelling of dawn.
人们在拂晓的定居点为导师举着圣火和旗幡。 yeeyan

Some people also think that it has a processional ritual use.
也有些人认为它为宗教仪式游行所用。 bilingualtime

Their first exhibition of themselves was in a processional march of two and two round the parish.
他们最初的表演是排成双行队伍绕着教区游行。 hjenglish




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