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processesBNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺² 基本双解英英词源搭配短语近义反义句型用法例句Thesaurus例句 n.工序¹;过程⁵⁸v.加工⁷;处理³³;起诉;列队前进¹
n.名词 C过程,进程series of actions or operations performed in order to do, make or achieve sth C工序,制作法method, especially one used in industry to make sth C传票; 诉讼程序a summons; the entire proceeding in a lawsuit v.动词 vt. 加工,处理put sth through an industrial or manufacturing process in order to change or treat vi. 列队行进walk or move as if in procession Noun: a particular course of action intended to achieve a result;the procedure of obtaining a driver's license it was a process of trial and error psychology the performance of some composite cognitive activity; an operation that affects mental contents;the process of thinking the cognitive operation of remembering a writ issued by authority of law; usually compels the defendant's attendance in a civil suit; failure to appear results in a default judgment against the defendanta mental process that you are not directly aware of;the process of denial a natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant;a bony process a sustained phenomenon or one marked by gradual changes through a series of states;events now in process the process of calcification begins later for boys than for girls Verb: subject to a process or treatment, with the aim of readying for some purpose, improving, or remedying a condition;process cheese process hair treat the water so it can be drunk treat the lawn with chemicals treat an oil spill deal with in a routine way;I'll handle that one process a loan process the applicants perform mathematical and logical operations on data according to programmed instructions in order to obtain the required information;The results of the elections were still being processed when he gave his acceptance speech institute legal proceedings against; file a suit against;He was warned that the district attorney would process him She actioned the company for discrimination march in a procession;They processed into the dining room shape, form, or improve a material;work stone into tools process iron work the metal deliver a warrant or summons to someone;He was processed by the sheriff 14世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的proces,意为旅行;最初源自拉丁语的processus,意为行进,前进。 用作名词 n. 动词+~serve a process发出传票shorten the process缩短过程simplify the process简化手续形容词+~chemical process化学加工latest process最新工序lengthy process很长的过程manufacturing process加工工艺mental process心理作用名词+~textile processes纺织工艺~+名词process engineers工程队员介词+~in process在进行中goods in process正在加工的产品in the process of time逐渐地,随着时间的推移~+介词a process of construction〔evolution, meeting〕建造〔进化,会议〕过程用作动词 v.~+名词process the agricultural products加工农产品process cheese加工干酪process dairy products加工乳制品process the data处理数据process leather加工皮革process a loan办理贷款手续process medical herbs加工药草process rubber加工橡胶process tea leaves加工茶叶process timber加工木材~+副词process traditionally用传统方法加工~+介词process into列队走进 用作动词v. process into v.+prep.
列队走进 to walk into a place in procession process into sthThe bishops, priests and deacons processed into the cathedral.主教、祭司以及助祭列队走进大教堂。 The congregation processed into the church.教徒们排着队走进教堂。 The visitors processed into the house.参观者列队走进这房子里。近义词 stagemethodprogress n.growth 用作名词n.Adolescence is the process of going from childhood to maturity.青春期是从少年到成年的过渡期。 They adopted a new process for making steel.他们采用了新的制钢工艺。 The bridge is in the process of being built.大桥正在建设中。用作动词v.≪用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.The factory processes leather.这个厂加工皮革。 The grain store processed flour wrappers for Chinese dumplings.这家粮店把面粉加工成面皮供包饺子用。 The workers processed big work pieces with small lathes.这些工人用小车床加工大工件。 How fast does the computer process the data?这台计算机处理数据有多快? They warned that they would process him.他们警告说要对他发出传票。 The various steels produced are processed to meet the international standards.所生产的各种钢材经过加工使之符合国际标准。 Grocery stores sell many foods that have been processed.食品杂货店出售多种加工食品。 He was processed through the security network before being allowed in.他经安全系统检查后方被准许入内。 The plans are now being processed.计划现在正在审定中。 The information is being processed.正在处理这些信息。 This kind of medicine is traditionally processed.这种药是采用传统方法加工的。 v.动词
process的名词意思是“工艺流程”“过程”,转化为动词意思是“加工”“列队行进”,即指对某种材料、数据等进行加工处理,有秩序地列队进入某处。 process用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,常与介词into连用。 process前不加the的几种表达方式:in process of construction,in process of preparation,in process of completion,in process of time日积月累地; in process of后可接动名词。She was then in process of becoming a scientist. 名词70%,动词30% 用作名词Building a car is a longprocess.制造一辆小汽车有很长的工序。 They went over everyprocessagain, but without result.他们把每道工序又检查了一遍,却仍没有结果。 Growth and decay are vitalprocesses.生长和衰亡是生命过程。用作动词Brazil began importing soybeans toprocessat home.巴西开始进口大豆在国内加工。 The computer helps us toprocessreservation rapidly.计算机帮助我们迅速处理预定。 Orders are starting to backlog faster than we canprocessthem.订单开始形成积压,我们来不及处理。 The district attorneyprocessedagainst the defaulting debtor.地方检查官起诉不履行债务的债务人。 The visitorsprocessedinto the house.参观者列队走进这房子里。 The bishops, priests and deaconsprocessedinto the cathedral.主教、 司铎以及助祭列队走进大教堂。noun.method;series of actions to achieve result 同义词 action,case,course,development,growth,means,measure,mechanism,movement,operation,practice,procedure,proceeding,progress,rule,step,system,technique,trial,wayadvance,channels,evolution,fashion,formation,manner,mode,outgrowth,performance,progression,routine,stage,suit,transaction,unfolding,wise,workingcourse of action,modus operandi,red tape 反义词 cessation,decline,decrease,idleness,ignorance,inaction,inactivity,stoppage,failure,haltverb.subject to series of actions to achieve result 同义词 convert,handle,prepare,dispose of,transform,refine,alter,treatfulfill,concoctdeal withmake ready,take care of 反义词 forgetcontinue,retain,neglect,keep,hold,preserve,ignore,remain Do I have any project and portfolio management processes today? 现今我拥有项目和投资组合管理过程吗? ibm Have they documented any of their technology standards or processes? 他们是否对技术标准或者过程编制了文档? infoq The workers phased the various processes in shirt production. 工人们安排好衬衣生产的各道工序。《21世纪大英汉词典》 To hair the hides is one of the tanning processes. 在制革过程中,除去兽皮上的毛是工序之一。《21世纪大英汉词典》 A set of processes or threads is said to be deadlocked when each is waiting for an event that only another process in the set can cause. 当一组进程或线程中的每一个都在等待一个只有该组中另一个进程才能引起的事件时,我们就说这组进程或线程 死锁了。 ibm All of these processes embrace the reality that people work with people to develop software. 所有这些过程都有这样一个事实,即需要人们共同来开发软件。 ibm As with many other resources in UNIX, you can only signal processes that you own. 和 UNIX中许多其他资源一样,您只能向您拥有的进程发送信号。 ibm At this scope, the process not only affects all of the individuals, it process dominates the personal processes of the individual developers. 在整个范围中,步骤不仅仅影响到所有的个人,而且它还支配着个体开发人员的个体过程。 ibm Each input channel would have attached to it an instance of one of the three processes mentioned. 每个输入通道都要附着在前面提到过的三个进程中的一个的实例上。 ibm For example business processes could only be monitored as part of the application since it could not be separated out. 例如业务流程只能作为应用程序的一部分来监控,因为它不能被分离出来。 ibm However, the processes within those layers have different types of responsibilities; one always calls the other, and not the other way around. 不过,这些层中的流程具有不同的职责类型,一个始终调用另一个,但不能进行反向调用。 ibm In an AFS cell, at least one of the machines must be running database server and file server processes. 在一个 AFS单元内,至少必须有一个机器在运行数据库服务器和文件服务器进程。 ibm In this section, all code units will be PID or processes. 在这一部分,所有代码单元都将是 PID或进程。 ibm It then processes the results and provides the service consumer with the results of its operations. 它将随后对结果进行处理,并将其操作的结果提供给服务使用者。 ibm Listing12 shows how the second iteration of this script processes these parameters. 清单12演示这个脚本的第二次迭代如何处理这些参数。 ibm Now that you know how to change the priority of processes, how do you do this with threads? 您已经了解了如何更改进程的优先级,那么对于线程又该如何操作呢? ibm Should we value processes and tools more, and if so, should it be at the detriment of individuals and interactions? 我们是不是应该更重视流程和工具?如果是的话,这是否会损害个体和交互? infoq Since there are no processes sending notifications to the server, it contains only those that have originated from the server. 由于没有将通知发送到服务器的进程,所以它只包含了那些从服务器发出的通知。 ibm So, for EA to work, it MUST not only work with the SDLC, but all other program and project level processes and methods. 因此,要促进 EA,不仅必须与 SDLC搭配起来,还要兼顾所有其它的计划和项目级别的流程和方法。 infoq The monitor server uses these models as it receives and processes events from the server. 监视服务器在收到和处理来自服务器的事件时将使用这些模型。 ibm This helps you investigate all the options available to you for the timing of new processes and applications. 这可帮助您调查可用于为新流程和应用程序确定时间安排的所有选项。 ibm This segment is shared by all processes on the system. 这个段由系统上的所有进程共享。 ibm We apply policy to processes. 我们向过程应用政策。 ibm We apply standards to processes. 我们向过程应用标准。 ibm What would be some of the thought processes? 你的思考过程又是怎样的呢?163 What are your current applications and which business processes do they support? 当前的应用程序是什么,它们支持哪些业务流程? ibm When you only have one or a limited number of CPUs, you need to decide how to share those limited CPU resources among several competing processes. 如果您只有一个 CPU或者 CPU的数量有限,那么必须决定如何在几个计算进程之间共享这些有限的 CPU资源。 ibm Where do new processes come from? 新的进程是从哪里来的呢? ibm You can create process contributions from both capability patterns and other delivery processes by using one of the two principle methods: copy or extend. 您能够通过使用复制或者扩展这两种方法之中的一种,从性能模式和其他交付过程中创建过程贡献。 ibm You specify an absolute priorityand not an adjustment for the process or processes to be changed as shown in Listing10. 您可以为进程指定一个绝对优先级不是调整值,进程的更改如清单10所示。 ibm |