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词汇 proc
释义 proc.
Arcane Empowerment: This effect is now passive instead of being a proc off of critical strikes. The self damage buff remains unchanged.
秘法活化:该效果变为被动不需法术暴击触发,自身的伤害加成不变。 duowan

ASEAN regional security regime underwent a proc ess of formation and development.
东盟区域安全机制的形成与发展经历了一个过程。 dictall

Celestial Focus Balance: The stun proc now works with Starfall.
星空专注平衡:昏迷效果对群星陨落有效。 ngacn

Concussive BarrageMarksmanship: Can now proc from Volley and Multi- shot attacks.
冲击弹幕:现在乱射和多重射击也能触发。 ngacn

Covenant of Vitality: The damage from this ability will no longer proc if the heal does not.
活力契约:如果不能触发治疗效果,那么伤害效果也不被触发。 happymud

Druid TalentRestoration- Natural Perfection will no longer proc by normal melee attacks.
德鲁伊的天赋——天然完美将不再被普通近战伤害触发。 ngacn

In the multistage imaging proc using for SAR digital imaging and the applications of SAR image, it is often required to extract the luminance edge features of the SAR imagery.
在合成孔径雷达数字成像的多级成像和合成孔径雷达图像的许多应用中,往往需要提取合成孔径雷达图像的灰度边界特征。 cnki

In Listing24, the procedure proc is coded to return an OUT parameter value, which is denoted by the parameter marker?, and was not coded to accept an input value.
在清单24中,过程被编码为返回一个 OUT参数值,使用参数标记?表示,并且不能接受输入值。 ibm

Inspiration can now proc from the Penance spell, in addition to all the old spells that could proc Inspiration.

It doesn't scale with the weapon speed, it's a set Proc Rate.
脑残毒药的触发与武器速度无关,它是固定几率的。 ngacn

Master TacticianSurvival: Chance to proc increased to 10%, up from 6%.
战术大师:命中后有6%的几率触发改为10%的几率触发。 ngacn

Now, this means that one can use a Proc object in a case- statement; it will get the case- argument as parameter.
现在,这意味着可以在 case语句中使用 Proc对象了;可以将 case参数作为 Proc的参数。 infoq

Rapid KillingMarksmanship: This will now proc off Chimera Shot, but no longer works with auto- shot.
疾速杀戮:这个天赋目前影响奇美拉射击,而不再作用于自动射击。 ngacn

Still, I believe sword proc is superior, because it adds something this build desperately needs, burst damage.
尽管如此,我认为剑专精还是较好的,因为它加了这个天赋很需要的东西---突发的伤害。 ngacn

That's about the extent of their instant attacks, though I guess they can throw in an instant slam proc in there occasionally.
这就是他们的基本的立即攻击手段了,虽然我猜他们偶尔可以用猛击。 ngacn

The distinction is based on their unique culture, their different thinking proc ess and social characteristics.
这些差异,是由中西方各自独特的文化类型及其思维方式和社会特点所决定。 cnki

The experiment brought up interests of students about the biological experiment and enhanced the understanding of the proc.
该实验有利于培养学生对生物学实验的兴趣,加深对动物胚胎发育过程的了解。 dictall

This article describes the history and the development of pervaporation proc-ess from the relationship between it and other membrane process, and has a scope for its future.
本文从渗透蒸发过程与其它膜过程的联系出发,阐述了该过程的发展、现状并对其未来进行了估计。 cnki

This JCL will invoke the proc ITSOCB, which is also generated.
这个 JCL将调用过程 ITSOCB,而它也是生成得到的。 ibm

This JCL will invoke the proc ITSOCBDR, which is also generated.
这个 JCL将调用过程 ITSOCBDR,而它也是生成得到的。 ibm

You have a chance to proc a free, instant weapon swing that hits for 50% damage.
你会有几率触发一次无消耗、瞬发的武器攻击,造成50%伤害。 wownei

Zona pellucida protein surrounding to oocyte is important in the proc ess of fertilization.
卵透明带蛋白围绕在卵母细胞外,在受精过程中起着重要作用。 dictall




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