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词汇 pro bono
释义 pro bo·no 英prəʊ ˈbəʊnəʊ美pro ˈbonoAHDprō bōʹnō 短语¹⁶⁶²⁵

done for the public good without compensation缩写自pro bono publico,为公共考虑,来自pro,为了,bono,好的,词源同bonus,publico,公众,词源同public.引申词义公益性的。pro bono publico 为公众利益…
adj.without compensation
同义词 done for free,done without compensation,for the public good The increase in the American poverty rate has exacerbated a crisis that's already being felt in the courts due to funding cutbacks and diminishing pro bono legal aid.
由于法律援助时间和相关资金缩减,在美国的法庭上已经可以感受到这种危机,美国贫困率的上升更是加剧了这一现象。 fortunechina

The Creative Commons provides this mechanism through pro bono legal work, technical and community leadership, and constant advocacy.
知识共享通过公益的法律工作、技术和社区领导以及持续不断的倡导提供了这种机制。 ibm

The eligibility of the people's governments and their constituent departments and institutions directly under them to receive pre-tax deduction pro bono donations is not subject to approval.
县级以上人民政府及其组成部门和直属机构的公益性捐赠税前扣除资格不需要认定。 chinalawinfo

ABC television produced two videos on a pro bono basis. One, entitled I'm Also a Volunteer, featured heads of United Nations agencies relating their experiences as volunteers.

Although these accountability mechanisms provide some checks and balances on pro bono within the firm structure, they are limited by pressures to meet paying client obligations.

Although these accountability mechanisms provide some checks and balances on pro bono within the firm structure.

Clothing the Line is a pro bono charitable event for the homeless.
服装行是无偿为无家可归者的慈善活动。 gtn9

He was representing, pro bono,200 or so Amerasians and their family members scattered through the Philippines, negotiating their futures with the U.S. Embassy in Manila.
他正无偿地代表二百名左右美亚混血儿以及他们分布在菲律宾的家庭成员,同美国驻马尼拉大使馆就他们的未来进行谈判。 yeeyan

If you are looking for pro bono lawyers to assist you in a court case involving dams or mining: Environmental Defenders Law Center Pro Bono/span> Program.

Li Fangping, a prominent human rights lawyer, is busy organizing victims of the poisoned infant formula scandal rocking China and offering pro bono help.
著名的维权律师 Li Fangping最近正在忙着向有毒婴幼儿奶粉的受害者家庭提供无偿的法律援助。 tesoon

Non- profit group NFTE helped connect Lawrence with pro bono legal and financial advisers, whom she eventually hired.
非赢利的美国国家创业指导基金会帮助劳伦斯与无偿服务的律师和金融顾问进行联系,最终她雇佣了他们。 syn

Stacey is a talented lawyer who does pro bono work to help people in her community.
史黛西是个很有才华的律师,她为社区的民众做公益服务。 hjenglish

The writer of this article, a FORTUNE senior editor-at-large, is a Berkshire Hathaway shareholder, a long-time friend of Warren Buffett's and the pro bono editor of his annual chairman's letter.
本文作者是《财富》资深自由编辑,他持有伯克希尔哈撒韦股票,还是沃伦•巴菲特的长期好友,并义务为后者每年致股东的信函提供编辑服务。 fortunechina

We provide cash, lots of volunteer hours from our people, and pro bono work on systems that give principals and schools districts much better data about their students' progress.
我们不但提供现金捐助和员工志愿服务,还会提供无偿服务建立体系,向校长和校区提供更准确的、关于学生进步的数据。 hjenglish

Whereas Britain offers automatic legal aid to the foreign parent trying to recover the children, in America they must rely on their own resources or a pro bono lawyer.
相反,对想重新得到孩子的外国父母,英国主动提供法律援助,在美国他们必需依靠自己的财力或免费服务的律师。 yeeyan

Yes, since the UN is not permitted to accept pro bono donations that incur costs, on their side, to implement.
是的,因为联合国不允许接受在贯彻时会给其造成费用的无偿捐赠。 un




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