

单词 probationers
释义 probationers prəˈbeiʃənəz COCA⁹¹⁶⁵¹BNC⁴⁵⁸⁶²
n.试读生;缓刑犯probationer的名词复数原型probationer的复数 Subsequently, the third phase is also an8- month course, probationers will conclude with exams.
第三阶段是8个月的理论学习期,以考试合格为结束。 cnki

The certain prospect of spending a few days behind bars straight away made most of the probationers behave.
即刻关进监狱服刑几日的必然后果使大多数缓刑犯只得规规矩矩。 ecocn

After all, the counties also run drug- rehabilitation, housing and job- placement programmes that the probationers need to build new and cleaner lives.
毕竟,县政府管理着戒毒康复,居住和工作安置等项目,这些都是缓刑期人员建立新的和更为健康的生活所需要的。 ecocn

Drug use has plummeted: one year into the programme, 80% of the probationers have been drug-free for three months or more.
毒品使用量已骤跌:该项目实行的一年时间内,80%的缓刑吸毒分子已三个多月未接触毒品。 ecocn

The other categories“ informal probationers” and“ status offenders” are for youths who have committed less serious offenses or offenses unique to juveniles, like curfew violations.
另外两种非正式拘留或状态犯罪是指犯了较轻的罪行或者仅仅是青少年才会犯的罪行,比如违反了宵禁法。 blog.sina.com.cn

Through education and counseling, this program helps women probationers deal with the causes and effects of the incidents that sent them to prison as they try to rebuild their lives.
通过教育和咨询,这一项目拟帮助女性缓刑犯面对导致她们入狱的犯罪原因和结果,重建生活。 blog.sina.com.cn




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