

单词 privatizing
释义 pri·va·tize 英'praɪvətaɪz美'praɪvətaɪz COCA³⁴⁹²³BNC⁷⁰⁰¹¹
change from governmental to private control or ownership;

The oil industry was privatized

近义词 sell出售transfer转移privatise 私有化denationalize解除国有化go public把秘密公开,使股票上市;…

用作动词The second step is toprivatizestate-owned automakers.第二步是私有化汽车国企。
In spite of adverse public opinion, the plan toprivatizethe railways continued.尽管公众持有反对意见,铁路私有化的计划还是继续执行。
The modern politicized Christians alsoprivatizereligion.现代的政治化基督徒把宗教也私人化了。 Ms Angle's controversial policies include privatizing Social Security pensions and closing the federal departments of energy and education, among others.
Angle女士有争议的政策包括私有化社会安全年金,关闭联邦能源和教育部门。 ecocn

The purpose of this regulation is to provide legal support for privatizing state enterprises.
俄罗斯民法典将企业定义为财产综合体,是为国有企业私有化提供法律支持。 cnki

The government is privatizing its utilities and diversifying its economy to attract foreign investment.
政府通过使公共事业私有化和经济多样化来吸引外国的投资。 ebigear

The nationalising state and its successor, the privatizing state, have been succeeded by the blander-sounding shareholding state.
施行国有化的政府和它的继任者,施行私有化的政府,都被默默持股的政府所代替。 ecocn.org

The point here is that privatizing Medicare does nothing, in itself, to limit health- care costs.
这里的问题在于,实现“医保”的私有化本身对医保费用的增长并没有限制作用。 yeeyan

To succeed in privatizing SOEs, it is essential that law circumstance be perfected with which private benefits of control are put down.
因此,通过完善证券市场的基础法律环境,约束甚至严惩控股股东获取控制权收益,是保证国有上市公司“国退民进”取得成功的基础。 cnki

With finance tight, raising cash from asset sales is harder: Jamaica failed to meet its target of privatizing its sugar industry, and the Bahamas its telecoms, by the end of the year.
资金紧张,从资产变卖中筹集资金越来越难:年底前牙买加没有实现糖工业私有化的目标,亦如巴哈马的电信业。 ecocn

Angry Greeks are taking to the streets, demanding the government back off plans to save the economy by privatizing their government jobs.
愤怒的希腊人纷纷走向街头游行,要求政府撤销通过将政府工作私有化来拯救经济。 putclub

By evening’s end, they had melted into an indistinguishable mass of privatizing, tax-cutting opponents of Shariah law.
到了晚上结束时,他们已针对私有化,为伊斯兰教法的反对者减税等吵成一团。 yeeyan

Freeing up services and professions, privatizing companies, cutting bureaucracy and delaying retirement will create conditions for renewed growth—and that is the best way to reduce debts.
放松服务业和其它行业,将公司私有化,减少官僚作风并延缓退休年龄,可以创造新的增长的新环境,这也是减少债务的最好方式。 renren

In the bargain, they'd avoid sanctions that can include firing staff, privatizing or even closing their doors.
商议的结果:学校能避免一些制裁,包括解雇在职人员、学校私有化甚至关门。 blog.sina.com.cn

Internally, plans to diversify the economy, by developing agriculture and privatizing land, have run into political trouble, while reform of the health-care system has changed little.
从国内角度来讲,通过发展农业与土地私有化政策来多方面增强经济让哈萨克斯坦陷入一种政治困境,而医疗保健措施对经济状况也几乎没有提高。 topsage

Japan has begun privatizing its postal system, creating the world's largest commercial bank in an effort to reshape the country's banking sector.
日本开始邮政系统私营化,并由此产生了全球最大的商业银行。这是重新整顿日本银行领域的努力。 www.way2english.com

Many countries are also managing water resources more efficiently by decentralizing water decision-making, and even privatizing irrigation Morocco.
许多国家还通过水务决策的分散化甚至灌溉的私有化摩洛哥来提高效率。 worldbank

Older workers' fears are well-founded. Short of privatizing pensions, France faces limited options.
老工人的担心是有根据的,私人退休金的短期,法国面临的选择很少。 yeeyan

People in favour of keeping railroad a nation owned entity will argue about the national security issue against privatizing.
人民赞成维持一个国家的铁路国有实体将争论国家安全问题对私有化。 hasea

Short of privatizing the SOEs or massively taxing their profits and transferring that income to households, savings will remain too high, consumption too low, and investment excessive.
只有将国企私有化,通过对国企利润大规模征税将其收入转化成人民的家庭收入,才能改变储蓄过多、消费过少、投资过度的现状。 yeeyan

The mayor hopes to save money by privatizing services, but also has a more lucrative plan: the lease of huge public assets.
市长不仅希望能通过基础设施私有化来节省经费,还制定了一个更有利可图的计划:出租巨额公共资产。 ecocn

The appointment underlined the DPJ's intention to reverse the course in privatizing Japan Post, a sprawling post- office network that serves as Japan's largest bank and insurance provider.
这一任命表明民主当有意反转日本邮政 Japan Post的私有化进程。日本邮政拥有庞大的邮政服务网络,同时还是日本最大的银行和保险商。 iciba

The greater question for Japan arises from the reasons behind JAL's demise and the logic of privatizing public services.
随着这家公共服务设施企业所有权的转让和私有化,更大的问题出现了。 blog.sina.com.cn

To solve these problems, foreign scholars have proposed reform of the system by means of discriminatory rating, privatizing, enhanced market restraining, core banking, etc.
为解决这些问题,国外学者提出了实行差别费率、存款保险制度私有化、强化市场约束、推行核心银行等改革建议和政策主张。 cnki

Ukraine has ways to boost revenues: stopping stealing, removing restrictions on exports, privatizing state property more honestly. The chances of this may be low.
乌克兰有办法增加收入,比如停止抢断、解除出口限制、真正做到国有企业私有化,只是实现几率很小。 topsage




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