

单词 privacy
释义 pri·va·cy 英ˈpraɪvəsiː美ˈpraɪvəsiAHDprīʹvə-sē ★★☆☆☆高六研I6四八COCA³⁹⁸³BNC⁶¹²⁸iWeb¹⁸⁹⁰Economist²³⁶¹


state of being alone or undisturbed


freedom from interference or public attention

the quality of being secluded from the presence or view of othersthe condition of being concealed or hidden来自private,私人的,私密的,-acy,名词后缀。引申词义隐私,私密。Chief Privacy Officer首席隐私官invasion of privacy侵犯隐私权…privacy enhanced mail加密邮件privacy device隐蔽设备,保密设备…data privacy数据保密privacy act保密法privacy control保密控制software privacy软件保密性privacy clause保密子句right of privacy隐私权privacy communication system保密通信系统…privacy equipment保密设备database privacy数据库保密性…privacy protection秘密性保护,保密保护…communication privacy通信机密privacy transformation保密变换personal privacy个人隐私privacy procedure保密过程privacy system保密制,保密通信制…
方振宇词汇奥秘priv私有的,使丧失+acy表名词,性质、状态→为了不丧失个人的隐私→隐居,不受干扰的独处非常记忆pri扑来〖谐音〗+va娃〖谐音〗+cy成员〖拼音〗⇒扑来的娃暴露了成员的隐私priv私有的,使丧失+acy表名词,性质、状态→为了不丧失个人的隐私⇒隐居,不受干扰的独处词根记忆priv私有的+acy→个人自由,隐私词根记忆priv私有的+acy→隐私词根记忆priv+acy近义词 retreat
用作名词n.He must have disturbed yourprivacy.他必定打扰了你的清静。
I demand an explanation for your rude intrusion upon myprivacy.我要求你对于无礼地侵扰我的私人生活的行为作出解释。
用作名词Everyone has his ownprivacy.每个人都有自己的隐私。
I object to ourprivacybeing invaded.我反对我们的隐私权受到侵害。
He was sentenced to be guilty of intrusion upon myprivacy.他因侵犯我的隐私权被判有罪。
I tell you this in strictprivacy.我极秘密地告诉你这件事。
Theprivacybelongs to you and me.这是你我之间的秘密。
They don't want theirprivacyinvaded by reporters.他们不想让他们的私生活被记者爆料。noun.solitude, secrecy
同义词 aloofness,concealment,confidentiality,isolation,penetralia,privateness,quiet,retirement,retreat,seclusion,separateness,separation,sequestration,solitudeclandestineness,one's space
反义词 togethernesspublicity,publicness,sociableness
concealmentnoun hiding, secrecy
beard,blind,camouflage,cover,cover-up,covering,curtain,disguise,dissimulation,fig leaf,front,hideaway,hideout,laundromat,mask,obliteration,obscuration,occultation,red herring,secretion,smokescreen,veil,wraps
darknessnoun ignorance;mystery
huggermuggernoun secrecy
isolationnoun seclusion
reclusionnoun seclusion
retirementnoun seclusion
aloneness,aloofness,beleaguerment,blockade,concealment,desolation,detachment,hiding,privacy,privateness,quarantine,reclusion,reclusiveness,remoteness,retreat,seclusiveness,separateness,separation,sequestration,shelter,solitude,withdrawal And yet the more he sought privacy, the more famous he became, especially after his appearance on the cover of Time in1961.
然而,他越要求更多的隐私,他就变得越发著名,尤其是在1961年他登上《时代》杂志封面之后。 yeeyan

It starts with information on what the user can do if he or she feels you have violated this privacy policy.
开头的信息说明:如果用户认为您违背了隐私策略,他或她可以做什么。 ibm

One of the main concerns is privacy and security.
最主要的担心之一是隐私和安全。 infoq

Advertisers and data collectors who record where customers go and what they do want profit at the expense of privacy.
记录网络用户去哪里和做什么的广告商和数据收集者想以对隐私权的损害获取利润。 yeeyan

Another approach might be to go the other direction, one toward more privacy.
另外一个方法可能会指向其他的方向,指向更为隐私化的方向。 yeeyan

Britain, unlike France, does not have a formal privacy law.
和法国不同,英国没有一套正式的隐私法。 ecocn

But first, let's look at creating the privacy policy, which defines that information so we know what we need to specify in the form.
但首先,让我们来看看如何创建隐私策略,它将定义这些信息,以使我们能了解需要在表单中指定哪些内容。 ibm

But the big new fear is to do with the privacy of its users.
但是最近出现的重大的担忧是谷歌的对用户的隐私的处理问题。 ecocn

But while you may grumble in the privacy of your armchair, the journalists who hold the mirror up to you do so publicly and at great risk to themselves.
但是当你私下在你的扶手椅中抱怨不断时,为你支撑起这面镜子的记者们却是在公开地这么做着,这也使他们处在了极大的危险中。 yeeyan

But privacy experts say that is because the collection is invisible to them.
但是隐私专家说那是因为消费者根本看不到这些收集的结果。 yeeyan

Cheryl asks the media to respect her privacy during this difficult time.
谢丽尔请求媒体在这个艰难的时刻尊重她的隐私。 iciba

Encryption is one way to guard privacy.
加密是一种保护隐私的方法。 ibm

For example, if the postman reads your mail, this is a breach of your privacy.
例如,如果邮递员阅读了您的邮件,这就是对您的隐私的侵犯。 ibm

How do you do social without the notions of friending or privacy?
不了解交友或者隐私的理念,你怎样来社交? yeeyan

If she were to copy data at this point, they would not have the associated privacy metadata, so the data would not be properly de- identified.
如果她在此时复制数据,它们可能还没有包含相关的隐私元数据,所以这些数据还没有被正确地消除识别信息。 ibm

If you have any questions or concerns about the World Bank Privacy Policy, please contact us.
如果您对于世行隐私权政策还有什么问题或者关切,请联系我们。 worldbank

Instead, we should start worrying about who will be the next victim of these privacy violations.
相反,我们应该开始担心谁将是下一个隐私被侵犯的受害者。 yeeyan

Obviously, you want us to have backups of your mail to protect it, but that raises privacy issues.
很明显你要求我们做备份以更好的保护你的邮件,但是这又涉及到了隐私问题。 yeeyan

Sir, this is an unwarranted invasion of my privacy!
先生,这是对我的隐私的毫无根据的侵犯! ebigear

So we have to define different privacy policies on private information for people from different countries, even if they have the same user type No action user in the system.
因此我们要根据不同的国家定义不同的私密信息的隐私策略,即使他们在系统中属于同样的用户类型无动作用户。 ibm

Some people consider location tracking to be a threat to personal privacy and security.
一些人认为,位置跟踪是对个人隐私和安全的一大威胁。 hxen

Spying infringes everyone’s freedom, everyone’s privacy, not just that of the enemy.
监视行为将侵犯每个人的自由和隐私,而不仅仅是敌人的。 ecocn

This is an outstanding blog about protecting your privacy when shopping on the Internet and what type of disposable credit or debit cards to use and how they work.
这是一个突出的博客,可在你网上购物时保护你的隐私,告诉你所使用的的信用卡借记卡的类型、它们是如何工作等信息。 yeeyan

We might not be the first to know, because we’re not allowed to look at what they’re doing with our service because of the privacy rules.
我们可能不是第一个知道的,因为按照隐私规章,我们不允许查看他们利用我们的服务到底在干些什么。 infoq

Yet growth in this market could be held back—by privacy concerns.
然而,对于隐私的担忧可能会阻碍这个市场的发展。 ecocn

You also should adjust your privacy settings on the Web to ensure personal details or photos are available only to the people you select.
你同样应调整在网站上的隐私设置,以确保你的个人详细资料或照片只能让你所选定的人看到。 cri

Privacy is the right of all.
隐私权就是所有的权利。 hjenglish




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