

单词 prison cell
释义 prison cell短语²¹⁹⁸⁵

a room where a prisoner is kept近义词 cell单人牢房jail cell牢房
用作名词The prisoner rapped out a message on the cell wall.那囚犯敲打囚室的墙来传达讯息。
Another advantage to the first one cell is the greater privacy.第一号囚室的另一个好处是它比较僻静。
The prisoner was locked in a cell.那囚犯被关在单人牢房内。
Many ended up in prison for terrorist activities.许多从事恐怖活动的人最终被关进牢房。 As I languished predictably in a prison cell later that evening, I contemplated whether people would understand why I'd done it.
当晚我不出所料地在牢房里度夜,我考虑到人们是否能够理解我行为背后的目的; yeeyan

The girl’s father recoiled, and Teacher Fei wondered if the daughter knew that her father already lived in a prison cell, its bars invisible to the people in the street.
女孩的父亲显得畏畏缩缩,范老师想,她女儿是否知道,她父亲已经住进了监狱,只是这所监狱的监窗是街上的人们看不见的。 yeeyan

The two men stepped down the narrow hallways and quickly reached Mandela's cramped prison cell.
两个人沿着狭窄的走廊很快到达曼德拉的狭窄的牢房。 blog.sina.com.cn

There’s a man who has been by himself in a prison cell with a dirt floor, crude stone walls, and there’s two windows one of which looks out towards the ocean.
一个人独自关在一间牢房里,牢房的地面脏兮兮的,石头墙壁很粗糙,有两扇窗户,其中一扇面向着大海。 ebigear

YULIA TYMOSHENKO, Ukraine’s former prime minister, is no stranger to a prison cell.
乌克兰前总理尤利娅•季莫申科不是第一次坐牢。 ecocn

I'd go for the inner paradise whilst my body was in a prison cell.
我会选择内在天堂,而身在囚牢。 blog.sina.com.cn

Michael dreams that he has woken up in his old prison cell.
迈可梦到他在狐狸河监狱醒了过来。 yeeyan

Mr Coke senior died in a mysterious fire in his prison cell in1992, while awaiting extradition to America on drugs and murder charges.
老科克先生在1992年死于一场神秘的监狱火灾,当时他正因为毒品和谋杀的起诉等候被引渡到美国受审。 ecocn

Saddam Hussein now sits in a prison cell. America and the world are safer for it.
萨达姆现在呆在监狱里,美国以及整个世界都因此变得更为安全。 cbe21

The apartheid- era journals contain the drafts of letters Mr. Mandela wrote from his prison cell between1969 and1971.
这两本写于南非种族隔离时期的日记包括了曼德拉从1969年到1971年在牢房中写的信件的草稿。 iciba




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