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pris·on 英ˈprɪzən美ˈprɪzənAHDprĭzʹən ★★★★☆中高四六研T牛4COCA¹⁴⁷²BNC¹³⁷⁵iWeb²⁴⁶⁰Economist¹²⁹⁴ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词例句Thesaurus例句 n.监狱¹;监禁¹⁷vt.囚禁²;关入监狱复数prisons过去分词prisoned现在分词prisoning三单prisons 人文社科犯罪入狱
n.名词 C监狱,看守所place where people are kept locked up as a punishment for crimes they have committed or while awaiting trial C牢笼,禁锢之地place from which sb or animals cannot escape U监禁,入狱,坐牢being kept in a prison; imprisonment Noun: a correctional institution where persons are confined while on trial or for punishmenta prisonlike situation; a place of seeming confinementjail,prison,cell这些名词均有“牢房、监狱”之意。 jail英国英语拼写为gaol指收犯轻罪的人或未经判决的人的处所。 prison指触犯刑律的人被关押的地方,通常指判决后的罪犯居留地。 cell指单人牢房或几个人合住的小牢房。 来源于拉丁语中动词prehendere抓住派生的名词prehensio抓的缩写形式prensio,经由古法语prisun,进入英语为prison。 词根词缀: -pris-抓住 + -on名词词尾 用作名词 n. 动词+~break prison越狱throw sb in〔into〕 prison把某人投入监狱形容词+~damp prison潮湿的监狱overcrowded prison过于拥挤的监狱介词+~at prison在监狱in prison在狱中out of prison越狱~+介词prison for confinement拘留所 用作名词n.clap in〔into〕 prison〈非正〉投入监狱 put into prison clap sb in〔into〕 prisonThe judge clapped the criminal in prison.法官把犯人投入狱中。 The judge clapped her into prison before she had had time to explain.法官没等她辩解,就把她关进了监狱。方振宇词汇奥秘pris掌握,捕捉+on表名词,指人或物→将捕捉的犯人放置的地方→监狱,看守所 衍生词prison+er表示人→prisonern.囚徒,犯人;羁押候审者im向内,进入+prison→进入监狱→imprisonvt.下狱,监禁im向内,进入+prison+-ment表结果名词后缀→imprisonmentn.关押钱博士pris抓+on=ion,抽象名词后缀→监禁,关押之行为和状态→抽象名词转作具体名词监狱,拘留所⇒转作动词监禁,关押 词根pris-抓来自法语,等于前缀pre-向前+拉丁词根hend-抓,拿的过去分词形式hens-,在法语中发生了较多的简化。pris抓+on=ion,抽象名词后缀→监禁,关押之行为和状态→抽象名词转作具体名词监狱,拘留所⇒转作动词监禁,关押。非常记忆pri仆人〖谐音〗+son儿子〖熟词〗⇒仆人的儿子进了监狱近义词 cage 用作名词n.There is a large prison in this town.城里有座大监狱。 He is in prison for smoking marijuana.他因吸大麻而蹲监狱。 Tom hates school; it's a prison to him.汤姆不喜欢上学,学校对他来说好像是个牢笼。 Many people believe that prison isn't a cure for crime.许多人认为监禁并不是治疗犯罪的良药。 The prison walls are very high.监狱的围墙很高。Punprison自狱中释放Pprisonern.囚犯犯人战俘Pdisimprison使自狱中释放Pimprisonmentn.监禁下狱坐牢Preimprison使重新入狱再囚禁Pex-prisoner前科犯已出狱的因犯Pimprisonvt.使下狱关闭拘禁限制Pimprisonable应判徒刑的可以监禁的
名词58%,动词42% 用作名词The police crushed out the rebellion in theprison.警察把发生在监狱中的暴乱镇压了下去。 That felon tried to escape from theprison.那名重罪犯试图从监狱中逃跑。 His deliverance from theprisonpuzzled us.他被从监狱释放使我们困惑不已。 Strikes byprisonofficers underline the need for reform in our gaols.监狱工作人员罢工一事,突出地表明我们的监狱制度需要改革。 The thief was put intoprisonfor one year.小偷被监禁一年。 Many people believe thatprisonisn't a cure for crime.许多人都相信监禁解决不了犯罪问题。用作及物动词She continues to languish in a foreignprison.她被继续囚禁在一所外国的监狱里。 He has been kept inprisonfor weeks without food and dies like a dog.他被囚禁了几星期,没有食物果腹,最後悲惨地死去。noun.residence for incarcerating criminals 同义词 confinement,jail,lockup,penitentiaryG,bastille,can,clink,cooler,dungeon,guardhouse,keep,pen,reformatory,slammer,stockadepenal institution,statesville,up the river big housenoun penal institution big cage,big school,brig,calaboose,can,city hotel,cooler,coop,correctional institution,detention facility,house of correction,house of detention,icebox,jail,joint,penitentiary,slammer,tank,up the river brignoun jail guardhouse,prison,slammer,stockade enclosurenoun area bounded by something asylum,aviary,bowl,building,cage,camp,cell,close,coliseum,coop,corral,court,courtyard,den,dungeon,garden,ghetto,hutch,jail,pale,park,patch,pen,place,plot,pound,precinct,prison,quad,quadrangle,region,room,stadium,stockade,sty,vault,walk,yard,zone enclosuresnoun area bounded by something asylums,aviaries,bowls,buildings,cages,camps,cells,closes,coliseums,coops,corrals,courts,courtyards,dens,dungeons,gardens,ghettos,hutches,jails,pales,parks,patches,pens,places,plots,pounds,precincts,prisons,quadrangles,quads,regions,rooms,stadiums,sties,stockades,vaults,walks,yards,zones jailnoun place for incarceration bastille,black hole,brig,bullpen,can,cell,clink,cooler,detention camp,dungeon,house of correction,inside,jailhouse,joint,lockup,pen,penal institution,penitentiary,pound,prison,rack,reformatory,slammer,solitary,stir,stockade,up the river jailverb incarcerate bastille,book,cage,can,confine,constrain,detain,hold,immure,impound,imprison,lock up,prison,put away,put behind bars,put on ice,railroad,send up,sentence,take away,throw away the keys,throw in dungeon,throw the book at The officials discharged him from prison. 官员们从监狱中释放了他。《21世纪大英汉词典》 “ I thank all of you from Tabriz prison, ” the letter said. “我感谢从大不里士监狱出去的所有人”,信中说。 yeeyan Armed guards escorted the criminals to prison. 武装警卫把罪犯解送到监狱。《新英汉大辞典》 Both of them were born in the prison. 他们两个都是在监狱里出生的。 yeeyan Everywhere there are signs that this is not a normal prison. 到处都有迹象表明这里不是一间普通的监狱。 yeeyan From the age of two, a friend of mine went with his mother every month to the Abu Salim prison, hoping in vain to see his father, who was imprisoned there. 从我两岁时候开始,我的一个朋友每个月都会跟着他的妈妈去阿布萨利姆监狱,希望见到囚禁在那里的父亲,然而却总是徒劳无功。 yeeyan He went to prison for three years, not Princeton. 他这三年待的是监狱,又不是普林斯顿。 yeeyan He was confined to prison for ten years. 他在狱中被监禁了十年。《21世纪大英汉词典》 He spoke without reserve of his time in prison. 他毫无保留地述说了他在监狱中的事。 edu.sina.com.cn Here at Onomichi Prison, the hallways use ramps, not steps, and prisoners are allowed to use walkers if they need them. 在尾道监狱、走廊采用斜坡而不是台阶,如果犯人们需要的话,他们就可以许可使用助行器。 yeeyan His sons have not visited him in prison. 他的儿子们还没有去监狱看过他。 yeeyan If convicted, he faces up to121 years in prison. 如果指控成立,他将面临着121年的监禁。 cri Instead of being drawn into the new power set-up, many of them in the past few months have been hauled off to prison. 然而,他们不但没能进入新政府,反而有许多人在过去的几个月里遭到严刑拷打并被投入了监狱。 ecocn Several of his relatives went to prison. 他的好几个亲属都进了监狱。 ecocn So the year passed without me going to the prison. 所以这一年就这样过去了,我没有去监狱。 yeeyan There was no information on whether the government investigated or monitored prison and detention conditions. 没有关于政府是否调查或监督监狱和拘留设施条件的信息。 yeeyan They were railroaded to prison by their enemies. 他们被敌人捏造罪名强行投入监狱。《21世纪大英汉词典》 This starts with recidivism. About two in three of the people California releases from prison end up right back in it. 这项改革从惯犯开始,在加州大约有三分之二的人在从监狱释放后结果又立即重新入狱。 ecocn What about prison etiquette? 什么是监狱礼仪呢? ecocn What did we do in prison? 我们在监狱里做了什么呢? yeeyan Whenever I go into a foreign country or a prison or any similar place they always ask me what is my religion. 无论何时当我去到一个国家,一所监狱,或任何类似的地方,他们总是问我,我的宗教信仰是什么。 yeeyan Why are these people in prison? 为什么这些人在监狱里? yeeyan Yet even with the windows open, my home office feels like a prison. 然而,就算是窗户开着,我感觉家里的办公室仍然像一个监狱。 yeeyan Prison system in US. 美国的监狱系统。 edu.sina.com.cn |