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词汇 authoring
释义 authoring 美'ɔθərɪŋ ●○○○○高COCA⁶¹³⁸⁷BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰iWeb⁴⁴⁴⁶⁵
动词 author:
be the author ofauthoring创作authoring software创作软件author作家
author-ing动名词⇒n.创作动词author的现在分词形式.用作名词Pragmatists can include the highlight domain to provide expressive flexibility for real-worldauthoring.而实用主义者认为可以包括突出显示域来为现实世界创作提供富有表现力的灵活性。
NISD includes technologies and products for speech, natural language, advanced search and help, andauthoringand learning technologies.自然交互服务部开发语音,自然语言,高级搜索和帮助,创作和学习方面的产品和技术。as in.making
同义词 formulationbuilding,causation,composition,conception,constituting,construction,contriving,designing,devising,fabrication,fancying,fashioning,forgingoccasioningorigination,performing,planning,producing,production,shaping
反义词 destruction,ruinas in.production
同义词 construction,management,manufacture,manufacturingassembly,bearing,blossoming,creation,direction,elongation,fabrication,formulation,fructification,generation,giving,lengthening,making,origination,preparation,presentation,prolongation,protraction,provision,rendering,reproduction,return,staging,yieldingengendering,extention,producing
反义词 destruction,takingruin
makingnoun imagination
productionnoun creating of goods, result
productionsnoun creating of goods, result
assemblies,authorings,bearings,blossomings,constructions,creations,directions,elongations,engenderings,extentions,fabrications,formulations,fructifications,generations,givings,lengthening,makings,managements,manufactures,manufacturings,originations,preparations,presentations,producings,prolongations,protractions,provisions,renderings,reproductions,returns,stagings,yieldings The practitioner benefits in each area of process: authoring, access, and guidance.
从业者受益于过程的每一部分:创作、访问和指南。 ibm

Also grants read, edit, or delete access to each authoring template that you have read, edit, or delete access to.
这还授予对您已具有读取、编辑或删除访问权的每个创作模板的读取、编辑或删除访问权。 ibm

Although, ideally, all the artifacts are backed up sufficiently outside your production environment, you might need to back- publish for disaster recovery of the authoring system.
虽然理想情况下,所有构件都在生产环境之外被完全备份,但您在“编写系统”的灾难恢复中可能需要使用“向后发布”。 ibm

As a Web designer, you can create a portal page by using standard Web authoring tools.
作为一个网络设计师,您可以通过标准的网络管理工具来创建门户页面。 ibm

But I really wanted it to be a collaborative authoring tool.
但我真的希望它能成为一种协作式创作工具。 ibm

Create the content, an authoring template, and a presentation template.
创建内容、一个编写模板和一个演示模板。 ibm

For method content authoring, you again have the choice of defining completely new content or extending existing method content.
在方法内容的创造中,你既可以定义全新的内容,也可以扩展已有的方法内容。 ibm

Furthermore, the authoring and maintenance of each individual process itself may be performed by a distributed team.
此外,每个过程本身的编写和维护可能由分布的团队执行。 ibm

Occasionally, customers have requested the ability to publish from a production portal back into their authoring environment.
客户偶尔会要求能够将规则从生产门户向回发布到自己的编写环境中。 ibm

Of course, you have to keep profiles in your workspace for authoring.
当然,您必须为了创作将概要文件保存在您的工作空间中。 ibm

Only on this preview page will you see rules executing from your development or authoring workspaces.
您在该页面上唯一能看到的是从开发或编写工作区执行的规则。 ibm

Past versions of these tools focused on the method content side and offered limited authoring and tailoring capabilities for the process side.
这些工具先前的版本强调了方法内容方面,对过程方面只提供了有限的创造和裁剪能力。 ibm

System requirements vary for this tutorial as there are a number of both viewing and authoring environments that are valid.
本教程的系统需求有很大差异,因为存在许多有效的查看和编写环境。 ibm

The assumption during exemplar authoring is that the exemplar is written to all applicable best practices, guidelines, conventions, and so on.
范例创作期间的假设在于,该范例是按照所有适用的最佳实践、指导方针、约定等等来编写的。 ibm

The authoring approaches we offer do not require specialized skills.
我们提供的创作步骤并不需要专业技能。 ibm

Then create an authoring template where you can enter the content.
然后创建一个编写模板,您可以在其中输入内容。 ibm

This also grants read access to each authoring template that you have read access to.
还授予对您已具有读访问权的每个创作模板的读访问权。 ibm

This focus is evident in three areas: process authoring, process access, and process guidance.
这在三个领域内十分明显:过程创作、过程访问和过程指导。 ibm

This is useful if some problems have arisen in your production portal which cannot be reproduced in your authoring or staging environments.
但这在用户生产门户发生某些问题无法在编写或登台环境中复制时非常有用。 ibm

This step provides the mappings of authoring templates and presentation templates that need to be defined on the site.
这个步骤将添加需要在站点中定义的创作模板和表示模板的映射。 ibm

This authoring template should therefore be the most basic template that you can find.
这个编写模板应该是您能找到的最基本的模板。 ibm

To begin publishing personalization objects, you create an object in the authoring environment which describes the target endpoint, as shown in Figure7.
要着手发布个性化对象,您需要在编写环境中创建一个描述目标端点的对象,如图7所示。 ibm

With this authoring template, a content object can be created.
有了这个编写模板之后,可以创建一个内容对象。 ibm

You designate another workspace for rule authors to create rules and publish them from the authoring workspace to the production workspace.
您还可以为规则的编写者指派另一个工作区,让他们创建规则并将这些规则从编写工作区发布到生产工作区。 ibm

Authoring or development and production can still all be on one server, while staging is on this second server.
编写或开发和生产可以在同一台服务器上进行,而登台在第二台服务器上进行。 ibm

Authoring of Business Rules, and how to easily change them after deployment, will be covered in a future article in this series.
将在本系列以后的文章中讨论业务规则的创作以及部署后如何方便地对其进行更改。 ibm




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