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Gross profit for the fourth quarter of2008 was CNY94.5 million compared with CNY112.8 million for the same quarter of the prior year.
毛利润2008年第四季度是9450万 RMB 低于去年的1.128亿RMB。 yeeyan

Android handsets nabbed 3.9% of the market last year, up from0.5% the prior year, according to Gartner.
据 Gartner的数据,去年 Android手机的份额从前年的0.5%上升到了3.9%。 iciba

Last year, residential property in China was sold at record high prices, an 80% higher than the prior year.
去年,中国的住宅价格创下历史最高记录,比上一年上增长80%。 on-home

Of that number, 35% eliminated a candidate because of what they found onlinean increase over the prior year's total of 26%.
而其中的35%的候选人因为其在网上的记录而被排除比前年的总数增加了26%。 hjenglish

The increase was mainly driven by currency fluctuations in South America and Asia and incremental stock based compensation costs compared to the prior year.
这些费用与上年相比出现增长,主要是受到了南美和亚洲的货币波动,以及以增股为基础的补偿费用的驱使。 tobaccochina




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