

单词 prioritize
释义 pri·or·i·tize 英praɪˈɔːrɪˌtaɪz, -ˈɒr-美praɪˈɔrɪˌtaɪz, -ˈɑr-AHDprī-ôrʹĭ-tīz', -ŏrʹ- ☆☆☆☆☆高ITCOCA¹⁹⁷²⁷BNC⁵²⁸⁷⁴iWeb⁷⁰⁹⁰
assign a priority to;

we have too many things to do and must prioritize

来自priority,优先权,-ize,使。priorit它-ize使成为⇒vt.把…区分优先次序v.按优先顺序处理;给予…优先权;按重要性排列;依主次程序排列;整理先后次序非常记忆priority优先〖熟词〗+ize艾滋〖谐音〗⇒优先处理艾滋病患者的需求近义词 rank等级list目录order顺序select选择arrange整理line up排队highlight强调focus on集中在prioritise优化spotlight照明灯rank first排第一concentrate on集中于

用作及物动词I nowprioritizeall of my tasks and create a plan.现在我会将所有任务排出优先次序然后制定出计划。
Everyone should take time to be alone, toprioritizeand meditate.每个人都应该找时间独处,理出优先顺序和静思。
Hou do youprioritizewhen you are given too many taske to accomplish?你怎样在一堆根本做不完的工作中区分轻重缓急?as in.program
同义词 compute,register,set uparrange,bill,book,budget,calculate,compile,design,draft,edit,engage,enter,estimate,feed,figure,formulate,itemize,list,poll,prearrange,process,schedule,set,slateget on line,lay on,lay out,line up,map out,pencil in,work out
反义词 cancel,disorder,disorganize,disperse,forget,let go,scatterneglect
programverb plan out;supply instructions
arrange,bill,book,budget,calculate,compile,compute,design,draft,edit,engage,enter,estimate,feed,figure,formulate,get on line,itemize,lay on,lay out,line up,list,map out,pencil in,poll,prearrange,process,register,schedule,set,set up,slate,work out
programingverb plan out;supply instructions
arranging,billing,booking,budgeting,calculating,compiling,computing,designing,drafting,editing,engaging,entering,estimating,feeding,figuring,formulating,getting on line,itemizing,line up,listing,lying on,lying out,mapping out,pencil in,polling,prearranging,prioritizing,processing,registering,scheduling,setting,setting up,slating,working out
programsverb plan out;supply instructions
arranges,bills,books,budgets,calculates,compiles,computes,designs,drafts,edits,engages,enters,estimates,feeds,figures,formulates,gets on line,itemizes,lies on,lies out,line up,lists,maps out,pencil in,polls,prearranges,prioritizes,processes,registers,schedules,sets,sets up,slates,works out
triageverb pay immediate attention to particular priorities
array,classify,emphasize,group,methodize,organize,prioritize,respond,sort,systematize In other words, your goal with time management is to effectively compress, organize and prioritize activities for maximum efficiency.
换句话说,你时间管理的目标是有效地压缩,组织和优先排序事宜来达到最高效率。 yeeyan

One thing we know is that there is never enough time to do everything, so we must prioritize the returned value of the activity.
我们知道,我们没有足够的时间来做所有的事情,因此我们必须根据这个行为的回报来进行优先级选择。 ibm

The customer team works in concert with the product owner to prioritize the new stories and add them to the release backlog.
客户团队将与产品所有者展开一致合作,对新的描述划分优先级并将它们添加到发行版计划安排中。 ibm

The objective of this task is to reduce the work required by leveraging what is “already known to prioritize further work and avoid repetition.
这个任务的目标是,通过利用已知信息减少所需的工作量,确定以后工作的优先次序,避免重复。 ibm

Well, first of all it will help you prioritize your day.
首先它将帮你把一天的待办事项划分优先等级。 yeeyan

“ It depends on whether we prioritize it as a funding matter, but I think there always will be a space for that even if all the resources are digital, ” he said.
他指出:“这取决于我们是否把这件事作为一个资金问题优先解决,但我觉得就算是所有的资源都数字化之后,我们还是有地方来进行这样的活动。” yeeyan

After that, the final step is to prioritize the use cases and assign them for implementation.
在那之后,最后的步骤是排列用例的优先次序,并分配它们进行实现。 ibm

Also, he managed a full traceability map of the requirements, components, threads, test scripts, and defects, which helped him plan and prioritize his team's actions.
同时,他也管理需求、组件、线程、测试脚本和缺陷的完全的跟踪映射,这可以帮助他对他的团队的动作进行计划和优先级划分。 ibm

At this stage, we choose to prioritize growth because we believe the scale is essential to achieving the potential of our business model.

During this task you should be able to uncover and understand your customer?s business pains, identify and prioritize the business requirements, and focus on the business subject areas of interest.
在执行该任务期间,您应该可以发现并理解客户的业务难题,识别并优先考虑业务需求,以及关注感兴趣的业务主题领域。 ibm

First, it helps prioritize requirements, because you can trace every feature to expectations and then tag them with a sureness factor.
首先,它帮助划分需求的优先级,因为您可以将每个特性追溯到期望,并用确信因子标记它们。 ibm

From our discussions with them, we were able to identify some risks that we later used to prioritize our tasks and management of the project.
通过与客户的讨论,我们识别除了一些风险,之后这些风险被我们用来划分任务的优先级和项目管理。 ibm

How do I measure it and how do you prioritize requirements by value?
价值怎样衡量,你怎样根据它给需求设定优先级? infoq

It makes it possible to create a governance council to prioritize new technologies.
它使人们有可能创造一个治理委员会优先新技术。 yeeyan

Of course, there is a command and also another command that allows you to prioritize a process again that is already running.
当然有这样的命令,不仅如此,还有另一个命令允许您对已经运行的进程再次设置优先级。 ibm

Once you prioritize this, look at your choices.
一旦你划定了优先级,再来看你的选择。 infoq

So a complete picture, which allows all areas of capability to be examined, will in turn allow you to prioritize areas of need.
因此,一个完全的图象,将给出所有领域的能力,允许你确定需要改变的优先级。 ibm

This best practice allows you to prioritize test cases based on their complexity, risk, and functional area, which will create a quality estimate about how long the testing will take.
这种最佳的操作允许您基于测试用例的复杂性、风险以及功能性区域来安排它们的优先级,来建立关于测试将要持续多久的质量估计。 ibm

This is usually because teams and organizations don't prioritize their work based on the impact to others.
这通常是因为团队和机构不会根据工作对相互之间的影响而安排优先级。 ibm

This means identifying which scheduling tools work best for us, and making sure that we clearly identify and prioritize each task that we need to do each day.
这意味着我们要找出什么样的日程工具是最适合我们自己的,并且为我们每天要做的事情设定清晰的优先度。 yeeyan

We look at process improvement not just from the processes used to write and deploy code, but also processes used to prioritize work and hire new employees.
我们不仅从用来编写和部署代码的角度检视过程的改进,而且会检视用于为工作安排优先级和雇佣新员工的过程。 infoq

When you have a boss telling you what to do and when to do it by, it’s much easier to prioritize and figure out what needs to be done and when.
当你的老板告诉你要做什么和什么时候做完的时候,你可以很容易的列出事情的优先顺序并且可以对要做什么和什么时候做完做到了如指掌。 yeeyan

You also need the project manager's skills to assess how many development resources and skills are available to be able to allocate and prioritize requirements realizations to different iterations.
你还需要项目经理的技能来评估有多少开发资源和技能能够被获得,以对不同迭代进行资源分配和需求实现的优先级划分。 ibm

You have to prioritize the work you do.
你得把你的工作排个优先顺序。 yeeyan

You might have to go back to your customer and ask more questions in order to discover and prioritize all of their business pains.
您或许必须回到客户那里,并询问更多问题,以便发现和优先考虑他们所有的业务难题。 ibm

You might then want to prioritize a review of the code by examining which areas of the code have given you the most trouble: What parts are the hardest to modify?
然后,您或许想要通过检查代码的哪个部分给您造成最大的麻烦,来对代码进行一个有优先排列的审查:哪部分是最难修改的? ibm

Your translation testers are aware of the relative negative impact of a translation defect in the context of their culture; use them to help prioritize reported problems.
您的翻译测试员知道翻译缺陷在其文化环境中相对的消极影响;可以让他们帮助您划分所报告问题的优先次序。 ibm

Prioritize and plan for what you want.
优先考虑和计划你想要什么。 yeeyan




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