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词汇 print
释义 print. prɪnt


letters, words, numbers, etc. in printed form


picture or design made by printing from an inked surface


photograph printed from a negative

vt. 印刷,出版

make a book, magazine, etc. by means of pressing letters or pictures onto paper

vt. & vi. 用印刷体写

write with separated letters like those used in printing rather than joined together as in handwriting

vi. 冲洗照片

of a photograph be produced from a negative film or plate; of a plate or film produce a picture

the text appearing in a book, newspaper, or other printed publication;

I want to see it in print

a picture or design printed from an engravinga visible indication made on a surface;

some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks

paw prints were everywhere

availability in printed form;

we've got to get that story into print

his book is no longer in print

a copy of a movie on film especially a particular version of ita fabric with a dyed pattern pressed onto it usually by engraved rollersa printed picture produced from a photographic negative
put into print;

The newspaper published the news of the royal couple's divorce

These news should not be printed

write as if with print; not cursivemake into a print;

print the negative

reproduce by printing来自法语,源自拉丁词根prem-按压,可视为其过去分词形式press-的变体形式。词根prem-按压来自拉丁语,其过去分词形式press-更加常见。它和常见前缀pre-向前词源相关,本意是指用力使物体向前移动。
用作名词 n.
动词+~come to the print付印correct the print校正印刷品go to the print付印put sth to the print把…付印read small print读很小的印刷字体send sth to the print把…付印silence the print使新闻界缄默subsidize the print资助报刊出版supply the print with news为报社提供消息形容词+~cheap print三流新闻daily print日报fine print小字体large bold print粗大的字体monthly print月刊periodical print期刊weekly print周刊名词+~colour print彩色照片finger prints指纹~+名词print cotton印花棉布print dress印花布连衣裙print flower design印花卉图案print wallpaper印花壁纸介词+~according to the print根据报刊at print在印刷中in print在印刷中freedom of the print出版自由off the print印刷完毕man on the print新闻记者on the public prints在报刊上a book out of print不再出版的书用作动词 v.~+名词print a lecture印刷讲稿print a scandalous allegation让造谣中伤的言论披露见报print advertisements印广告print books出版书籍print one's address用印刷体写清楚自己的地址print one's name用印刷体写清楚自己的名字print 10,000 copies印1万册print the posters印海报~+副词print beautifully印刷精美print exquisitely印刷得精美print handsomely印得精美print lightly留下浅浅的印迹print neatly印刷得整洁print privately私自印刷~+介词print from type活字印刷print in English用英文出版print in italics斜体印刷print of London life伦敦生活的画片print on good paper用优质纸印刷print with capital letters用大写字母印刷
用作名词 print

已印好可买到 of a book available for sale from the publisher

out of print

绝版的,已销售一空的of a book no longer available from the publisher

rush into print

草率出版某物 publish sth without proper care or consideration

print in¹ v.+adv.

用印刷体或工整的手写体添上 add (words or figures in printing or careful writing)

print sth ⇔ inWill you print in the missing names for me?你能替我把那些漏掉的名字添上吗?
print in² v.+prep.

用印刷体或工整的手写体添上 add (words or figures in printing or careful writing)

print sth in sthThe head words in this dictionary are printed in bold type.这部词典的词目是用黑体字排印的。
print off v.+adv.

付印,印刷 make a photograph or sth written such as a book or an article in a magazine

print sth ⇔ offHow many copies do you want to be printed off?你想付印多少份?
print out v.+adv.

计算机打出 (of a computerproduce a printed form of the results of an inquiry or calculation)

print sth ⇔ outThe machine will print out the results of the calculation and the names of suitable books on this subject.机器将打出计算结果及适合此课题的书目。近义词 copymarkissuestampwriteletterspictureproducepublishn. bookimpressionpublicationreproductionv. impress
用作名词n.Small print tires the eyes.小号字很费眼力。
This book has clear print.这本书印刷字体很清晰。
Headlines are written in large print.标题是用大号字体印刷的。
The print is too small for me to read without glasses.印刷字体太小,我不戴眼睛就看不清楚。
These are identical prints made from a wood block.这是用一块木板印出来的完全相同的画。
This is a beautiful print which I bought yesterday.这是我昨天买的一张美丽的图片。
We had to choose which set of prints to follow.我们必须决定跟踪哪一组脚印。
Sorrow had left its print on her face.悲伤在她脸上留下了痕迹。用作动词v.
S+~+APlease print plainly.请用印刷体书写清楚。
Children learn to print when they first go to school.儿童刚入学时学习用印刷体写字。
The plate is too worn to print.这块感光板太旧了以致不能印制。
This plate has been damaged—it won't print very well.这感光板坏了——印出来效果不太好。
This snapshot hasn't printed very well.这张快照印出来不太清楚。
S+~+ n./pron.The firm specializes in printing advertisements.这家公司专印广告。
How many copies shall I print for you?你要我印多少份?
Do you intend to print your lectures?你打算把你的讲稿印刷吗?
You surely won't print such a scandalous allegation.你绝不会让这种造谣中伤的言论披露见报。
This firm prints a lot of educational books.这家公司出版大量教育书籍。
The child carefully printed his name in capitals at the bottom of his picture.那孩子在他那张图画的下面用印刷体大写字母仔细地书写了自己的名字。
The events printed themselves on her memory.这些事铭刻在她的记忆里。
After it had been printed the book was bound.印刷完后,那本书被装订成册。
The first 64 pages of the book have been printed.该书的前64页已印出。
The poems were printed on a small hand press.那些诗是在一台小型的手动印刷机上印的。Pprintf打印函数Pfootprintn.足迹Pblueprinting晒图Pnonprint禁止打印Ppreprinted预印的Pvoiceprintn.声纹Pnewsprintn.新闻纸Ppalmprint掌纹掌印Punprinted未打印的Pwoodprintn.木版画Pfootprinting足迹法Pprintoutn.打印输出Pimprinting印刷盖印Pprintsellern.版画商Pfingerprinting指纹法Pmicroprintn.缩影相片Pprintclothn.印花布料Pthumbprintn.拇指指纹Pxeroprinting干式印刷Poverprinting附加印刷Pprintern.印刷工打印机Pimprinter印刷机压印器Pminiprinter小型打印机Pprintergramn.印字电报Pphotoprintn.影印影印画Pmultiprinter多用打印机Plithoprintvt.胶印法印刷Pprintshopn.版画店印刷所Plineprintern.行式打印机Pvoiceprinting声纹鉴别法Pprintingn.印刷印刷术印花Preader-printer阅读印刷机Pfingerprintn.指纹vt.采指纹Pteleprintern.电传打字电报机Pprintworksn.印染工厂印花工厂Pmisprintn.印错印刷错误vt.印错Pprintablea.可印刷的适于出版的Pprinteda.印刷的印好的印花样的Pprintlessa.无印痕的不留印痕的Pvoiceprinter声纹机声印机声模机Preprintn.再版翻版重印vt.再版翻版Poff-printn.单行本vt.将…印成单行本Punprintablea.不宜刊印的不能付印的Poffprintn.选刊单独重刊vt.印成单行本Pprinteryn.花布印染工厂印刷所印刷工厂Poverprintvt.套印重印晒印过度n.套印加盖Pblueprintn.蓝图设计图计划vt.制成蓝图计划Pimprintvt.印铭刻n.印印记特征痕迹版本说明




print还可表示“印痕,痕迹”,是可数名词; 表示“指纹”时,常用作复数形式。


print用作动词的基本意思是“印刷,印制”“发表,出版”,主语通常是人,但有时也可以是物,有时可用newspaper, magazine, paper等。

print也可指“用印刷字体书写”。用于比喻, print还可表示“铭刻”等。


用作动词How many copies shall weprintfrom the negative?用这张底片我们要印多少张相片?
His second book is already inprint.他的第二本书已出版。
He founded his own press toprintthem.他自己成立印刷厂出版这些书。
This printer canprint40 pages in a minute.这台打印机一分钟能打印40页。
During that time, the radiation diffused across short distance scales, smearing the fineprintin the microwave background sky.在这期间,辐射在短距离尺度上四处漫射,模糊了铭刻在微波背景天空上的细微印记。用作名词Theprintis too small for me to read without glasses.印刷字体太小,我不带眼镜就看不清。
The printmaking would lose direction ifprintartists have no skill interests in creation.版画家脱离技术趣味进行创作时,版画创作就没有了方向感。
This boundary is like the outer circumference of the Escherprintor the surface of the solid cylinder I considered earlier.这个边界就类似艾雪版画的外缘或者前面提过的圆柱体的表面。
Her first novel is out ofprintnow but you may find a second-hand copy.她的第一部小说现已绝版,不过你可以找本旧的。
The thief had left hisprintson the handle.小偷在把手上留下了指纹。
He assures to us that we will get the blueprintin time.他向我们保证我们将及时得到蓝图。
The sofa was adorned with a gayprintslipcover.沙发上罩了一个鲜艳的印花套子。
He was standing in hisprintshirt and his waistcoat in front of his shop, which looked into the street.He saw Alpatitch, and went up to him.身穿背心和印花衬衫的费拉蓬托夫,站在面临大街的面粉店的傍边,他看见了阿尔帕特奇,便向他走过去。用作形容词Headlines are written in largeprint.标题是用大号字体印刷的。
I closed up the space between the lines ofprint.我使印刷的行距靠紧些。noun.publication;something impressed
同义词 book,copy,edition,engraving,lettering,lithograph,magazine,newspaper,photograph,stamp,type,writingcharacters,composition,face,font,impress,impression,imprint,indentation,issue,letters,newsprint,periodical,typeface,typescript,typesettingblack and white,printed matterverb.produce writing, impression;reproduce
同义词 disseminate,engrave,imprint,mark,publish,reissue,reprint,stampcompose,impress,issue,letter,offset,setgo to press,let roll,publication calligraph,put to bed,run off,set type,strike off
cluenoun hint, evidence
cue,dead giveaway,hot lead,indication,inkling,intimation,key,lead,mark,notion,pointer,proof,sign,solution,suggestion,suspicion,telltale,tip,tip-off,trace,track,wind
cluesnoun hint, evidence
cues,dead giveaways,hot leads,indications,inklings,intimations,keys,leads,marks,notions,pointers,prints,proofs,signs,solutions,suggestions,suspicions,telltales,tip-offs,tips,traces,tracks,winds
copiesnoun duplicate, imitation
Photostats,Xeroxes,archetypes,carbon copies,carbons,casts,clones,counterfeits,counterparts,dittoes,ectypes,effigies,ersatzes,facsimiles,forgeries,hard copies,images,impersonation,impressions,imprints,likenesses,microfiche,mimeographs,miniatures,mirrors,models,offprints,parallels,patterns,photocopies,photographs,portraits,prints,reflections,replicas,replications,representations,reprints,reproductions,rubbings,similarities,simulacrums,simulations,studies,tracings,transcriptions,transcripts,types
copynoun duplicate, imitation
Photostat,Xerox,archetype,carbon,carbon copy,cast,clone,counterfeit,counterpart,ditto,ectype,effigy,ersatz,facsimile,forgery,hard copy,image,impersonation,impression,imprint,likeness,microfiche,mimeograph,miniature,mirror,model,offprint,parallel,pattern,photocopy,photograph,portrait,print,reflection,replica,replication,representation,reprint,reproduction,rubbings,similarity,simulacrum,simulation,study,tracing,transcript,transcription,type
engraveverb carve letters or designs into
engravesverb carve letters or designs into




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