

单词 principles
释义 principles 英'prɪnsəplz美'prɪnsəplz COCA²⁸³³BNC¹⁵⁰⁷Economist³⁶²⁴
名词 principle:
a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conducta rule or standard especially of good behaviora basic truth or law or assumptiona rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex systemrule of personal conductlaw an explanation of the fundamental reasons especially an explanation of the working of some device in terms of laws of natureprinciple-s复数⇒n.原则⁷⁸;原理²¹;道义¹;节操名词principle的复数形式.用作名词Our actions often negate ourprinciples.我们的行为时常与我们所信奉的原则背道而弛。
We found theprincipleseasy to understand.我们发现这些原理很好理解。
She embodies herprinciplesin her behaviour.她的道义体现在她的行为上。
These actions stamp him as a man of highprinciples.这些行为显示出他是一个很有节操的人。noun.law, standard
同义词 assumption,basis,convention,doctrine,ethic,foundation,fundamental,precept,proposition,regulation,rule,truthaxiom,canon,criterion,dictum,dogma,form,formula,ground,maxim,origin,postulate,prescript,source,theorem,usage,veritygolden rule,principium
反义词 ambiguity,effect,end,result
basicsnoun fundamentals
ABC's,bare bones,brass tacks,elements,essentials,first steps,foundation,nitty-gritty,nuts and bolts,rudiments,the three R's
causenoun belief;undertaking for belief
consciencenoun moral sense
censor,compunction,demur,duty,inner voice,morals,principles,qualms,right and wrong,scruples,shame,small voice,squeam,still small voice,superego
ethicnoun moral principle
code,ethical code,ethical values,ethicality,ethicalness,fairness,integrity,moral,moral philosophy,morality,principle,principles,righteousness,rightfulness,rightness,set of values,value-system,virtue
ethicalitynoun ethic
code,ethical code,ethical values,ethicalness,ethics,moral,moral philosophy,morality,principle,principles,set of values,value-system
ethicalnessnoun ethic
code,ethical code,ethical values,ethicality,ethics,moral,moral philosophy,morality,principle,principles,set of values,value-system All the more reason not to allow them to walk off with our fundamental principles.
为此,我们更要有理由不要让他们偷走了我们的基本原则。 yeeyan

The question is how detailed these principles should be.
问题是这些原则究竟应该细化到什么程度。 ecocn

Based on these principles, I have four proposals.
基于这些原则,我有以下四项提议。 baidu

Defining your values and principles: who are you?
定义你的价值观及原则:你是谁? yeeyan

Her behaviour and her principles do not accord well together.

His behaviour does not accord with his principles.

However, by the end of the semester, I noticed the more principles I applied to my work, the better the animation.
然而,到学期结束的时候,我注意到如果在我的作品中应用的这些原则越多,动画就越好。 blog.sina.com.cn

If you can see the logic underlying those principles, however basic and simple they are, then you can see ways they can be put to work against each other.
如果你可以看到这些原则后面的逻辑关系,无论那是多么基础和简单,你就可以找到方法把它们组合在一起来运作。 yeeyan

Of course the Democrats all hate me, he seemed to imply; what can you expect when I stand so firmly by my principles?
当然,他似乎暗示道,所有的民主党人都讨厌我;当我如此坚定地坚持我的原则,你能预料到什么? ecocn

So, if your child’s school does not teach based on these principles, how can you as the parent use them to help your child be successful in school and in life?
所以,如果你孩子所在的学校不是在这些原则的基础上教学的,那么,作为父母,你能够用这些帮助你的孩子在生活和学习中获得成功吗? yeeyan

These actions are consistent with his principles.
这些行为与他的原则是一致的。 kekenet

These are all examples of transmission principles.
这些都是传播法则的例子。 ecocn

These are universal principles, not just for people who call themselves journalists but for anyone who wants to be trusted for what they say or write.
这些都是普遍的原则,不是仅仅适用于所谓的新闻工作者,也适用于想要别人相信自己说的和写的东西的人。 yeeyan

These are principles we share with your current leadership and with your people, and we have every reason to be hopeful for the future.
这些是我们与贵国目前的领导人和贵国人民共有的原则,我们有一切理由对前途充满希望。 worldbank

They rely on her principles and ethical standards.
他们依赖于她的原则和伦理标准。 fortunechina

To attempt it finds no support in the principles of our Constitution.
试图如此无法在我们的宪法原则中找到依据。 kekenet

We never deviate from our principles.

We will never barter away principles.

We would encourage an initial focus on the design of the service interface, ensuring that it enables scalability; our design principles should help with that.
我们鼓励将最初的重点放在服务接口设计上,以确保其支持可伸缩性;我们的设计原则可帮助做到这一点。 ibm




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