

单词 principal parts
释义 principal parts ˌprɪnsəplˈpɑːts 短语⁷⁸⁵¹⁴
In brief, the confine, principal parts of organization and modes of assistance are important tasks of interregional judicial assistance, and are made up of my whole dissertation.
我国区际司法协助涉及的范围、主体机构、协助方式以及协助模式的确立,都是我国区际司法协助课题中迫切解决的问题,也是本论文中的主要问题。 cnki

It is local governments who are principal parts of institution transition. Without institutional finance channels, local governments result in asymmetry of undertaking against income.
地方政府是制度变迁的主体,造成地方财政困境的根本原因在于地方政府事权、财权不对称,没有规范的制度化融资渠道。 cnki

Not only government, but also the industry, the academia and even the consumers are the principal parts in practice.
毕竟产业界、学术界,包括消费者也是循环经济建设的主体。 www.commerce.sh.cn

The situation that state-owned enterprises and financial departments account for principal parts of China's economy provides the base for national audit's financial regulation.
我国国有经济和国有金融机构占主体的国情为国家审计全面发挥金融监管作用提供了客观基础。 cnki

The mobility of human resources is one of the most important features of the world economic organic whole and the mobile human resources are the most vigorous principal parts of human resources.
人力资源的流动是全球经济一体化的主要特征,流动人力资源是人力资源中最具活力的主体。 cnki

The operation of principal parts of the building market inevitably tends to be specialized subcontracting.
市场主体的运行向完善的专业化分包体系发展,是我国建筑业经营管理的必然走向。 dictall

Being the principal parts of enterprises value create, enterprise intellectual capital mast be the principal attention objective of strategicM& A.
企业智力资本作为知识经济时代价值创造的主体,必然是企业战略并购为了实现价值创造所主要关注的对象。 cnki

During the period of inducing institutional variance, the total scale of education investment took on an expansive trend and the principal parts of education investment became more and more.
在诱致性制度变迁阶段,教育投资总规模呈逐年扩大的趋势,教育投资主体呈现出多元化格局。 cnki

Human beings are principal parts in studying ecological environment and the end of all of the problems.
研究生态环境,人是主体,也是所有问题的归结点。 cnki

In time of emergencies, the principal parts to maintain the common security of the country are the government, the public and the media, which much undertake respective responsibilities.
在危机状态下,政府、公众和媒体是维护国家公共安全的责任主体,他们必须承担各自的责任。 dictall

It also expounds the differences between the profit cost management and the benefit cost management by respective discussions on their purposes, principal parts and substances.
并通过对利益成本管理与效益成本管理的目标、主体与内容的分别论述,阐明了二者所具有的种种差异。 cnki

Learners are principal parts in learning process.
学习者在学习过程中具有主体地位。 cnki

Safety facilities and environmental protection facilities for port construction projects shall be designed, constructed and put into use simultaneously with the principal parts of the projects.
港口建设项目的安全设施和环境保护设施,必须与主体工程同时设计、同时施工、同时投入使用。 xddhy

The third part describes the supervision system and the self- management of principal parts of futures market in China.
第三部分是对中国期货市场的风险监管体系及市场主体的自我管理的描述; cnki

The non-governmental organizations have played important roles in public welfare among the pluralistic- supplied principal parts.
我国非政府组织在社会公益多元供给主体格局中扮演着重要角色。 dictall

There has been an obvious misunderstanding of principal parts of brand for a long time, which caused a great difference between enterprises and consumers when they recognized an identical brand.
长期以来,由于在品牌主体认识上存在着明显误区,导致企业与消费者在同一品牌的认知上存在着南辕北辙的现象。 dictall

Thirdly, merchants are the principal parts in the market activities, and are the most active factor in the commerce development.
再次,商人是市场活动的主体,是商业发展中最活跃的因素。 cnki

Venture capital focuses on financing, investment and exit capital and it relates to three operating principal parts that are investor, venture capitalist and entrepreneur.
风险投资集融资、投资、撤资于一体,涉及投资者、风险投资家与风险企业家三个不同的运作主体。 cnki

Principal parts of building market are engaged in construction and transaction of building projects.
建筑市场主体是提供和交易公共品的生产经营者。 cnki




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