释义 |
Prince Otto 基本例句 n.《奥托王子》;罗伯特·L·斯蒂文森(Robert L It is times like this that I hopePrince Ottovon Bismarck could rise to authoritatively decide the future of the world with level-headedness and magnificent diplomacy and not give in to popular demands driven by emotions.我真希望能有一个像“铁血宰相”俾斯麦一样的人,不受群众情绪的左右,通过冷静的思考和高超的外交手腕,果断的决定世界的未来。 of or relating toPrince Ottovon Bismarck or his accomplishments.属于或关于俾斯麦的或他的成就的。 |