

单词 prince-
释义 prince-BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
The Castle of Augustusburg is the opulent residence of the prince- archbishops of Cologne while the Castle of Falkenlust is a hunting lodge.
布吕尔的奥古斯都城堡是科隆的大公兼大主教奢华的居所,而“乡间小屋城堡”则是一处狩猎小屋。 douban

Just when she is about to marry Prince Ronald, a dragon smashes her castle, burns her clothes with his fiery breath, and prince- naps her dear Ronald.
正当她准备与罗纳德王子结婚时,一只巨龙摧毁了她所住的城堡,烧光了她的衣服,并且绑架了她亲爱的罗纳德。 xmst

Legend says that the double staircase of its town hall was made to give equal access to the two lords—the prince- bishops of Liège and the dukes of Brabant—who for centuries jointly ruled the city.
传说城内市政厅里的双翼楼梯当年建造的目的就是为了使两位君主可以平等的使用。他们就是共同统治这个城市几个世纪的列日亲王大主教和布兰班特大公。 ecocn

Salzburg has managed to preserve an extraordinarily rich urban fabric, developed over the period from the Middle Ages to the 19th century when it was a city-state ruled by a prince- archbishop.
萨尔茨堡一直尽力保护那些建于中世纪到十九世纪的珍贵建筑物。当时,它是由大主教统治下的一个城邦。 blog.sina.com.cn

This situation continued until his dismissal from Salzburg in 1781 by his employer, the Prince- Archbishop, and his subsequent departure for Vienna.
这种状况直到他于1781年被他的雇主——萨尔斯堡大主教解雇后才告结束,接著他动身前往维也纳。 blog.sina.com.cn

Prince Nayef, one of Sultan’s full brothers, has been seen as the likely next in line to Sultan since the king promoted him last year to the crown-prince- in-waiting post.
纳耶夫亲王,苏尔坦众多同胞兄弟中的一个,在去年被国王晋封为王储后,被认为是排在苏尔坦之后的王位继承人。 ecocn




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