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词汇 Austrians
释义 AustriansEconomist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
And those seeking truthful answers to the mess turned to the Austrians in 2009 and following.
自2009年起,那些寻求混乱背后真实答案的人们纷纷向奥地利的经济学家们求助。 yeeyan

The libertarian streak of the Austrians still has its fans. Glenn Beck, a lachrymose Fox News pundit, turned Hayek’s “The Road to Serfdom” into an unlikely bestseller earlier this year.
但是,奥地利的自由意志论还是有一定市场的,在煽情的福克斯新闻评论家格伦贝克的帮助下,哈耶克的《通往奴役之路》意料之外地一举成为今天上半年的畅销书。 ecocn

The libertarian streak of the Austrians still has its fans.
奥地利学派的自由主义倾向仍拥有其拥趸。 ecocn

The Austrians may have said smart things about the boom, but what about the bust?
奥地利学派或许对于繁荣拥有着真知灼见,那对泡沫破灭后的情况又是如何呢? ecocn

Efficient- market theorists disliked the Austrians because they appeared to assume that businessmen could act irrationally.
有效市场理论家也不喜欢奥地利学派,因为他们假设商人可以做出并不理智的行为。 ecocn

First, how many foreign observers of the deportations, including Germans and Austrians who were allied to the Turks, did conclude that the intention was to kill, not just deport.
其一,流放事件中有多少外籍观察员包括与土耳其结盟的德国、奥地利的观察员认定为此次行动的目的是为屠杀而非驱逐出境。 ecocn

For many Italians and Austrians, they begin in Slovenia, the Western outpost of the Slavic hordes.
对于许多意大利和奥地利人来说,它从斯洛文尼亚开始,因为那里是斯拉夫部落的西部前哨。 yeeyan

France and Piedmont, in alliance, had kicked the Austrians out of Lombardy.
当时,法国与皮埃蒙特已经联手将奥地利人逐出了意大利北部的伦巴第地区。 yeeyan

French leftists want more protectionism; most Austrians hate the thought of admitting Turkey; lots of east Europeans feel the club's environmental rules are overblown.
法国左翼人士谋求更多的保护主义政策;大多数奥地利人反对土耳其加入欧盟;大多数东欧成员国认为欧盟的环境政策过于严苛。 ecocn

Given that Austrians make up a tiny percentage of all economists, it would seem that there is more to this than a broken clock.
考虑到奥地利派只占全部经济学家的极小部分,这看起来已不能再用破钟效应解释。 yeeyan

Haydn and Mozart were both Austrians who spent much of their professional lives in Vienna.
海顿与莫扎特均出生于奥地利,且专业生涯主要集中于维也纳。 yeeyan

His economic writings bridged the gap between Mises and the current generation of Austrians.
他的经济学著作在米塞斯和当代奥地利学派经济学家们之间架起了桥梁。 yeeyan

Meanwhile, the Austrians have the opposite set of policy guidelines and have heroically held to their recipe of liquidation.
不过,奥地利人有着恰恰相反的政策指导措施并自豪地坚持清算才是解决危机之道。 yeeyan

Naturally, these views are anathema to modern Austrians in the tradition of Murray Rothbard, who think the central bank should be abolished.
事实上,这些观点是对罗斯巴德一派的现代奥地利学派的诅咒,因为奥地利学派认为中央银行必须取消。 yeeyan

Not only is the Czech plant portrayed as a menace to Austrians, but the Czech authorities withhold vital information from their neighbours after the accident.
电影中不仅这座捷克核电站被描述成对奥地利的威胁,而且事件发生后捷克官方还向邻国隐瞒了重要的信息。 ecocn

One criticism is that the Austrians offered a “counsel of despair”, suggesting that the authorities do nothing while a crisis blows itself out.
一种批评观点认为奥地利学派的观点是“自暴自弃”的,建议当局无为而治,任凭危机自行消失。 ecocn

President Bush had a terrible, horrible day at the Sydney Opera House Friday, confusing APEC with OPEC and transforming Australian troops into Austrians.
上周五,布什总统在悉尼歌剧院度过了十分糟糕的一天,他竟然把 APEC说成了 OPEC,还把“澳大利亚军队”变成了“奥地利军队”。

Some Austrians, ungratefully, nicknamed it the “Looter’s memorial” or the “ Unknown rapist”.
一些奥地利人不仅不心怀感激,并且将它称之为“侵略者的纪念馆”或者“不为人知的强奸犯”。 ecocn

Tens of thousands of Austrians blame Mr Meinl for losses on share certificates which bore the Meinl brand, a responsibility he emphatically rejects.
数万奥地利人谴责麦尔发售的股权凭证使他们蒙受了损失,而麦尔却断然拒绝为损失承担责任。 ecocn

That is how the Austrians knew the present bust was coming.
这就是为什么奥地利经济学家知道崩溃即将来临。 yeeyan

The fact is that most Austrians are perfectly happy with that. They are used to a system in which power and jobs are shared out to reflect a wide range of opinion.
事实是所有的奥地利人完全的对那样感到高兴,他们曾经是一个权利和工作共同影响很大范围意见的系统。 ecocn

The press was told to ignore him, and his later efforts to oust the Austrians from Venice and papal rule from Rome came to nothing.
新闻媒体得到命令,不报道有关他的消息。此后他致力于将奥地利人逐出维也纳,以及让罗马摆脱教皇统治,都无功而返。 yeeyan

This seems to be a real conundrum, even for Austrians and other libertarians.
这看起来确实是一个谜团,特别是对于包括奥地利学派在内的自由主义者来说。 yeeyan

Austrians would argue that such ditch digging and filling are actually better for the economy than what government actually does with our money.
奥地利人认为这些刨坑填坑行为实际上比政府利用大众钱的方式对经济的作用要大。 yeeyan




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