

单词 price wars
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na.价格战;🌏减价战;价格战争原型pricewar的复数 But papers are absurdly cheap thanks to incessant price wars.
由于持续不断的价格战,报纸价格也是便宜地荒唐至极。 ecocn

The price wars may wipe out already- thin PC profit margins, which typically hover at6%.
价格战可能会把本已微薄的个人电脑利润一扫而光,而其通常的利润率在6%上下。 ebigear

Price wars in nearly- saturated markets have mangled profit margins.
手机市场几近饱和,频繁的价格战大幅挤压利润空间。 ecocn

Although retail price wars have received much business press and some research attention, it is unclear how they affect consumer purchase behavior.
尽管零售价格战已经引起了商业新闻和研究的关注,但是价格战如何影响消费者的购买行为仍不清楚。 yuhongyan

Banks in overstretched countries are also likely to face price wars to attract depositors from each otheras is already happening in Spain and from other savings products such as life insurance.
为了吸引各自国家西班牙已经在这样发生和终身保险等其他存储产品的储户,过度消费的国家的银行可能会面临价格战。 ecocn

But at bottom it was just like other price wars: all the companies involved got hurt.
实际上,航空业的降价与其他行业的价格战没什么两样:所有参与降价的公司都会经受损失。 yeeyan

But even with price wars, profits are high.
不过,就算有价格战影响,公司的利润也相当高。 yeeyan

But this could mean high street price wars as retailers compete“ even more fiercely”.
但是随着零售商之间更加残酷的竞争,这可能意味这价格战的升级。 yeeyan

Finally, the fratricidal price wars led to the short-lived brand of Pharmaceuticals in China.
最后,自相残杀的价格战导致中国药品品牌的短命。 fabiao

For a real- world example of the effect of lower search costs, think of today's e- reader price wars.

From a game- theory perspective, price wars are usually negative- sum games: everyone loses.
按照游戏理论,价格战通常是赔本的游戏:没有赢家。 yeeyan

Imperial Tobacco said it was unlikely to see a repeat of the “ perfect storm” that led to revenue- damaging price wars in Spain this year, as it reported annual profits in line with expectations.
烟草在线据《电讯报》报道编译帝国烟草公司在报告年度利润与预期相符时说,导致今年西班牙出现损害收入的价格战的“完美风暴”不可能再次出现。 tobaccochina

It’s easy to see how price wars get started.
不难看出价格战是如何引发的。 yeeyan

On the market, household appliances products tend to same, promotions are enhanced, and price wars continue, but household appliances manufacturers are still in trouble.
目前的市场上,产品同质化严重,促销力度不断加强,价格战此起彼伏,但家电生产企业的日子却越来越难过。 fabiao

Only81m Indians7% of the population regularly use the internet. But brutal price wars mean that 507m own mobile phones.
只有八千一百万的印度人经常使用互联网,这个数字仅是印度人口的7%。 yeeyan

Other factors include a number of price wars in local markets such as Spain.
其他的影响因素还有,如西班牙的本地市场价格战。 yeeyan

Such price wars are like games of chicken, and typically end just as badly.
这种价格战如同老鹰捉小鸡,通常下场都不会好。 yeeyan

Thanks to years of price wars between Indonesia’s three major telecommunications companies, mobile contracts in the country are dirt- cheap.
印度尼西亚三大电信公司这几年的价格战使国内手机套餐合同的价格很低廉。 ecocn

These price wars are disastrous for our bottom line. If they're charging10% less than we are, we've got to find a way to lower our price while keeping our profit.
这些价格战对我们底线的影响是灾难性的。如果他们比我们的要价低10%,那我们只能在维持利润的同事找到一种降低价格的办法。 neworldedu




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