

单词 Australian
释义 Aus·tra·lian 英ɔːˈstreɪljən美ɔˈstreljən;英ɒ'streɪliən美ɔː'streɪliən ★★★★☆常初中高I4iWeb¹⁸⁵³Economist²⁵⁰⁸
a native or inhabitant of Australiathe Austronesian languages spoken by Australian aborigines
of or relating to or characteristic of Australia or its inhabitants or its languages;

Australian deserts

Australian aborigines

Australian Rules澳大利亚式橄榄球规则…
Australia澳大利亚+an形容词和名词后缀⇒澳大利亚的人。近义词 Aussie澳洲人

用作形容词American andAustralianzip codes are numeric.美国和澳大利亚的邮递区号是数字的。
TheAustralianseasons are the opposite.澳大利亚的季节是截然相反的。用作名词Aha, I would appreciate another style ofAustralianwrithing.哈哈,我又可以领略澳大利亚人的另一种写作风格了。
This type of event typifies theAustralianpersonality.此类活动彰显了澳大利亚人的个性。“ I have to get a visa to work in China, ” Shi says with a hint of an Australian accent, laughing.
施正荣有说话带着一点澳大利亚口音,他笑着说;“我必须得到签证才能在中国工作”。 yeeyan

“ The IAAF can state that statements in the Australian press should be treated with caution as they are not official statements by the IAAF, ” it said.
它说:“国际田联可以告诉大家,应该谨慎地对待澳大利亚新闻界发表的声明,因为它们不是国际田联的官方声明。” yeeyan

And for that reason, we have some concern about the status of the Australian sea lions.
由于这种原因,我们对澳大利亚海狮的生存状况感到担忧。 tingvoa

Bushfires in the southern Australian state of Victoria have been burning for more than 50 days, destroying about one million hectares of forest and farmland.
澳大利亚南部维多利亚州的丛林大火已经燃烧了50多天,烧毁了大约一百万公顷的森林和农田。 kekenet

But as the Australian researchers pointed out, some of those same studies, as well as others, did not find other characteristic changes in the knee that indicate damage.
但是正如这些澳大利亚研究人员所指出的,这些实验还有其它的一些,都没有找到能说明对膝盖损害的其它标志性变化。 yeeyan

For six years from2002, it tried to persuade Timor-Leste to join its Pacific Patrol Boat Programme, in which Australian ships patrol the seas of South Pacific countries on their behalf.
自2002年起六年时间里,澳大利亚尝试劝说东帝汶加入他们的太平洋巡逻艇计划,即澳大利亚船只代表南太平洋国家巡视相关海域。 ecocn

He is an Australian writer.
他是一位澳大利亚作家。 kekenet

He wore a tooth from that shark round his neck ever after, as well as one big hoop earring and an Australian hat.
自那以后,他就把这条鲨鱼的一颗牙齿戴在脖子上,此外,还戴了一个环形大耳环和一顶澳大利亚的帽子。 kekenet

I have been accused of treason, even though I am an Australian, not a US, citizen.

Now an Australian team thinks it has found an efficient way to do just that.
目前,一个澳大利亚团组认为他们找到了做到这些的有效方法。 ecocn

Ornstein says subtropical regions, such as the Sahara and the Australian outback, do not have this problem.
奥恩斯坦说,亚热带地区,如撒哈拉沙漠和澳大利亚内陆,却没有这个问题。 yeeyan

These eastern Australian residents spend most of their time dozing in eucalyptus trees, waking up at night to feed on the trees' tough leaves.
这些东澳大利亚的居民们大多数时间都在桉树下打盹儿,只有在夜间醒来吃坚硬的树叶子。 yeeyan

This has been echoed, though not quite so loudly, by British and Australian government officials.
这是呼应,虽然不那么大声,英国和澳大利亚的政府官员认为。 yeeyan

Whether in the gold markets of Dubai or the Australian outback, the scientists have learned happiness goes beyond genes and circumstances.
无论是在迪拜的黄金市场还是澳大利亚内地,他们发现幸福不止是由基因和环境所决定。 yeeyan

Whoever they are, they will never know that they are a blood brother or sister to an Australian!
不管他们是谁,他们绝不会知道自己是一个澳大利亚人的血亲兄弟或姐妹。 edu.sina.com.cn




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