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Mexico’s Institutional Revolutionary Party PRI handily won three governor’s races, including the contest in heavily populated Mexico state.
墨西哥革命制度党 PRI轻而易举地在三个州长竞选中取得胜利,包括在人口稠密的墨西哥州的竞争。 yeeyan

The revolution of1910-17 gave birth to a seemingly powerful state, democratic in appearance but authoritarian in nature, in which power was monopolized by the Institutional Revolutionary Party PRI.
尽管1910-1917年的革命使得墨西哥成为一个看似强大的国家,它标榜民主,而骨子里却是彻底的独裁。整个国家完全由革命制度党 PRI统治。 ecocn

The PRI candidate’s face is plastered across every lamppost and taxi window in some towns in the state.
在该州的某些城镇,革命体制党的候选人的脸被绘在每一个街灯柱和计程车窗上。 ecocn

The PRI has held the state, where the demographic mix mirrors that of the country as a whole, for82 years.
革命体制党获得了该州的支持,而这个州的人口混杂,是整个国家82年以来的民生缩影。 ecocn

“ Some PRI members are prehistóricos”, he says of their longing for one-party rule.
有些革命制度党成员是守旧势力 “他说他们渴望一党统治。” ecocn

After the conservative National Action Party PAN broke the PRI’s seven- decade grip on power in 2000, Pemex started to invest more.
保守的国家行动党 PAN在2000年中断了体制革命党 PRI连续七十年执政后, Pemex才开始投资更多。 ecocn

After61 years in opposition, it wrested the presidency from the hegemonic Institutional Revolutionary Party PRI in 2000 and held it in2006.
2000年,在历经61年对抗后,PAN终于从一直掌握霸权的革命制度党 PRI手中夺取了总统职位,并在2006年成功守住。 ecocn

All this bolsters the PRI’s message that it is the only party competent to govern.
所有拥护革命体制党的消息表明,该党将是唯一能胜任统治的党派。 ecocn

Both FDI- net and PRI- Center also give investors a forum for networking and exchanging information, the agency says.
该机构说, FDI- net和 PRI- Center都为投资者提供一个联网和信息交流论坛。 worldbank

But Mr Calderón could also use the PRD as a bargaining chip, agreeing not to field alliance candidates in some states in exchange for the PRI's votes in Congress.
但是,卡尔德龙先生也可以把民主革命党作为讨价还价的筹码,同意在某些州的选举不派联盟党候选人以换取革命制度党在国会的投票。 ecocn

But the PRI may do better than the polls suggest.
但是革命制度党也许更优于民意测验结果。 ecocn

First, on July4th Oaxacan voters booted out the long- ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party PRI.
首先,在7月4日瓦哈卡选民脱离了长期统治他们的革命党 PRI。 ecocn

His death prompted not a surge of national solidarity but further partisan squabbling between the president and the PRI; and public support for the crusade is waning.
他的死亡并没有推动整个国家的团结,相反进一步引发了总统同革命制度党 PRI之间的争论,以及公众对扫毒的支持也慢慢减弱。 ecocn

If the polls prove right, the balance of power in Mexico will have shifted towards the PRI but not massively so.
如果民意调查结果与事实相符,墨西哥的政治力量平衡将会倾向革命制度党,但也不会是压倒性的。 ecocn

In contrast, the new lot, an alliance of the PRI’s main rivals, will probably be less accommodating.
相反地,与 PRI的主要对手联盟,恐怕是很难实现的。 ecocn

In the most recent presidential election, the PRI’s entrant was crippled by a bitter nomination fight.
在最近的一次的总统选举中, PRI的总统竞争者在激烈的党内提名竞争中受挫,实力遭到削弱。 ecocn

In early 2005 the United Nations Secretary-General invited a group of the world’s largest institutional investors to join a process to develop the Principles for Responsible Investment PRI.
早在2005年初,联合国秘书长就邀请了一批世界上最大的投资机构者来参与如何发展负责任投资原则 PRI。 un

Mexico's Institutional Revolutionary Party PRI handily won three governor's races, including the contest in heavily populated Mexico state.
墨西哥革命制度党 PRI轻松赢得三个州长的竞选,包括在人口稠密的墨西哥州的角逐。 ecocn

Moreover, the PRI has always retained the majority of state governorships.
此外, PRI一直占有多数的州长职位。 ecocn

Self evaluation and independent evaluation are each necessary for achieving successful results in using the V- PRI- BAPE- CU procedure.
在使用 V- PRI- BAPE- CU程序中,自我评估和独立评估对于取得成功的结果都十分必要。 ibm

That would let him pass laws that do not entail constitutional amendments by picking off just a few PRI members or their allies.
这样就不用诉诸宪法修正案,只说服一些革命制度党成员或者他们的盟友就可以通过众多法案。 ecocn

The leadership of Mexico’s Institutional Revolutionary Party PRI has evolved from revolutionary generals to lawyer- politicians and finally economist- technocrats, but with less success.
而墨西哥制度革命党 PRI的领导层已经从革命元帅阶段进化,经过律师加政客阶段,最终演变为经济学人加技术官僚,不过成绩较小。 yeeyan

The PRI reflects the core values of the group of large investors whose investment horizon is generally long, and whose portfolios are often highly diversified.
PRI集中体现了那些投资巨头的核心观点,他们的视野往往更加宽阔,投资组合也更加多种多样。 un

The PRI has a powerful incentive to collaborate.
制度与革命党有强大的合作动力。 ecocn

Unlike the big- tent PRI, the conservative PAN knows what it stands for.
与奉行大帐篷政策的 PRI不同,保守的 PAN知道自己代表了什么。 ecocn

While the PRI was in power, “ I never saw a decapitation in the streets of Mexico,” says César Augusto Santiago, one of its leaders in the legislature.
革命体制党的当权期间,立法机构领导者——凯撒.奥古斯托.圣地亚哥申明,“我以前从未在墨西哥街头看到一例斩首事件”。 ecocn




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