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词汇 previously
释义 pre·vi·ous·ly 美'priviəsli ★★★☆☆高四六IT牛4COCA²⁸³²BNC¹²³⁶iWeb¹⁴⁸⁵Economist¹⁵⁸⁶

at an earlier time or formerly;

she had previously lived in Chicago

he was previously president of a bank

better than anything previously proposed

a previously unquestioned attitude

antecedently arranged

词根词缀: pre-前,先 + -vi-路 + -ous形容词词尾 + -ly副词词尾previous以前的previously stored file先前存储文件…previously stored data先前存储数据…
previous以前的+ly副词后缀⇒以前,预先。近义词 once一次already已经earlier早的formerly以前beforehand预先heretofore以前before在 … 以前hitherto到目前为止antecedently在前地in the past在过去通常用于一般过去…

用作副词Previously he was obviously envious of my success.先前他明显地嫉妒我的成功。
His statement ran athwart what waspreviouslysaid.他讲的话与先前所说的相抵触。
The landpreviouslycultivated returned to forest.以前开垦过的那片土地现在又成了森林了。
Whopreviouslyheld the record?这个纪录原先由谁保持?
They had officially retired ten yearspreviously.他们在此十年前已正式退休。
I had visited them three dayspreviously.我之前曾探访过他们三天。
However, judgmentspreviouslyrendered shall not be affected.但在此以前作出的判决不受影响。 After constructing equivalent names, the registry is checked again each of the service names to see if there is a match with any of service names registered previously in the registry.
构建完等价服务名称之后,再次基于每个服务名来检查注册表,来查看是否与以前注册到注册表中的服务名相匹配。 ibm

All of this leads to the notion of using RSS to store information that previously might be stored in a relational database.
所有这些导致产生一种新的观念,即使用 RSS存储信息,而以前可能使用关系数据库存储这些信息。 ibm

Because they directly map to the desired outcome of the functionality under test, tests can be readily placed in order of the critical need previously established by the sponsor.
因为它们直接映射到测试下功能想要的结果中,测试可以很容易地被按照发起者先前建立的关键需求的顺序来排序。 ibm

But on this occasion the fortune he previously enjoyed in World Cup finals with Holland, Australia and South Korea eluded him.
但是这个时候运气离开了他尽管他之前享受着带领荷兰,澳大利亚,韩国打进世界杯决赛圈。 yeeyan

Did you ever meet him previously to coming hither?
你在到这儿来以前,曾遇到过他吗? ebigear

Document these assumptions and constraints so that when you go to update your plan throughout the project you can remember some of the“ unusual” decisions you made previously.
将这些假设和约束编入文档,这样,当您实施项目的任何时候更新计划时,都可以记起您先前做出的一些“不寻常”决定。 ibm

During the trip, she catches a glimpse of hope that her son can be helped to a larger degree than previously assumed.
在此期间,她看到了一线希望,她的儿子能得到比以前估计到的更大的程度上的帮助。 yeeyan

He said that his team identified for the first time ever a previously unknown mechanism by which a product of staphylococci prevents inflammation.
他说,他的团队首次确认了以前未知的机制。 葡萄球菌通过这个机制产生了预防炎症的抗体。 yeeyan

How has it been used previously and why is it exactly this chair here and not another chair which perhaps ought to have been here?
它以前是怎样被使用着的,还有为什么恰好是这把椅子在这儿,而不是另外也许应该存在于这儿的一把? yeeyan

However, the amount of reading people do, previously in decline because of television, has almost tripled since1980, thanks to all that text on the internet.
然而,阅读的人所花费的数据从1980年翻了两番,先前因为电视的原因而减少。这得归功于流传于网络上的所有文本。 ecocn

I attempted to import the pool, but the output reports that it might be in use by another system, in this case, the one previously installed.
我试图引入池,但另一个系统可能正在使用输出报告。在这种情况下,将会使用以前安装的存储器。 ibm

In this example, you will create a use case in your diagram for each of the previously modeled utility classes, since they represent the main functionality of our system.
在此例中,你将会在你的图表中为此前建模的每个工具类创建一个用例,以后它们就代表我们系统的主要功能。 ibm

I've covered all of these groups previously in this column.
我在以前的专栏文章中介绍过所有这些小组。 ibm

Many of these markers are in or near genes not previously connected to obesity, and by learning what these genes do, scientists may find causes of obesity in different people, the researchers said.
许多这些在基因上或在基因附近的标记,之前都与肥胖没有关系。研究人员表示,通过了解这些基因,科学家们也许可以找到不同人的肥胖原因。 yeeyan

Once you have done some merging and resolved conflicts you can no longer suspend the change set because that would re- introduce the conflicts you previously resolved.
一旦您进行了一些合并,并且解决了冲突,那么您就不能再悬挂变更集了,因为那样会再次引入您之前解决了的冲突。 ibm

This is only necessary if you plan to add the same data to the table as you did previously.
这只有在计划向表中添加相同数据时(正如您之前所做的一样才有必要。 ibm

This function attempts to close the previously opened database connection.
这个函数尝试关闭以前打开的数据库连接。 ibm

This means that we have to set all the previously mentioned properties.
这意味着我们必须设置所有以前提到过的属性。 ibm

This scheme permits the layering of transformations on top of one another while providing the ability to restore previously used matrices for other objects in the display.
这个模式支持按层次排列的转换,一个转换在另一个之上,同时支持将显示的其他对象恢复到之前使用的矩阵上。 ibm

This usually happens with umlauts and accents, because these characters were particular to the code page that was previously in use.
这通常发生在变音符号和重音符号,因为这些字符是此前使用的代码页特有的。 ibm

Those are words I have not previously used in any report.
这些词在以前的任何报告中我都未曾使用过。 yeeyan

To do this, add an instance of the offline service helper and an initialization method to the class you created previously as shown in listing2.
要实现此目的,可以向之前所创建的类中添加离线服务帮助器的一个实例和一个初始化方法,如清单2所示。 ibm

When performing writes to the database, I have to first perform the database write and then invalidate any previously cached results that would be affected by this write.
将数据写入到数据库中时,首先需要执行数据库写入操作,然后将之前缓存的任何受此写入操作影响的结果设定为无效。 ibm

You can choose whether you want to edit image metadata one by one, or if you want to apply these changes to the set of images in a previously built batch.
在这里,可以选择是否希望逐个编辑图像元数据,或者是否想要将这些变更应用到之前构建的批处理中的那组图像。 ibm

Previously, a small rabbit body and eyes are brown, and all those who have looked down on them, but they are very united, they are the family, no do not know each other.
以前,小白兔的身子和眼睛都是棕色的,所有的人都看不起它们,但他们却很团结,他们这个家族,相互之间没有不认识的。 ebigear

Previously, everything was in one hand.
以前,一切都由一只手掌控。 yeeyan

Previously, the software simply predicted whether an asteroid would impact, not where it would do so.
此前,这款软件只能预测小行星是否会撞击地球,具体位置尚不能预测。 yeeyan

Previously, tree controls were created out of lists and links so the user had to tab to each tree item.
以前树形控件是通过清单和链接创建的,因此用户必须使用制表键跳到每个树项目。 ibm

Previously only the military had weapons.
以前,只有军队才拥有武器。 okread




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