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词汇 prevents
释义 pre·vent·s 英prɪ'vent美prɪ'vent COCA¹⁰³⁷⁰BNC⁷⁹³⁴Economist¹⁰⁴⁴¹
vt. 预防

stop sth happening

vt. & vi. 阻止

stop sb from doing sth

keep from happening or arising; make impossible;

My sense of tact forbids an honest answer

Your role in the projects precludes your involvement in the competitive project

stop someone or something from doing something or being in a certain state;

We must prevent the cancer from spreading

His snoring kept me from falling asleep

Keep the child from eating the marbles


❌ She prevented him from going, but he still went.

✔️ She tried to prevent him from going, but he still went.

prevent表示“阻止”成功,如果阻止未成功则应该说try to prevent。


❌ No one can prevent the plan from carrying out.

✔️ No one can prevent the plan from being carried out.



❌ Nothing could prevent him to sail round the world single-handed.

✔️ Nothing could prevent him from sailing round the world single-handed.

✔️ Nothing could prevent him sailing round the world single-handed.

✔️ Nothing could prevent his sailing round the world single-handed.

表示“阻止某人做某事”,可以说prevent sb from v -ing, prevent sb v -ing或prevent sb's v -ing,但不能说prevent sb to- v sth。

prevent, block


prevent表示某种障碍阻止某人做某事, block指有效地堵住了所有的通道,使人、物等无法通过。例如:

Bad weather prevented us from starting.恶劣的天气使我们不能动身。
Heavy snow blocked our road.大雪堵住了我们的去路。prevent, hinder


prevent指“阻止”某事发生或存在; hinder指“延缓”某一事物的进行。

prevent, preclude

这组词都表示“阻止”。其区别在于:prevent强调存在不可逾越的障碍, preclude则强调存在某种情况、条件或预防措施而阻止了某事的发生。









用作动词 v.
~+名词prevent a destructive explosion防止破坏性爆炸prevent a disaster预防一场灾难prevent a smile克制住笑prevent a war阻止一场战争prevent damage防止损害prevent its freezing防止它冻结prevent the airplane's taking off使飞机无法起飞prevent the spread of pneumonia预防肺炎蔓延~+副词prevent admirably很好地预防prevent automatically自动防止prevent cautiously小心地预防prevent completely完全阻止prevent effectively有效地预防prevent effectually有效地预防prevent forcibly强有力地防止prevent fully完全阻止prevent mechanically机械性地防止prevent medically医疗防止prevent permanently永久防止prevent probably可能防止prevent scientifically科学地预防prevent unavoidably不可避免地阻止prevent from阻止…发生prevent sb from coming阻止某人前来prevent disease from spreading防止这种疾病蔓延
prevent from v.+prep.

阻止,防止 stop from; keep from

prevent sb/sth from v-ingMy only idea was to prevent the woman from speaking.我唯一的想法就是不让那女人讲话。
I am very sorry that a previous engagement prevents me from accepting your kind invitation.很抱歉,因为我已另有约会不能接受你好意的邀请。
Let nothing prevent you from doing your duty.不要让任何事情妨碍你尽你的职责。
This will prevent them from abusing their power and enjoying special privileges.这就可以防止他们滥用权力,享受特权。
We should take measures to prevent the flood from threatening that area.我们应该采取措施防止洪水威胁那地区。
Metals are usually coated with paint to prevent them from rusting.通常在金属上涂漆以防止生锈。
What prevents rays from entering your eyes?什么阻止光线进入你的眼睛?
His prompt action prevented the fire from spreading.他的果断行动制止了火势的蔓延。
Who prevents their plans from being carried out?谁会阻止他们实施自己的计划呢?
We must try to prevent our environment from being polluted.我们应该防止环境受到污染。
I have been unavoidably prevented from coming.我身不由己,不能前来。
I was prevented by illness from joining in the competition.我因病未能参加竞赛。
Unless we get more funding we'll be prevented from finishing our experimental programme.我们如果得不到更多的经费,将无法完成实验计划。
They were prevented from stealing the car by a smart policeman.一名机警的警察使他们盗车未遂。近义词 barstopavoidblockinhibitrestrain反义词 helpcausefoster
S+~+AWe shall come tomorrow if nothingprevents.如没有什么阻碍的话,我们明天来。
S+~+ n./pron.Business has prevented me.我因有事耽搁了。
Sally said she would come to see me if nothing prevented her.萨丽说要是没有什么事情妨碍她的话,她就来看我。
These rules are intended to prevent accidents.制定这些规则,是为了防止事故。
Systems, however good, cannot prevent evils.制度再好也防止不了坏事发生。
They are taking effort to prevent a new civil war.他们正努力制止一场新内战。S+~+sb/sb's v -ingA severe cold prevented his attending the meeting.他患了重感冒,未能出席会议。
Nobody can prevent our getting married.谁也阻止不了我们结婚。
That affair will probably prevent me coming.那件事可能使我来不了。
The rain prevented us starting on a trip.下雨阻碍了我们出发去旅游。
That didn't prevent us getting on very well together.这并不妨碍我们很好地相处。
What can we do to prevent this disease spreading?我们能做什么来阻止这种疾病蔓延呢?
He would be the man to prevent a new war breaking out.此人也许能阻止新的战争爆发。



表示“阻止做某事”,可用prevent sb/sb's v -ing,也可用prevent sb from v -ing,这几种用法在意义上没有明显的区别。

prevent指“阻止成功”,如果阻止了,但是没有成功,不可用prevent。如果说她阻止他去,实际上他的确没有去,可以说She prevented him from going.但是他不听劝,还是去的话,要说She tried to prevent him from going, but he still went;


She prevented him to go.该句是错误的表达。
用作动词Scientists are trying to find ways topreventdisease.科学家们正试图找到预防疾病的方法。
It is the job of the police topreventcrime.防止犯罪是警察的职责。
Nothing canpreventus from carrying out the plan.什么也无法阻挡我们去实施这个计划。
Ways must be found topreventthe poisonous gases from polluting the air.一定要找到办法防止有毒气体污染空气。 The conscience prevents us from doing morally bad things.
良心阻止我们去做那些道义上的坏事。 yeeyan

The elimination of political plurality deprives society of a means to structure itself, because it prevents a variety of interests and opinions and traditions from proclaiming their presence.
去除政治多元化剥夺了社会的一种自我构成的方式,因为这阻止了不同的利益、观点和传统去宣示它们的存在。 yeeyan

The noise is that which prevents you from living a simple and peaceful life.
杂音就是那些阻止你过一段简单平和的生活的事物。 yeeyan

And, therefore, prevents you from finding a solution.
并且,因此,阻止你找到一个解决的办法。 yeeyan

At any other time, fear suffocates you and prevents you from knowing for yourself how beautiful you are and all you are capable of.
但在任何的其它时间,恐惧压制着你,它阻止你去了解你究竟有多么美丽,它还阻止了所有你可能去做的事情。 yeeyan

He said that his team identified for the first time ever a previously unknown mechanism by which a product of staphylococci prevents inflammation.
他说,他的团队首次确认了以前未知的机制。 葡萄球菌通过这个机制产生了预防炎症的抗体。 yeeyan

Her journey represents the journey of all of us, to get rid of the gunk that prevents us from being, simply, naturally, ourselves.
她的旅程代表着我们所有人从泥泞中爬出来的历程--这种泥泞阻碍我们简单而自然地做我们自己。 ebigear

Here we have an internal brace which prevents the tissues from stretching but still allows you to mobilise the joint with some confidence.
说到这,我们会有一个内部支撑架防止组织被拉长,但是它仍然允许你自信地活动你的关节。 yeeyan

If tongue position during sleep is causing your UARS, the doctor may recommend a dental device that pushes the jaw and tongue forward and prevents the tongue from blocking the opening to the throat.
如果睡眠时你舌头的位置是患呼吸道阻力综合症的原因,医生可能会推荐一种牙齿装置向前推着下颚和舌头,并防止舌头阻塞喉部的通路。 yeeyan

In a read transaction, there are no changes to commit, but the transaction prevents the data being read from changing until all of the reads are complete.
在读事务中,没有变更需要提交,但是事务会防止对正在被读取的数据的修改,直到所有的读操作全部结束。 ibm

IP Blocking is one of the most basic methods that governments such as Iran use for censorship, as it simply prevents all packets going to or from targeted IP addresses.
IP封锁是诸如伊朗这样的政府进行网络审查的最基本手段之一,它可以很方便的阻止针对目标 IP地址的所有数据包交换。 yeeyan

It prevents those still living from having to cross the stage in the dark, injuring themselves and leading to new ghosts for the theater.
这阻止了那些还活着人不得不在漆黑中穿过舞台,而伤到他们自己,搞不好还给剧院带来更多的新的鬼魂。 yeeyan

Next, create a simple function that prevents your search form from acting like a typical form.
接下来,创建一个简单的函数来阻止搜索表单表现得像典型的表单那样。 ibm

One of the tragedies that prevents people to realize is that they devote a major importance to the concerns that are not important and make no positive difference to their lives.
曾有一个悲剧阻止人们认识到:他们把精力主要集中在那些并不重要的事上,这并没有给他们的生活带来任何不同的积极方面。 yeeyan

So Fish is beneficial for the health of people with heart problems as well as it prevents getting those problems in the first place.
因此,吃鱼有利于有心脏问题的人群健康,也适合那些将预防心脏问题放在首位的人群。 yeeyan

Such is selfishness which refuses to give free play to our desires, and prevents them from reaching their real goal, and that is why it is always accompanied by festering untruths and extravagances.
自私也是如此,不让我们的欲望有活动的自由,阻碍它们达到真正的目标,这就是为什么自私总是伴随着不断加剧的不真实和放肆的行为。 yeeyan

Take care in defining your rules so that they do not conflict or create a scenario which prevents a user from successfully completing their plan.
定义规则时一定要小心,不要使它们相互冲突或者创建一个阻止用户成功完成其计划的场景。 ibm

That keeps money circulating in the global economy and prevents its buildup in one or several parts of the globe.
这样就让资金全球范围内循环,防止资金在全球的一个或者几部分的组织中。 yeeyan

This abnormal shutdown prevents the device from being managed by another manager instance.
这种异常关闭阻止设备被另一个管理员实例管理。 ibm

This approach solves the problem of packet collision but also prevents the attached devices from establishing direct communication with each other.
这种方式解决了包冲突的问题,但是同时也阻止了附加的设备彼此建立直接通信。 ibm

This method allows you to multitask more easily and also prevents issues with new windows not opening when pop-up blockers are enabled within the browser.
这种方式让您能够轻松管理多个任务,同时也防止浏览器启用弹出窗口阻止程序时不能打开新窗口的问题。 ibm

This prevents you from terminating important system services and the processes of other users.
这可以防止您终止重要的系统服务和其他用户的进程。 ibm

What prevents us from getting out of our comfort zone?
是什么阻止了我们从舒适的小窝里走出来? yeeyan

Yet to design a schema that prevents as many errors as possible, you need to organize the vocabulary around the error checking, sometimes using advanced features such as inheritance.
为了使设计的模式尽可能预防更多的错误,需要围绕着错误检查组织词汇表,有时候还要使用继承这样的高级特性。 ibm

You can also release the profile from time to time, but be aware of the consequences: it creates a checkpoint that prevents certain changes, that version cannot be deleted, and so on.
您还可以不时地发布这个概要文件,但是要注意所产生地后果:它创建一个阻止某些变更的检验点,那个版本不能被发布,等等。 ibm




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