

单词 austere
释义 aus·tere 英ɔːˈstɪə美ɔˈstɪrAHDô-stîrʹ ★☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八COCA²¹⁵²²BNC¹⁴³⁵⁸iWeb²¹⁸⁰⁵Economist¹⁵³²⁰

朴素的; 简陋的; 无修饰的

simple and plain; without any decorations

人严肃的; 严厉的

strict and serious in appearance and behaviour

苦行的; 禁欲的

allowing nothing that gives pleasure; not comfortable

severely simple;

a stark interior

of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor; forbidding in aspect;

an austere expression

a stern face

practicing great self-denial;

Be systematically ascetic…do…something for no other reason than that you would rather not do it

a desert nomad's austere life

a spartan diet

a spartan existence

用作形容词 adj.
~+名词austere demeanour严苛的态度austere economic policies紧缩的经济政策austere fanatics狂热的禁欲主义者austere look严峻的表情austere manner严厉的态度austere measures节俭措施austere schoolmaster严厉的中小学校长
GRE红宝书au读: 诶哟, stere冷-诶哟, 好一个冷美人-朴素的
au 金 + stern 严厉 sterile 贫脊不育;严厉并且没有金→很朴素
GRE难词记忆austere→aust=dry 干的+ere→干吧吧的→态度严厉的GRE难词记忆austere→Austria n.奥地利→做事严谨的的奥地利人词根记忆au + stere冷→ 冷面孔 ⇒朴素的近义词 acid酸grim严厉的bare赤裸的stern严厉的harsh粗糙的stony石头的stark严酷的basic基本的rigid坚硬的plain清楚的clean干净的severe严厉的strict严格的monastic僧侣simple简单的sparse稀少的exigent紧急的ascetic禁欲的serious严肃的caustic腐蚀性的unsmiling不笑的Spartan斯巴达人ascetical苦行的unadorned没有装饰的undecorated未加装饰的acidulous多少带酸味的…
~+ n.It is an austere statue.这是一座无装饰的雕像。
He was a man of austere habits.他是个习惯简朴的人。
She has an austere elegance in he plain grey and black clothes.身着灰黑色的朴素衣服,她显得庄重而典雅。
The room was furnished in austere style.这间屋子的陈设朴实无华。
The tall, plain columns stood against the sky in austere beauty.那一根根高大、朴素的柱子矗立在苍穹下显示出一种质朴美。
The courtroom was a large dark chamber, an austere place.审判室是间大而阴暗的房屋,一个气氛森严的地方。
An austere, silent woman showed him round the small flat.一个严肃沉默的妇女带他看了看这套小公寓。
He permitted himself an austere smile.他仅仅露出一丝严肃的微笑。
She was an austere religious woman of Spanish origins.她是个严守教规、祖籍西班牙的妇女。
My father was a distant, austere man.我父亲是个难以接近的严肃的人。
She accomplished the holy undertaking with most austere sanctimony.她装出一副极其圣洁和严肃不苟的样子做完了圣事。
I had an austere childhood because it was during the war and there were no luxuries then.我的童年时代很艰苦,因为那是战时,也没有任何奢侈品。
The monks led an austere life in the mountains.修道士在深山里过着苦修生活。
S+be+~The church is large and austere.这座教堂规模很大但朴实无华。
The room with its white walls was bare, austere and beautiful.这个房间四壁洁白,空无一物,朴实而美观。
The climate there is austere, with an average temperature round the year of under-20℃.那里气候严寒,终年平均温度在零下20摄氏度以下。
His way of life is remarkably austere and controlled.他的生活总是过得十分清苦,很有节制。
用作形容词The room was furnished inausterestyle.这间屋子陈设得简单朴素。
Father was anaustereman, very strict with his children.父亲是个严厉的人,对子女十分严格。
Monks are leading simple,austerelives.僧侣们过着清苦的生活。
We led anausterelife in the mountains.我们在山区过着艰苦的生活。
Many people are in favor of the government'saustereeconomic policies.很多民众支持政府的经济紧缩政策。adj.severe in manner
同义词 exacting,forbidding,formal,rigid,sober,somber,stringentascetic,astringent,cold,earnest,grave,grim,hard,harsh,inexorable,inflexible,obdurate,rigorous,serious,solemn,stern,stiff,strict,unfeeling,unrelenting
反义词 flexiblebland,calm,elaborate,encouraging,extravagant,gentle,indulgent,luxurious,meek,mild,spendingadj.refraining;abstinent
同义词 sober,subduedabstemious,ascetic,chaste,continent,economical,puritanical,self-denyingself-disciplinedstraitlaced,strict,unrelenting
反义词 excitedbland,calm,elaborate,encouraging,extravagant,gentle,indulgent,luxurious,meek,mild,spendingadj.grim, barren
同义词 bleak,rustic,stark,subdued,unadornedbald,bare,bare-bones,clean,dour,plain,primitive,severe,simple,spare,spartan,unembellished,vanilla
反义词 bland,calm,elaborate,encouraging,extravagant,gentle,indulgent,luxurious,meek,mild,spending
abstemiousadjective restraining behavior or appetite
acridadjective nasty in behavior or words
antisocialadjective nonparticipating;avoiding company
asceticadjective self-denying
baldadjective simple, unadorned
bareadjective simple, unadorned
austere,bald,basic,blunt,chaste,cold,essential,hard,literal,meager,mere,modest,scant,severe,sheer,simple,spare,stark,unembellished,unornamented AN EAST London train station, austere and damp, is an unlikely venue for a crash course in futurism.
安东伦敦火车站,简朴而潮湿,在长远看来不可能是个速成的集合地。 ecocn

And a lively media scene emulates Western television content that would turn the stomach of many an austere Talib.
活泼的媒体镜头模仿着西方的电视节目,这会让许多严谨的穆斯林信徒反胃的。 ecocn

Later that year, I bought the futon, dark blue with an austere pattern of flowers and rushes.
那一年后,我买了一个蒲团,深蓝色,简朴的花朵和潮水图案。 yeeyan

Mr Mujica, a former Tupamaro guerrilla leader of the1970s, is a small-holding farmer who leads an austere life and has a strong personal and emotional rapport with the poor.
穆希卡先生,曾是1970年图帕克游击队的前领导者,领导着简朴生活,有很强个性和友好情绪的分穷小农场的农民。 ecocn

After an austere year the government may yet be tempted to blow its early oil revenues on restoring popularity.
在经历了严峻的一年,政府面对着利用鼓吹他前石油收入来保留声望的诱惑。 ecocn.org

An immediate commitment to balance the budget might be a rather more austere economic diet than equity investors would desire, even if bond investors took cheer.
这样,平衡财政的一个直接承诺可能是比股票投资人期望的还紧缩的经济,尽管国债投资者会欢呼雀跃。 yeeyan

But the classroom itself is austere.
但是教室本身却非常简朴。 yeeyan

But the first decade of the21st century has generally been defined by uncertainty and fluctuation, from the return of the mini, to the more austere midi showing on catwalks now.
但是,21世纪的头十年充满太多的不确定和波动的因素,所以T台上的裙子的式样也从迷你裙的回归而到如今更简朴的中长裙。 ebigear

Even the president’s harshest critics usually concede he is personally austere.
即使是最严厉的批评家们也普遍承认总统生活简朴。 ecocn

Few Chinese traveled for fun and those that did had to choose between austere government-run guesthouses and pricey Western-style hotels.
很少有中国人为兴趣而旅行,而且他们不得不在简朴的国营宾馆和高价的西式酒店中做出选择。 yeeyan

I can assure you: the austere economic outlook is also affecting WHO.
我可以告诉你们,严峻的经济前景也在影响世卫组织。 who

It was true, my room has cast its austere winter garments.
的确,我的房间已经换掉了它朴素的冬装。 jukuu

Knightley presumably got a script for this austere but moving period piece.
奈特莉大概是得到了这个简朴但是感人的历史剧的剧本。 yeeyan

My father is a silent, austere man.
我父亲是一个沉没、严峻的人。 ebigear

Nervy and austere, too, is the connoisseur’s traditional view of British- made wines.
紧张和简朴也是品酒师对英国葡萄酒的传统印象。 ecocn

Output collapsed but they maintained their pegs and introduced austere policies.
虽然工业产出暴跌但他们坚持与欧元挂钩的货币政策并实行严峻的财政政策。 ecocn

Part of the problem is the austere fiscal context: left-wing ideas tend to cost money.
问题之一在于严峻的财政环境:左翼的想法花费太大。 ecocn

Royal courtiers were pondering on Wednesday how to tailor the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton to the austere times and Britons began betting on the likely date for the ceremony.
本周三,英国皇室官员们开始考虑如何在当前的严峻形势下打造威廉王子和凯特•米德尔顿的婚礼,而英国国民们也开始给婚期下注。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Rwanda’s austere president, Paul Kagame, believes the initial outlay will be worth it.
卢安达生性简朴的总统 Paul Kagame相信第一批的花费将是值得的。 ecocn

They were friendly but refreshingly reserved toward her; a beautiful face didn't place very high on the scale of austere New England values.
人们待她友好但有些拘谨,美貌在这个简朴的新英格兰地区没有非常被看重。 yeeyan

Throughout the document, leftish ideas about economics nestle alongside the austere moral reasoning that is a hallmark of the German- born pontiff.
在整份文件中,经济学的左派思想与简朴的道德推理相依偎,简朴的道德推理是这个出生于德国的主教的标志特征。 ecocn

Yet perhaps no industry has been as slow to meet the international and technological challenges of this new austere era.
但是,在这个严峻的新时代,也许没有哪一个行业像法律界那样迟缓地受到国际性的技术挑战。 yeeyan




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