

单词 prevention and cure
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The prevention and cure of geological hazard has close relation with the safety of life and possession, and determine whether it will succeed in great projects.
地质灾害防治已成为关系国家经济建设和人民生命财产安全,事关国家重大项目建设成败的大事。 hicoo

Conclusion Carrying out colligate prevention and cure step, basing continuance mechanism of prevention and cure of IDD are manipulable to keep eliminating IDD for long-term in a larger district.
结论落实综合性防治措施,建立可持续进行的碘缺乏病防治工作机制,在一个较大的地区长期保持消除碘缺乏病状态是可以操作的。 iciba

One of the important strategies in the prevention and cure of HNPCC is to find the proband and give the family genetic counseling.
目的发现 HNPCC家系并对家族提供遗传咨询是 HNPCC防治的一个重要策略。 cnki




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