

单词 pretzel
释义 pret·zel 英ˈpretsəl美ˈprɛtsəlAHDprĕtʹsəl ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁴²⁷²BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³iWeb¹⁵²³⁵

glazed and salted cracker typically in the shape of a loose knot来自德语Prezel,来自中古高地德语brezel,来自古高地德语brecedela,来自拉丁语bracchium,胳膊,手臂,词源同brace,embrace.比喻用法,因这种小甜卷饼如同胳膊抱在一起而得名。
用作名词At least let me pay for yourpretzel.至少让我来买这些卷饼。 Pretzel, a very particular salty bread in Germany with special production technique and unique taste. This authentic German snack represents the originality and competence of Lind Bakery.
德国特有的咸味碱水面包,风味独特。纯正的德国制作工艺,保留了最纯正的德式风味。 blog.sina.com.cn

All we know is that in610 A.D. a monk in northern Italy first twisted the pretzel into its unusual shape.
我们所知的只是在公元610年,意大利北部有个修道士第一次把一种面包扭曲成这种与众不同的形状。 edu.sina.com.cn

But at one of his first public lectures that I attended, I found my intellectual sensibilities twisting into a pretzel as he threw back his magnificent head and intoned: “ Gravity is Love.”
然而参加他首批公开演讲的其中一次,当他仰着大脑袋,煞有其事地说“地心引力是爱情”时,我的知性被扭转成了法国脆饼。 yeeyan

For most, the word yoga conjures images of pretzel-like body postures.
对大多数人来说,瑜伽让人们想到柔软如面点般的身体姿势。 yeeyan

Forgot this One, George W. Bush fell off a Segway and Chocked on a Pretzel and was a Cocaine addict.
忘了这一条,乔治 W布什曾从赛格威车掉下来、差点被椒盐卷饼噎死以及他是一个可卡因瘾君子的事实。 zhixiaotx

Form a pretzel- like shape with the twine.
用麻绳构造一个椒盐卷饼形状。 blog.sina.com.cn

If Bush coughed and coughed to get rid of the pretzel, he could also have fainted from that, Ravich said, simply having one's trachea blocked by food can also cause a faint.
拉维奇医生说:“人们进食过程中如果精神不集中就可能引起哽噎。可能总统吃东西的时候比别人精神更加不集中吧。” www.chinadaily.com.cn

In January2010 researchers reported using a computer- controlled hologram to twist beams of laser light into pretzel shapes.
研究人员在2010年1月的报告中说,使用计算机控制的全息图像来扭曲激光的光束,使它成为成类似椒盐卷饼式的形状。 yeeyan

Keep the change. To Phoebe Sure you don't wanna pretzel?

Sure you don't wanna pretzel?
你真的不要椒盐脆饼? yeshj

The humble-looking Naxi bread is a mix of an Italian pizza bianco with its slightly oily texture and a pretzelwith its addictive saltiness.
这种饼卖相平平,它很像意大利比萨饼比它更油和椒盐饼比它更咸香的混合体。 yeeyan

The situation: You feel guilty about inhaling an entire bag of pretzel M&Ms, so you confess to your co-worker about your diet slip- up.
这句话的语境是:你刚吃了一整袋 M&M牌的椒盐饼干,感到很罪恶,所以就跟你的同事倾诉你的减肥计划流产了。 yeeyan

Weave the loose end on the right around and behind the right lobe of the pretzel.
把右侧松开的一端,从后方绕过椒盐卷饼的右侧叶。 blog.sina.com.cn

When the rig sank, the riser broke near the top while remaining attached to the blowout preventer at the bottom, bending itself like a pretzel in its subsequent collapse.
当钻井下沉时,海底立管在顶部附近破裂,另一端还连在防喷阀上。在随后的倒塌中,它像脆饼一样弯曲。 ecocn

When you hear the word“ yoga, ” do you think of a person with his legs twisted up like a pretzel?
一听到“瑜伽”这个词,你是否就会联想到一个人将自己的腿扭成椒盐卷饼那样呢? cri

Wrap that same end around and in front of the left lobe, then behind it and in front of the right lobe of the pretzel.
把同样一端从前方绕过左侧叶,然后从后方绕到右侧叶的前方。 blog.sina.com.cn




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