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词汇 pretext
释义 pre·text 英ˈpriːˌtekst美ˈpriˌtɛkstAHDprēʹtĕkst' ★☆☆☆☆高四六研GIS宝6八TCOCA²¹⁰⁹⁸BNC¹⁸¹¹³iWeb¹⁸⁶³²Economist⁷⁴⁶⁵


a reason given for an action in order to hide the real intention;excuse

something serving to conceal plans; a fictitious reason that is concocted in order to conceal the real reasonan artful or simulated semblance;

under the guise of friendship he betrayed them

pretext, apology, excuse


1.excuse指对有意去做或不做的事情所致的辞谢或道歉; apology指对已做的或应做而未做的事情表示道歉或辞谢; pretext指以虚构、捏造的“借口”或“托词”来掩盖真实意图。

2.excuse含有推卸责任或逃避指责的意味; apology含有承认做错事,但往往会找出一些理由来解释事情的发生。

3.apology一般指原谅小的过失,强调“道歉”; excuse通常指原谅较大的过失,有时也可指原谅小的过失。

pre-,在前,早于,预先,-text,编织,词源同text,texture.比喻用法,即先编好的。under the pretext of 以 … 为借口…on the pretext of借口于find a pretext for为 … 找口实…upon the pretext that以…为借口under the pretext that以…为借口upon the pretext of 以 … 为借口…on the pretext that以…为借口
GRE红宝书pre前, textn 课文-提前想好的文章-借口
pre + text 预先准备的话→讬词
pre在前面+tex编织+t拉丁语动词的过去分词后缀,=ed,在此构成名词,表示动作完成后的产物→提前编好的东西⇒借口,托辞。非常记忆pre仆人〖拼音〗+text课文〖熟词〗⇒仆人不赴宴的借口是要背课文方振宇词汇奥秘pre先,预先+text编织→编造→预先编造的话→借口,托词GRE难词记忆pretext→expert n.专家→都快成了找借口的专家了词根记忆pre预先+ text文章→ 预先想好的文章 ⇒借口联想记忆pre预先+text课文→没有预习课文,只好找借口词根记忆pre预先+text=预先编好的=借口近义词 out出sham假con骗局ploy策略ruse策略cover封面cause引起color颜色guise装束excuse原谅pretense借口pretence假装profession职业alibi不在场证明或辩解…stalking-horse猎人用于掩护的假马…
用作名词n.He used his headache as a pretext for not going to school.他借口头疼而不去上学。
用作名词He stayed away under thepretextof ill health.他以身体不佳为借口而避开了。
He refused to see them on onepretextor another.他以种种借口拒绝见他们。 And it has been the cause, or the pretext, for many of the hard-line policies of the Putin presidency.
这是普京总统任期内奉行许多强硬政策的一个原因,或是一个借口。 ecocn

Cause the registration of all firearms on some pretext, with a view to confiscate them and leaving the populace helpless.
通过某些借口推行对所有枪支进行登记,以便没收它们,使得民众感到无助。 yeeyan

No man of vice can be condemned unless he ceases to look upon vice as a pretext and turns it into a goal.
我们不能去责难一个邪恶的人,除非他不再将邪恶看作借口而是将其变为最终目标。 yeeyan

The specter of al- Qaida provided a handy pretext to invade Afghanistan to secure strategic territory next to Central Asian oil, keep China out of that region, and double spending on arms.
基地组织的幽灵,提供了一个入侵阿富汗的方便借口,以确保未来控制中亚石油附近的战略地区,让中国远离该地区,并增加武器消费。 yeeyan

An Israeli exit from Shebaa would remove the pretext under which Hizbullah says it must remain armed to the teeth in defiance of the UN— and which is a bone of contention with the Lebanese government.
以色列从沙巴阿的撤出将消除真主党声称自己必须无视联合国要求继续保有全副武装的借口,以及以色列同黎巴能政府之间的争论事由。 ecocn

And some of the anxiety about mining stocks is merely a pretext to preach the merits of actively managed funds, with higher fees.
而对矿业股的忧虑,有些不过是一个借口,为了鼓吹收取更高费用的、积极管理的基金的价值。 ecocn

In Egypt too, Arab socialism soon became little more than a pretext for dictatorship and reckless policies at home and abroad.
在埃及,阿拉伯社会主义也变成了不过是为了实现对国内外独裁和粗莽统治的借口。 yeeyan

Israel withdrew from Lebanon six years ago but Hizbullah, like its Iranian sponsor, claims to seek Israel's complete destruction and seizes every pretext to fight on.
六年前以色列撤出黎巴嫩,但真主党,像支持他的伊朗人一样,声称要完全摧毁以色列并抓住每一次与之战斗的借口。 ecocn

It is man's demands made against his fate; the demands of the poor are but a pretext.
革命就是将人的欲求与他的命运对立起来;满足穷人的要求只是托辞。 yeeyan

Mired in debt, the city sold the building to an investor who found a pretext to terminate the leases.
陷入债务危机之后,政府将这栋大楼出售给了投资商,投资商又找借口终止了租赁合同。 yeeyan

My crush, Addie, and I have run out of things to talk about so I will pretext to avoid any awkward silences.
我的恋人,安迪和我已经没有什么可谈的了,所以我要找个借口来避免尴尬的沉默。 yeeyan

The West should use the dodgy election as a pretext for political change.

The wretched state of Kashmir serves as a pretext for Pakistani hostility to India.
把恶劣的克什米尔局势作为巴基斯坦敌视印度的一个托辞。 ecocn

The“ crime” needed as a pretext to rectify these peculiarities was not hard to find, or invent.
这“罪行”需要一个借口来调整这些特性,使它们难以找到或者发现。 ecocn

The“ disputed” scrap of land known as the Shebaa Farms is at most a pretext Hizbullah uses to justify its fighting.
有争议的这一小块土地就是萨巴阿农场,这至多是真主党用来为其开战辩解的借口。 ecocn

They must allow for the truth and prevent the use of“ national security” as a pretext for suppressing embarrassing news.
他们必须允许事实存在,并防止“国家安全”作为借口来压制处于尴尬境地的新闻。 yeeyan

They triggered the war in Afghanistan and provided the Bush administration with political and emotional cover for invading Iraq under a false pretext.
他们引起了发生在阿富汗的战争,给布什政府以错误的理由入侵伊拉克提供了政治上和情感上的借口。 yeeyan

You'll notice that the earlier scenarios involve having a pretext or talking to people who have to talk with you.
你会留意到,早先的场景都涉及到借口或是跟那些不得不与你说话的人聊天。 yeeyan




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