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词汇 pretense
释义 pre·tense 英ˈpriːˌtens, prɪˈtens美ˈpriˌtɛns, prɪˈtɛnsAHDprēʹtĕns', prĭ-tĕnsʹ 高T四八GCOCA¹⁷⁵²²BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺iWeb¹⁸⁸⁴⁹
the act of giving a false appearance;

his conformity was only pretending

pretending with intention to deceiveimaginative intellectual playa false or unsupportable qualityan artful or simulated semblance;

under the guise of friendship he betrayed them

来自pretend,假装,佯装,-s,过去分词格。此处形容词后名词。under false pretenses找藉口地pretence假装make no pretense at不认为自己有…on the pretense of以…为借口make no pretense to不认为自己有…under the pretense of法 藉口
pre-前tense= -tend 伸→伸开⇒摆开近义词 sham假side边con骗局gas煤气act行为hot热的air空气lie躺下hoax欺骗hint暗示show证明veil面纱mask伪装fake假的wile诡计ruse策略trick诡计claim要求fable寓言cover封面gloss光彩cloak斗蓬fraud欺骗false假的guise装束motive动机humbug欺诈pose摆姿势colors彩色fantasy幻想pretext借口varnish油漆fiction小说hot air吹牛swindle诈骗nonsense废话put-on做作的boasting自夸faking诈骗的bragging吹牛disguise掩饰delusion错觉artifice诡计trickery欺骗pretence假装invention发明pomposity自大gasconade吹牛falsehood谎言deception骗局pretension声称simulation模拟suggestion建议allegation断言concoction混合peacockery虚荣vaunting吹嘘的camouflage伪装veneer薄片镶饰humbuggery欺骗profession职业fabrication制造imagination想象fancy华丽装饰的supposition假设pompousness傲慢fanfaronade吹嘘obscuration昏暗braggadocio自夸affectation假装make-believe假装pretending假装的falsification编造imposture冒名顶替figment虚构的东西masquerade化妆舞会facade建筑物的正面…false colors他国的旗pretentiousness自命不凡charade看手势猜字谜游戏…fib尤指无伤大雅的小谎…dissembling动词dissemble的…feigning动词feign的现在进行…

用作名词It is merely apretense.这只是托词而已。
You answered me with nopretense.你坦诚相见的回答了我。
He cheated me under thepretenseof friendship.他假借友谊欺骗我。
Thepretenseof greatness will be the proof of it, and powerful men with many severe faults will rule over all the classes on earth.自称为伟大的会是拥有很多错误的有权势的人,他们支配着地上的所有阶级。 Effectively, you stop all pretense of caring what happens.

The collapse of Fannie and Freddie took with it the pretense that the government could do so at no risk to taxpayers, he said.
他说:随着弗雷德马克和范妮梅公司的倒闭,政府说可以做到消除纳税人风险的谎言也随之破产。 yeeyan

There is no pretense that anything but sex is being offered, which is just fine for people with louche tastes looking to avoid polite society.
不用假装,要的就是性,这对口味不良并且想逃避文明社会的人来说倒是正好。 yeeyan

What sun there is this time of year shines weakly, halfheartedly through the white gauze of clouds, offering not even the slightest pretense of warmth.
一年中此时的太阳发出微弱的光线,懒洋洋地透过薄薄的云层,没有一丝暖意。 ebigear

What you see is what you get, no pretense.
你看到的东西是实实在在的,没有虚伪做作。 yeeyan

“ Under the pretense of progress, morality is collapsing, ” he wrote in his confiscated diary.
在被没收的日记中,他写道:“在进步的面具下,道德正在沦丧。” yeeyan

A very effective campaign succeeds in obscuring the source of conflict over major issues of reform with the pretense that it is ideology rather than campaign cash that divides us.
一场有效的竞选的成功秘诀是:隐藏改革重大议题上的根源,而给大家造成一个假象:我们的分歧在于意识领域,而非献金多寡。 yeeyan

Absence of pretense or artificiality, full creative intent unforced.
没有虚伪做作,充满无限的创造意图。 kekenet

And this is because most believe our Congress is a simple pretense.
这是因为大多数美国人都认为国会只是个简单愚弄大家的摆设。 yeeyan

As if she were the immense pity he felt spread out around him, made flesh, diligently, without pretense, playing the part of a poor old woman whose fate moves men to tears.
她仿佛就是他觉得布满了身边的那漫无边际的悲悯,此刻化成了肉身,正不辞劳碌地扮演着贫苦老妇人的角色,朴实无华,以其遭际感人泪下。 yeeyan

Countries which prefer to rely on America are happy to maintain the pretense.
而倾向依赖于美国的国家也乐意保持这种虚假。 yeeyan

Developmental psychologists have long been interested in children's appreciation of the distinction between pretense and reality.
发展心理学家一直对儿童如何区分虚幻和现实很感兴趣。 yeeyan

Drug deals are often conducted openly, without even a pretense of cover-up.
毒品交易经常毫无遮掩的在光天化日之下进行。 yeeyan

For what’s happening in Wisconsin isn’t about the state budget, despite Mr. Walker’s pretense that he’s just trying to be fiscally responsible.
威斯康辛抗议事件的原因并不在于州财政预算的问题,尽管沃克先生借口他会负责任的处理好财政预算。 yeeyan

For what’s happening in Wisconsin isn’t about the state budget, despite Mr. Walker’s pretense that he’s just trying to be fiscally responsible. It is, instead, about power.
因为,尽管沃克先生借口仅仅是在努力在财政问题上负起责任,但发生威斯康星州的示威活动的焦点并不是州预算。 yeeyan

He said that the globalization of financial markets was built on a“ false pretense” that financial markets could be left to their own devices and said global regulation was needed.
他说金融市场全球化建立在一个“错误的主张”——金融市场见过是各国自己的失误。他称全球监管很有必要。 yeeyan

Isn't it odd that toddlers enjoy pretense, and that children and adults are moved by stories, that we have feelings about characters and events that we know do not exist?
学步的小儿喜欢过家家,孩子和大人都为故事所感动,我们为明知不存在的人物和情节心绪难平,这不奇怪吗? yeeyan

My own hunch is that even babies have some limited grasp of pretense, and you can see this from casual interaction.
我本人的猜测是,连婴儿都对虚假有一定程度的理解,你从随意的接触中就能看出来。 yeeyan

Nonetheless, filmmakers cling to the smooch in the hope, or the fond pretense, that it might mean something more.
尽管如此,电影制作者更倾向于希望中的一个拥抱,或是美丽的幌子,它们意味着更多。 yeeyan

One possibility is that he wants to use a temporary crisis as a pretense for engineering a permanent increase in the size and scope of the government.
一种可能是他想把这个暂时的危机当做政府永久扩张规模的借口。 yeeyan

Real style, prestige, glamour or luxury rather than pretense.
真正的风格、声望、魅力或奢华而不是伪装。 yeeyan

The week had been filled with meetings and bluster, the zealous singing exchanges of her business, the pretense of certainty where in fact there was none at all.
过去的一周她的生活被会议间富于激情的神侃和看上去已确定的假象填满,而一切其实都没有定数。 yeeyan

Using as little pretense as possible ideally none, ask the person if he or she would like to get together for a cup of coffee or do something similarly casual.
在问对方是否愿意出来喝杯咖啡或做一些其他类似的事情的时候,尽量不要用虚伪的借口理想中应该是一点虚假也没有。 yeeyan




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