

单词 pretending
释义 pretending 英prɪ'tendɪŋ美prɪ'tendɪŋ 高COCA⁹³²⁶BNC⁷⁵⁸⁴iWeb⁵⁰⁹⁹⁴Economist⁹⁴⁴⁰
the act of giving a false appearance;

his conformity was only pretending

近义词 pretence假装pretense借口simulation模拟feigning动词feign的现在进行…

用作形容词She was justpretendingto be sad.只是假装的罢了!
But some carry the habit ofpretendinginto adulthood when they attend church.但有些人长大后去教会,也把假装的习惯带了进来。 Butterfly, has showed up in a picturesque town in Abruzzo, a mountainous region East of Rome, where he's pretending to be a photographer.
他游迹于位于罗马东部多山地区的阿布鲁佐,在那里一个独特的小镇上驻扎下来,并伪装成了一个摄影师。 yeeyan

By and by the young lady came out, passed Jimmy again, pretending not to see him, and went on her way.
过了一会儿,那个小姐走了出来,又从基米的身边走过,假装没有看见他的样子,只顾走自己的路。 ebigear

Shopping For this study researchers set themselves up in a mall pretending to carry out a consumer survey on nightgowns and nylon stockings.
在实验一中,研究人员将实验地点设定在一个商场中,他们假装对消费者进行一项关于睡衣和尼龙袜的调查。 yeeyan

Steve Martin was pretending that he had gotten such pleasure from this thing he thought was a drug that he wanted to recommend it to others.
斯蒂夫·马丁其实是在假装,他从这个他自认为是药的玩意儿里得到了莫大的快乐,以至于他想把这款药推荐给别人。 yeeyan

“ They say, ‘ please give me a discount and I can sell it anyway, ’ ” Mr. Wang said, folding the fingers of his left hand in the shape of a gun and pretending to shoot such buyers.
“他们说,‘请给我一个折扣把,无论如何我会把他们卖掉’”,王先生说,他把自己的左手折叠成一把枪的形状,假装成向这类主顾开枪的样子。 yeeyan

But as a first step toward understanding one another, we can do better than pretending we all think the same.
但是,作为互相理解的第一步,我们会比假装我们人全部想法一致做得更好。 yeeyan

Frank shrugged, pretending not to care, but I knew better.
弗兰克耸了耸肩,假装并不关心这个问题。 yeeyan

He attacked Mr Obama for unfairly pretending that there is no difference between him and the present incumbent.
他攻击奥巴马尽管有些不公平假装在他与布什之间没有区别。 ecocn.org

Her approach is that disappointment is valuable because, “ When you are disappointed you are not pretending” my paraphrase.
她说沮丧是有价值的,因为“当你沮丧时,你不是在伪装”我的个人见解。 yeeyan

Here's an example of what all this pretending might look like.
下面是一个示例,展示了所有这些假装可能看起来象什么。 ibm

I shall return home: it is folly dragging you from the hearthstone, and pretending--what do we pretend?
我要回家了:简直是滑稽,把你从壁炉边拖出来,装作——我们要装作什么呢? putclub.com

If either Mr Obama or Mrs Clinton were pretending, then they deserved Oscars.
如果他们都是在伪装,那么他们都有资格获得奥斯卡奖。 yeeyan

If they think someone is pretending or lying to them, then they will feel aggrieved, angry and will lash out and condemn them.
如果他们认为这些人是在伪装或说谎,他们就会感到愤怒,并且抨击和谴责这些人。 i21st

It is quite common to see the majority of society pretending they don’t like or want anything to do with sex.
在我们的社会中,较为常见的是,大多数人假装他们不喜欢性或对与性有关的事物不感兴趣。 ebigear

Let me ask you a tough question: What are you pretending isn't a problem in your life?
让我问你一个难题:在你的生命中,有什么事你假装不是问题? ebigear

Let us not insult Americans’ intelligence by pretending this phenomenon does not exist.
莫让我们侮辱美国人民的智慧来假装这些事情不存在。 yeeyan

Researchers found that longtime couples were best able to rekindle romance by pretending they were strangers on a first date.
研究人员发现,老夫老妻重燃爱火最好的方式就是,假装两个人是初次约会的陌生人。 yeeyan

Running from one side of the room to the next pretending to be pirates or jaguars or whatever they imagine themselves into.
从房间的一边跑到另一边,假装自己是海盗或者美洲虎,或者他们想象的任何事物。 yeeyan

This bed is the fairy cave under Peniston Crag, and you are gathering elf-bolts to hurt our heifers; pretending, while I am near, that they are only locks of wool.
这张床是盘尼斯吞岩底下的仙洞,你正在收集小鬼用的石镞来伤害我们的小牝牛;当我靠近时,就假装这些是羊毛。 putclub.com

This pretending will start to build habits.
这种假装将开始培养您的习惯。 ibm

Pretending not to hear us, she reaches into the cabinet for a box of Bisquick.
妈妈假装没听到我们的笑声,她抓到一盒必是饼配料面粉。 yeeyan

Pretending they are not is just another kind of excuse.
假装它们无关紧要,不过是另一个借口而已。 yeeyan

Pretending to be madly active, I suppose.
我想是为了假装非常活跃。 iciba




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