

单词 presupposition
释义 pre·sup·po·si·tion AHDˌprēˌsəpəˈzishən ☆☆☆☆☆高四G宝八COCA³³²⁸⁴BNC²⁹⁴⁴⁰iWeb²⁶⁸³⁷

the act of presupposing; a supposition made prior to having knowledge as for the purpose of argument来自presuppose,假定,假设。蒋争熟词记忆presuppose预料;推测-ition名词后缀⇒预想的事预先假定的事pre预先supposition假定→预先假定composition;com共同posit放ion→放在一起⇒组成GRE难词记忆presupposition → presuppose v.预 先 假定+ition→预先假定GRE红宝书pre预先+suppositi on推测
pre预先 + suppose 假设
GRE难词记忆presuppose→pre预先+suppose v.假定→预先假定词根记忆pre预先+ supposition假定,推测⇒臆测近义词 guess推测belief信念premise前提opinion意见prejudice偏见deduction扣除assumption假定conjecture推测hypothesis假说supposition假设presumption推测

Bail was refused on thepresuppositionof his guilt.已料到他罪名成立而不准保释。 I insist that only a presupposition of group structure can yield real understanding of the group selection.
对群体选择的理解一定要依赖于群体结构的假定。 cnki

The basic sentence meaning is one of componential or the combination of componential, while entailment meaning and presupposition meaning are both hypogyny conception of the basic sentence meaning.
基本义句指义位或义位组合后产生的字面上的意义,蕴含义与预设义都是义句基本义的下位概念。 cnki

The fundamental presupposition of strategy research programme is that every firm is assumed to follow some kind of strategy.
战略研究纲领的基本前提是认为每个企业都要遵循某种战略。 yeeyan

The State of Nature to Nozick that it is the presupposition of nous intuition, the individual's natural rights, the premises of all society principles.
诺齐克的“自然状态”是意志自由的直觉假定、是人的自然权利、是一切社会规则的前提。 cnki

Class teaching should go from presupposition towards the generation of meaning, from cognition to communication.
课堂教学应从事先预设走向意义生成,从认知活动走向交往活动。 iciba

Entailment and presupposition are different semantic relations among sentences.
蕴含和预设是句子之间两种不同的语义关系。 cnki

For the presupposition, the presupposition of the strategy- following behavior, to be operational, several important conditions must exist.
为了使战略遵循行为这个前提更具操作性,一些重要的条件必须满足。 yeeyan

In other words, the assumptions give existence or meaning to the presupposition of strategy- following behavior.
换言之,这些假设给这种战略遵循行为假设有了赋予具体的存在或意义。 yeeyan

In military domain, scenario is designed according to the military aim by military personal, which contains imagination and presupposition of combat area, both sides troops and mission programming.
在军事领域,想定是军事研究人员按照一定的军事目的编制出来的对作战区域和环境、作战双方兵力编成及部署、以及作战任务规划的一个设想和假定。 cnki

It is just the presupposition as such that causes the failures of previous art defining.
这个错误的假定,正是以往艺术定义活动失败的原因。 blog.sina.com.cn

Secondly, the author discusses the functions of presupposition and implicature and finds they are very helpful for advertising to develop its persuasiveness.
接着,作者通过研究预设与含义在广告中的作用,发现预设与含义非常有助于广告说服性功能的发挥。 cnki

Semantic presupposition is different from pragmatic presupposition, but one does not go against the other, instead, there is a close relation between them.
语义预设和语用预设是两种不同的预设,但是,二者并不互相抵触,是密切联系的。 cnki

The second conception takes pragmatic presupposition as the felicity condition for the performance of a speech act.
第二种认为语用预设是实施一个言语行为的恰当条件; http://dj.iciba.com

The central presupposition on which all strategic theorizing and research turn is that every firm follows some kind of strategy.
所有战略理论研究出发的中心前提就是任何企业都遵循着某种战略。 yeeyan

The presupposition of strategy- following behavior is fundamental to all strategic thinking and research.
这种战略遵循行为的前提是所有战略思考与研究的基础。 yeeyan

There are two basic types of presuppositions: semantic presupposition and pragmatic presupposition.
预设有语义预设和语用预设两种基本类型。 cnki

Thereby this thesis is a tentative attempt to study the working mechanism of presupposition in advertising language.
因此,本研究旨在对预设在广告语中的工作机制进行试探性的分析。 cnki

Presupposition, in pragmatic sense, is the known information not asserted by the speaker but expressed in a communicative activity.
预设,作为一种语用概念,是没有被说话人直接表达但在交际过程中得以传递的信息,属于已知信息。 cnki

Presupposition has its own traits in logic and meaning.
预设在逻辑与语义方面均有其自身特点。 cnki

Presupposition is the implicit information or proposition embedded in a sentence or utterance.
预设是以隐含的方式内嵌于句子或语段之中的无须断言的信息或命题。 cnki

Presupposition is an important component of the semantic structure of verbs.
预设是动词语义结构中的一个重要语义成素。 cnki




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