

单词 auscultation
释义 aus·cul·ta·tion 英ˌɔːskəlˈteɪʃən美ˌɔskəlˈteʃənAHDô'skəl-tāʹshən 高COCA¹¹⁷³²⁸BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹iWeb⁴⁰⁴²⁶

listening to sounds within the body usually with a stethoscopeauscult-ation状态⇒n.听诊Pendoauscultation内听诊Pphono-auscultation音叉听诊法Pstereoauscultation实体听诊法

用作名词Conclusion It would be advisable to perform mediastinal operations through the left triangle ofauscultation.结论纵隔手术入路经左听诊三角较好。 Serum S and lymphocyteL calciumCaand magnesiumMg levels were measured in100 patients with mitral valve prolapseMVP diagnosed by auscultation and echocardiogram.
对100例经听诊和超声心动图证实的二尖瓣脱垂患者血清和淋巴细胞内钙、镁含量进行测试。 cnki

The current detection method of motorcycle engine abnormal sound is artificial auscultation, which is very subjective and easy to make mistakes.
现行的摩托车发动机异响检测方法为人工听诊,主观性很强,容易出现错判。 fabiao

The development of the courseware of cardiac auscultation was introduced in this article.
介绍心脏听诊课件的制作过程。 chemyq

The diagnosis was mainly based on the change or absence of disc dick sound on auscultation or sudden deterioration of the clinical situation.
诊断的建立主要依据病情突然恶化、听诊人造瓣膜声消失。 cnki

The left triangle of auscultation was at a higher position than the right one, and the upper and medial angles were closer to the posterior median line.
左听三诊的上角位置较高,它的上角、内侧角距后正中线的距离较近。 cnki

The auscultation right lung respiratory murmur is weak.
听诊右肺呼吸音弱。 tijianzhinan

Besides, this system can be used to test users' level of auscultation.
此外,系统还可以对用户的心音听诊能力进行测试。 cnki

Cardiac auscultation is widely used to evaluate cardiac function in patients.
心音听诊被广泛用于评估病人的心功能。 cnki

Compare BP measured by the proposed method and auscultation, results show that BP measured by the proposed method accuracy consistent with AAMI standard and BHS B standard.
比较本文方法与听诊法测得的血压,结果证明使用本文介绍的方法测得的血压精度符合 AAMI标准、 BHS B级标准。 chinatransducers

Detailed heart auscultation and echocardiography examination is important on early diagnosis of DCVD and prevention of complications.
对老年患者进行详细的心脏听诊和超声心动图检查,对早期诊断 DCVD,防止并发症具有重要意义。 cnki

Examination of the neck includes inspection, palpation, and auscultation.
颈部的体格检查包括视诊、触诊、听诊。 med66

In order to solve the issue of teaching blind spot existing in blood pressure auscultation, we have carried out the research.
为了解决血压听诊中存在的教学盲区问题,下列探索具有应用意义。 cnki

Most cases damage can touch, auscultation have sustained systolic murmurs of strengthening.
多数病例病损处可触到震颤,听诊有持续性收缩期加强的杂音。 uuu120.com

Objective: To investigate the feasibility of temporary transvenous cardiac pacing under the guide of pace and sense of pacemaker combined with cardiac auscultation.
目的:探讨在起搏脉冲发生器起搏与感知的指导下,结合心脏听诊定位进行临时心脏起搏的可行性。 cnki

Portable high-performance single- head stethoscope auscultation;
单面听诊头的便携式高性能听诊器; supply.sol.com.cn

Puts together the membrane auscultation people not to hear respectively and the pathological static;
各拼膜听诊民未闻及病理性杂音; tijianzhinan

Results: Auscultation of respiration was a simple and useful method for the verification of endotracheal intubation, but in some cases it was unreliable.
结果:上胸部听诊是判断导管是否在气管内的简便实用的方法,但有其局限性。 cnki

Simultaneous auscultation can aid in the timing of events.
同步听诊有助于计数。 med126

To check at the Hospital found that their conjunctiva, pharyngeal clear congestion, chest auscultation breath sounds rough, doctors diagnosed mild formaldehyde poisoning.
到医院检查发现,他们结膜、咽部明显充血,胸部听诊呼吸音粗糙,医生诊断为轻度甲醛中毒。 texclo

We repeat, that this auscultation brings encouragement; it is by this persistence in encouragement that we wish to conclude these pages, an austere interlude in a mournful drama.
我们要反复指出,这种听诊是能鼓舞人心的,也正是为了加强这种鼓舞作用,我们才在一个悲惨故事中插进这几页严肃的题外话。 ebigear




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