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词汇 auschwitz
释义 Ausch·witz 英ˈaʊʃˌvɪts美ˈaʊʃˌvɪtsAHDoushʹvĭts' 高COCA²²⁴⁰⁰BNC²²⁸⁷⁰

a Nazi concentration camp for Jews in southwestern Poland during World War II
用作名词These sites include Auschwitz and Treblinka.当中的地点包括奥斯威辛和特雷布林卡。
There were fatal mind control experiments conducted at Auschwitz.在奥斯威辛曾进行过一次毁灭性精神控制实验。
Brzezinka and Oswiecim together formed part of that minutely organized factory of torture and death that the Nazis called Konzentrationslager Auschwitz.布热津卡和奥斯威辛共同构成了一座周密组织起来的大型杀人工厂的一部分,被纳粹称为奥斯威辛集中营。 And it is also true that once you were tired of your special prisoners, they all went back to Auschwitz with the next transport?
你一旦厌倦了你那些特殊的囚犯们,他们就都会跟着下一波人回到奥斯维辛集中营,这也是事实吗? yeeyan

In April 1944, two Jews who escaped the Auschwitz death camp described its horrors to the world.
1944年,两位从奥斯威辛死亡集中营逃脱的犹太人,向世界描述了集中营的恐怖。 yeeyan

The gradual passing of survivors has also meant that Auschwitz faces a historical turning point.
那些幸存者的逐渐离世也意味着奥斯威辛正面临着一个历史性的转折点。 yeeyan

The ovens of Auschwitz.
奥斯维辛的炉子。 yeeyan

“ If we succeed we will show for the first time the whole array of human choices that people faced at Auschwitz,” he explained.
“要是我们成功了,我们将首次把在奥斯威辛人们面对的种种艰难抉择展现给游客,”他解释到。 yeeyan

“ The exhibition at Auschwitz no longer fulfills its role, as it used to, ” he continued.
“奥斯威辛的展览不再像以前那样发挥它应有的作用了,”他继续说。 yeeyan

An expert committee viewed it as part of a continuum of penance and awareness that historians say began with the Auschwitz trials.
一个专家委员会却视其是历史学家自奥斯威辛审判就开始的赎罪与反省的一种延续。 yeeyan

Everyone who visits Auschwitz remembers the hair: almost two tons of it, piled behind glass in mounds taller than a person.
每一个访问奥斯威辛的人都会记得那里的头发:它们差不多有两吨重,堆起在玻璃隔板后比一个人还高。 yeeyan

Finally, Regina was deported to Auschwitz.
最后,里贾纳被驱逐到奥斯威辛。 yeeyan

For the man in charge of Auschwitz, the gas chamber was a welcome innovation.
对于奥斯威辛的负责人来说,毒气室是一个受欢迎的革新. yeeyan

He has written two books about his experiences, and tries to ensure no one will forget what happened in Auschwitz.
关于自己的经历,他写了两本书,试图确保每一个人都不会忘记奥斯维辛曾经发生过什么。 yeeyan

Her granddaughter, Madeleine, who fought in the French Resistance, was sent to Auschwitz.
她参加了法国抵抗战的孙女马德琳被送往了奥斯威辛集中营。 ecocn

In urging the dispatch of troops to Kosovo, Mr Schröder used strong moral imperatives“ Never again Auschwitz” to convince the public to allow fighter planes to go into combat.
在促使对科索沃派兵时,施罗德使用了强烈的道德强制“永远别让奥斯维辛的悲剧重演”,以说服公众同意战斗机飞赴战场。 ecocn

Inevitably, Auschwitz will grow less authentic with the passage of time.
不可避免的随着时间的推移奥斯威辛会变得没那么真实. yeeyan

It is certainly not a mistake that could have been made by the Auschwitz survivors liberated by the Red Army in 1945.
这种错误的观念,绝对不会是那些1945年被苏联红军解放出来的奥斯威辛集中营的幸存者们提出的。 yeeyan

Like many of the boy scouts in Auschwitz, Piechowski joined the resistance movement in the camp.
像奥斯维辛的许多男童子军一样,佩特罗夫斯基也参加了集中营里的反抗运动。 yeeyan

Like most survivors, he constantly mourned the members of his family who had died in the camps, especially his mother, who was transported to Auschwitz in1942.
就像大部分幸存者一样他无时不在哀思着自己殒命于集中营里的家人,尤其是他的母亲。她在1942年被转运到奥斯维辛。 ecocn

Now those in charge of passing along the legacy of this camp insist that Auschwitz needs an update.
现今负责传承这个集中营宝贵遗产的管理者强调奥斯威辛需要更进一步的建设。 yeeyan

One count of the indictment involved their conduct at Auschwitz, but that was of minor significance compared with the other charges.
一项指控的罪状涉及的是她们在奥斯威辛集中营行为,但这项指控与其它的指控相比简直是小巫见大巫。 yeeyan

Russia closed its exhibition at Auschwitz in 2003, to update it.
2003年俄罗斯为了更新提升而关闭了其在奥斯维辛的展览。 ecocn

Some go to Auschwitz to remember their murdered family members, while others are fascinated by the horrors the place evokes.
有些人去奥斯维辛是为了纪念他们被杀害的家庭成员,有些人是慕名这个地方引起的恐怖。 yeeyan

The original plans for the crematorium from the blueprints of the Auschwitz- Birkenau Nazi death camp.
这是奥斯维辛-比克瑙纳粹集中营对火葬场设计的原始计划。 yeeyan

They had been transferred there from Auschwitz in early1944 to replace guards killed or injured in an explosion in the factory where the women in the camp worked.
她们于1944年初从奥斯威辛集中营被转到那里,接替一家工厂爆炸后炸死炸伤的那些看守,那里的集中营有些女囚干活。 yeeyan

This was a real choice, without a good solution, but at Auschwitz you had to make the choice.
这就是一个艰难的抉择,不管怎样结果都不会好到哪儿去,但在奥斯威辛你就非得做出选择不可。 yeeyan

Today, he is chairman of the International Auschwitz Council.
今天他是国际奥斯威辛委员会的主席。 yeeyan

Women in the barracks at Auschwitz in January1945.
这是1945年在奥斯维辛营房的女人。 yeeyan

Auschwitz“ showed the opposite of divine mercy, how man can be inhuman to fellow human beings,” Archbishop Ledesma said.




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