

单词 pressing forward
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Don’t let the lack of an ally stop you from pressing forward and exerting your influence. Allies will come.
不要让缺少同盟者阻碍你前进和发挥你的影响力,同盟者会到来的。 yeeyan

The End the Fed movement likewise is pressing forward.
终结美联储运动同样在继续前进。 yeeyan

This absence, and all those lost referendums, carry a message: the great treaty- drafting machine that has kept European integration pressing forward for decades has, for now, seized up.
缺少未来计划、败北于全国公投,不难窥见如此信息:伟大的协议起草机器长达数十年忙于推动欧洲一体化,如今该机器运转失灵了。 ecocn

As the fire inside the rest of us flickers from gusts of indecision, these minds usually burn bright and rise above the storm while confidently pressing forward.
这些人的头脑通常异常活跃而且他们勇于知难而上,然而剩下的人就像是狂风中的火焰忽明忽暗般优柔寡断。 yeeyan

As in Tadasana, your calves should be engaging into your shins, pressing forward not bowing back.
就像是在山式,你的小腿肌肉也要参与到胫骨中,向前压,不要往回弓。 blog.sina.com.cn

Meanwhile, China appears to be pressing forward with its first carrier design; naturally, they’re not sharing the details behind their carrier launch system.
与此同时,中国似乎正在快速推进其第一艘航母的设计。当然,他们不会公布其航母弹射系统的详情。 yeeyan

So instead of pressing forward with a radical redesign, Airbus plumped for a more limited upgrade.
因此,空客公司选择了更加有限的升级方案,来取代全力向前的重新设计方案。 ecocn




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