

单词 preservers
释义 preservers priˈzə:vəz COCA⁷⁰⁰²⁷BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺
n.保护者;保存者preserver的名词复数原型preserver的复数 A silky fiber obtained from the fruit of the silk-cotton tree and used for insulation and as padding in pillows, mattresses, and life preservers.
绢状纤维,从木棉树的果实中提取出来,用作隔音材料,也可用作枕头,褥垫和救生用具中的垫料。 ezitong.com

LIFE PRESERVERSStowage for220 Owner furnished life preservers shall be provided.
联系上下文,应该是救生设备,满足220人使用的。 tribon

By the fractional method, characterized the linear preservers of the adjoint function on the symmetric matrix module.
应用分式化方法刻画了唯一分解环上对称矩阵模的保持伴随函数的线性变换的形式。 dictall

He glanced at Ruth for reassurance, much in the same manner that a passenger, with sudden panic thought of possible shipwreck, will strive to locate the life preservers.
他瞥了一眼露丝,想求得镇静,像个忽然害怕船只沉没而方寸已乱急于找救生衣的乘客。 chinabaike

It's as if millions of Americans are drowning while Republicans stand on the shore, hoarding life preservers by the armfuls.
这就仿佛是,数百万的美国人在海里快被淹死,而共和党却站在岸边,怀里拿着储藏的几个救生圈。 yeeyan

Of course, many conservatives want to get rid of life preservers altogether.
当然,许多保守连想连救生圈一起摆脱掉。 yeeyan

Only the most skilled Protoss preservers can locate and follow specific desired strands of knowledge.
只有最纯熟的神族“保存者”可以定位经验线索并取得所需的特定知识。 playsc

She had her legs stretched out in front of her, knee-high nylons rolled down around her crossed ankles like life preservers, terry house slippers on her feet.
她把双腿伸在身子前面,膝盖高的尼龙袜向下卷到脚踝,活像两个救生圈,脚上套着毛绒拖鞋。 yeeyan

We were growing by several hundred percent each year, but we didn't see any outside preservers to be spent into any other categories.
我们每年增长数倍,但是我们不会看到任何外界保存,支出到其他领域。 open.163.com




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