

单词 preservationists
释义 preservationists ˌprezərˈveɪʃənəsts COCA³⁴⁷⁵³BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰
n.对野生动物、自然区、古迹和传统事物等的保护主义者preservationist的名词复数原型preservationist的复数 The problem of the preservationists lies in their ignorance of the voice of the local people.
保护主义的问题主要在于他们对原住民呼声的忽视。 blog.sina.com.cn

Preservationists in Iowa reckon they are losing1,000 barns each year.
爱荷华的保护主义估计他们每年将失去1000个谷仓。 ecocn

A permit had initially been issued for the demolition by the Town Council in2004, but a county judge blocked it after a legal challenge by preservationists.
2004年,镇议会曾经发出了一份拆房许可,但是在文物保护主义者提出法律质疑之后,一名县法官驳回了许可。 yeeyan

Beginning in1987, using camera equipment developed for the Hubble Space Telescope, preservationists were able to monitor the Declaration for even the most minute signs of fading or flaking ink.
从1987年开始,文物保护专家采用了为哈勃太空望远镜开发的摄像装备,得以监控《宣言》上最细微的墨水退色或脱落迹象。 yeeyan

But preservationists still hope to revive the turn- of- the- century gingerbread houses in the capital of Port- au-Prince, which have fallen into disrepair.
但是古迹保护主义者仍然希望修复首都太子港的姜饼屋这些世纪初就存在的房子已经年久失修。 yeeyan

In Walata, a team of Spanish urban preservationists has just completed a UNESCO assignment to repair the town and stabilize its economic base.
在瓦拉塔,西班牙城区保护工作队刚刚完成联合国教科文组织所指派的修复旧城与稳定经济基础的任务。 www.1x1y.com.cn

Local residents and preservationists are challenging this decision in court.
当地居民和保护主义者正在向法庭起诉这个决定。 ecocn

They note that their system could be used to evaluate the type of document, its present condition and its likely future, thus helping preservationists map a strategy to save historical works.
研究人员指出这些有机化合物的系统可以用于评估典籍的类型、现状以及未来可能的状态,从而帮助文物保护者们为保存历史典籍而制定详细的保护策略。 yeeyan

Preservationists in Los Angeles, who began by saving19th- century houses, have moved swiftly forward in time and are now trying to protect areas built in the1950s.
洛杉矶的历史保护主义者们已经在拯救19世纪的房子;现在他们很快已经开始尝试保护那些建于1950年代的地区了。 ecocn




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