

单词 presents
释义 presents 英p'rɪzents美p'rɪzents COCA⁴⁶⁹¹BNC⁴⁸¹⁶Economist⁴⁶⁶⁸
名词 present:
the period of time that is happening now; any continuous stretch of time including the moment of speechsomething presented as a gifta verb tense that expresses actions or states at the time of speaking
动词 present:
give an exhibition of to an interested audiencebring forward and present to the mindperform a play, especially on a stagehand over formallyintroducegive, especially as an honor or rewardgive as a present; make a gift ofdeliver a speech, oration, or ideacause to come to know personallyrepresent abstractly, for example in a painting, drawing, or sculpturepresent somebody with something, usually to accuse or criticizeformally present a debutante, a representative of a country, etc.recognize with a gesture prescribed by a military regulation; assume a prescribed position用作名词The children were thrilled to bits by theirpresents.孩子们得到礼物高兴极了。
The two friends gavepresentsto each other on their birthdays.两个朋友在生日时互赠礼物。
She's got the business of buying birthdaypresentsdown to a fine art.她对购买生日礼品的事非常在行。noun.existing time
同义词 now,todayinstant,noncehere and now,present moment,the time being,this day,this time
反义词 future,pastnoun.gift
同义词 benevolence,gratuity,offering,grant,stake,handout,lump,largess,favor,donation,boon,bounty,benefaction,endowment,compliment,write-off,gifting,giveawaygoodie
反义词 past,futurelossverb.introduce;demonstrate
同义词 do,pose,raise,give,perform,suggest,show,submit,cite,offer,produce,declare,display,stageexhibit,advance,extend,acquaint,intimate,pitch,relate,expose,recount,imply,manifest,adduce,state,proposition,lay,proffer,tender,infer,expound,allege,mountfix up,get together,hold out,put on,trot out,do the honors,give an introduction,make a pitch,make known,open to view,put forward,roll out
反义词 cover,fight,take,abandon,stop,neglect,failsubdue,refraintake back,decrease,refuse,deny,hide,conceal,withhold,destroyverb.give, hand over
同义词 hand out,award,offergift,grant,devote,confer,bestow,proffer,entrust,donate,furnishcome up with,give away,kick in,lay on,put at disposal,put forth
反义词 takewithhold,subdue,refrainrefuse A good example for this would be a script that inserts the input data to a database and then presents it.
一个很好的示例是通过一个脚本将输入数据插入到数据库中,然后再从数据库呈现数据。 ibm

All applications have a number of basic things in common— specifically, some kind of interface with a database, some amount of application logic, something that presents the application to the user.
所有应用程序都有大量通用的基本内容——具体地说,就是某类与数据库的接口、某些应用程序逻辑、应用程序呈现给用户的内容等。 ibm

But do open the presents.
但是请打开礼物。 yeeyan

But she refuses to shift from her position that the more presents I give her, the more I love her.
但她拒绝转变她的观点——那就是我给她的礼物越多就表明我越爱她。 yeeyan

Don't peek at your presents before Christmas Eve.

He handed out the presents to everyone with a smile.

He was tortured by the doubt whether he would accept their presents.
他被是否接受他们的礼物这个疑虑所折磨着。 kekenet

I like to fold presents up in pretty paper.

I threatened her with no lunch, no dinner, no Christmas or Hanukkah presents, no birthday parties for two, three, four years.
我威吓她她将没有午饭、没有晚餐、没有圣诞节或光明节的礼物,二、三甚至四年内没有生日派对。 blog.sina.com.cn

If the customer requests detail information on a particular vehicle, the system obtains this information from the vehicle inventory and presents it to the customer.
如果顾客想要看到某辆汽车的更详细的信息,系统从汽车数据库中读取这些信息,并把他们显示给顾客。 ibm

In fact, I love my age, because every single birthday means more than just presents and chocolate cake.
事实上,我爱我的年龄,因为每一个生日不仅仅意味着礼物和巧克力蛋糕。 edu.sina.com.cn

It harnesses silos of knowledge, data, and resources into a single guidance center that instantly presents employees with insights about each customer.
它利用知识、数据和资源仓,将它们整合为单个指导中心,及时向员工呈现关于每位客户的洞察。 ibm

It presents an example of how to perform the first two items in this list.
这篇文章通过一个实例来介绍怎样实行上面列表列出的前两项。 ibm

It presents the full text on one page, without the pagination links.
它将全文呈现在同一页面,而不显示页码链接。 yeeyan

Many people have forgotten the rituals and only associate Christmas with presents.
许多人忘记了仪式,只把圣诞节和礼物联想在一起。 hjenglish

Perhaps some people grow out of the thrill of opening presents and celebrating the passing of another year, but I never have.
也许有些人对于打开礼物以及庆祝又一年的过去已经不再兴奋了,但我从来不会。 yeeyan

She gets a lot of presents and birthday cards from her family and relatives.
她从她的家庭和亲戚那里收到许多礼物和生日卡片。 hjenglish

That way, he can deliver presents for almost another24 hours.
这样,他递送礼物的时间就能多出将近24小时。 ecocn

The next day we give Mom her presents.
第二天我们把礼物送给了妈妈。 hjenglish

They bribed him with costly presents.

They gave him presents?
他们送给他礼物? yeeyan

We both buy one another presents but when it comes to what we do, where we go or where we eat, we take turns.
我们都给彼此买礼物,但至于做什么,去哪里或到哪儿吃饭这些事情,我们会轮流想。 ebigear

We insist that you accept these presents.
我们坚决要求你收下这些礼物。 ebigear

We've brought you some presents from Garden City.
我们从花园城给你们带来一些礼物。 hjenglish

Presents for some people, like you, are important visual symbols of love.
礼物对于你这样的人来说是很重要的爱的象征。 yeeyan




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