

单词 present at
释义 present at短语⁹³⁷⁸
There were nearly800 business leaders and entrepreneurs from East Asian countries and regions present at the Dialogue.
来自东亚各国和地区近800名工商界领导人和企业家出席了会议。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Everyone is required to be present at the lecture.
要求每人都要出席这个讲座。 ebigear

Heads of State Council departments and cabinet secretaries of the UK Government will be present at the dialogue.
中国国务院多个部门负责人和英国政府多位内阁大臣将出席对话。 hjenglish

I found a person who watched with him, and was present at his burial.
我找到一个一直陪着他的人,葬礼的时候也在场。 yeeyan

In a shameless bid to slow it down, his lawyers insist that he must be present at every hearing, only to cite reasons why he cannot be because of government business.
为了无耻的拖延审判速度,他的律师坚持要求每次审判他都要出席,除非列举证明为什么他不能参加政府工作。 ecocn

Minister Yang Zigang, minister counselor You Shaozhong, counselor and consul general Chen Xiongfeng were also present at the festival.
大使馆杨子刚公使、尤少忠公使衔参赞、陈雄风参赞兼总领事等也出席了开幕式。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

Only one of the28 cabinet members present at Sunday's extraordinary session reportedly voted against the pact, although9 others did not attend.
据报道,出席周日特别会议的28位内阁成员中的只有一位投了反对票,并且有另外9位成员没有出席。 hjenglish

The professor and writer was present at the meeting.
这位教授兼作家出席了会议。 china

This level of cooperation was not present at all.
目前这协作的水平,相差甚远。 yeeyan

Those present at the ceremony also include major leaders of the Turkmenistan government and army.
出席签字仪式的还有土政府和军队的主要领导人。 www.fmprc.gov.cn




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