

单词 presaging
释义 pres·age 英'presɪdʒ美'presɪdʒ COCA¹⁰¹³⁰⁵BNC⁷⁵⁹⁹¹⁺¹²Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a foreboding about what is about to happena sign of something about to happen;

he looked for an omen before going into battle

indicate by signs;

These signs bode bad news

近义词 omen征兆bode预示sign手势signal信号augury预言herald使者portent前兆augur占兆官betoken预示warning警告signify表示predict预言foretell预言sanction批准forecast预测prefigure预示foreshadow预示indication指示prognostic预兆的prodigy惊人的事物prognosticate预知prognostication预知portend 成为 … 的前兆…auspicate卜得吉兆而开始…

用作名词Suddenly he had apresageabout the near danger.他突然对即将到来的危险有了一种预感。
It's apresageof doom.这是世界末日的预兆。用作动词Such incidents oftenpresagewar.那样的事件常成为战争的前兆。
Those black cloudspresagea storm.那乌云预示着暴风雨将要来临。 A computer controlled presaging pressure- model for continuous hot strip mill and the related equations were presented.
文章首先介绍了带钢热连轧机计算机控制压力预报模型的概况。 cnki

A separate agreement with the Taliban in Swat last February collapsed within weeks, presaging a sweeping summer offensive by the military.
二月份在斯瓦特与塔利班签署的单独协定在几周之内便宣告瓦解,冥冥预示着武装力量一整个夏季的军事行动。 yeeyan

If Europe suffers from the kind of deflationary slump that bond markets seem to be presaging, then profits would undoubtedly come under pressure.
如果欧洲一如债券市场所预测的那样发生通货期衰退,市场无疑会面临收益下降的压力。 ecocn

There is talk of the failed deal presaging a break-up.
对于交易失败的就预示着解散的说法不过是传言。 ecocn

This will be tough, presaging a vicious fight if any of the proposals do reach the floor of Congress.
这非常艰难,同时也预示了,如果提案真的送到了国会,那也会是一场恶仗。 ecocn

Unemployment remains high. Home values are depressed. And state budgets are in deep trouble, presaging more layoffs, service cuts and tax increases.
失业率照旧高飘,家庭资产缩水,国家预算深陷泥潭,看来还会有更多的下岗,服务业削减和增税。 blog.sina.com.cn




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