

单词 presages
释义 pres·age·s 英'presɪdʒ美'presɪdʒ COCA⁷⁷⁹⁴⁵BNC⁶⁰⁹⁹⁷Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
a foreboding about what is about to happena sign of something about to happen;

he looked for an omen before going into battle

indicate by signs;

These signs bode bad news

近义词 omen征兆bode预示sign手势signal信号augury预言herald使者portent前兆augur占兆官betoken预示warning警告signify表示predict预言foretell预言sanction批准forecast预测prefigure预示foreshadow预示indication指示prognostic预兆的prodigy惊人的事物prognosticate预知prognostication预知portend 成为 … 的前兆…auspicate卜得吉兆而开始…

用作名词Suddenly he had apresageabout the near danger.他突然对即将到来的危险有了一种预感。
It's apresageof doom.这是世界末日的预兆。用作动词Such incidents oftenpresagewar.那样的事件常成为战争的前兆。
Those black cloudspresagea storm.那乌云预示着暴风雨将要来临。 An error in the language presages an error in the facts.
语言上的谬误预示着对事实的歪曲。 yeeyan

The Baja earthquake was the largest in a series that have taken place in the region that presages it, beginning with a4.2 quake on March 31.
巴哈地震下加利福尼亚地震是发生在同一区域内的地震中最大的一次。 yeeyan

Whether this presages an abandonment of the referendum, an election or a new national government remained unclear.
可是至今无迹象显示这是准备放弃进行全民公投,进行选举还是组建新的国民政府。 ecocn

Because banks use mortgage- securities indices as an important input when valuing their holdings, the latest spiral presages further write-downs.
因为银行使用不动产抵押证券指数有个重要前提,就是他们自己持有,最新价格呈螺旋式下跌,显示未来将有更多的资产减记。 ecocn

Everything here presages a wilderness spirit flag will be flying high!
这里的一切昭示着北大荒精神的旗帜必将高高飘扬! blog.sina.com.cn

Hot tear characteristics and affecting factors of several resin- bonded sands have been studied. Presages by experimental test have been in accordance with the results by production pouring.
研究了几种树脂砂的热开裂性能及其影响因素,实验测量的预示与生产浇注结果相一致。 cnki

Some people say that the appearance of a black cat presages good luck.
有人说黑猫的出现是吉祥的预兆。 chinafanyi.com

The data presages the Labor Department’s Sept.3 report that may show companies added42,000 workers to their payrolls in August, down from 71,000 in July, according to economists.
经济学家表示,这一数据预测美国劳工部于9月3日公布的就业报告显示,8月份美国企业增加4.2万个工作岗位,低于7月份的7.1万个。 yeeyan

This sign presages rains.
这种迹象是下雨的预兆。 hotdic




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