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词汇 pres
释义 pres.
abbr.president 总统; presidency 总统的任期
A lack of diffusion restriction, presence of posterior subcortical white matter involvement and appropriate clinical presentation favor PRES.
弥散受限的缺乏,后部皮质下白质受累以及典型的 PRES临床表现,有助于诊断。 dxyer

And from there, to access the satellites' signals that would to determine the precise elevation. And turns out the famous pig was a few higher than pres thought.
在那里,获得来自卫星的信号去计算出精确的高度,惊奇的是得到的高度比以往我们认为的要高。 xiaoma

The differential pressure sticking removed by negative pressure, in which the pressure difference between formation fluid pressure and drilling fluid column pres sure is used to solve the sticking.
负压解卡技术主要是利用地层流体压力与钻井液柱压力之间的压力差来解除压差卡钻,早已被国外应用。 cnki

The phones eventually became available to retailers such as Best Buy Co., but some analysts believe Palm has sold fewer Pres than expected.
后来Pre最终在百思买 Best Buy等零售商中发售,但一些分析师认为, Pre的销量应该低于预期。 iciba

The formation of hydrothermal ore deposits, associated with magmatic fluids, to some extent, is the result of fluid evolution in magmatic system by compositions, pres-sures and properties.
与岩浆作用有关的热液矿床的形成,在一定程度上是岩浆体系内富含挥发分流体的组成、压力及性质演变的结果。 cnki

The plasma pres sure drop factor on the divertorfpis estimated with the two point SOL transportmodeland the impurity radiation model.
偏滤器上等离子体压降系数用 SOL的两点输运模型和辐射模型估算。 cnki

When a monobarrel subsurface tubing pump works in a deep well. its barrel bore expands due to the inside fluid pres-sure and contracts due to both bottom pressure and axial load.
整筒管式抽油泵在深井中使用时,泵内液体压力使泵筒内径扩张,井底压力和轴向载荷使泵筒内径缩小。 cnki

Conclusion: The imaging findings of PRES are typical, so MRI should be the first choice in its diagnosis.
结论: PRES的 MRI表现具有特征性, MRI应作为诊断本病的首选手段。 cnki

Conclusion MRI manifestations of PRES have distinctive characteristic, Diffusion-weighted imaging for judging the prognosis has important clinical value.
结论 PRES的 MRI表现具有鲜明的特征性,扩散加权成像对预后判断具有重要的临床价值。 studa

Influence of pres performance and pressing schedule on quality of products made with semi— dry pressing process is discussed in detail.
就压砖机的工艺特性,成型制度对半干压砖坯体质量的影响作了较详细的论述。 cnki

Measure and analysis of combustion light intensity wave of diesel fuel, emulsified oil and nebulized methanol are carried out under different pres-sures and oxygen density.
在不同压力、氧浓度的条件下,对柴油、乳化油、甲醇喷雾的燃烧光强波进行了测量分析。 cnki

Objective To investigate the imaging findings of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome PRES.
目的探讨可复性后部脑病综合征 PRES的影像学表现。 cnki

Objective To study on multiple organ injury pres en ration and treatment principle of SARS patients.
目的了解严重急性呼吸综合征SARS患者多脏器损伤表现及处理原则。 cnki

Objective: To study the CT and MRI features of posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome PRES and assess their value.
目的:探讨可逆性后部脑病综合征 PRES CT与 MRI表现及诊断价值。 iciba

RBC's analyst is conservative in his outlook and sees about 470,000 Pres selling in the first quarter of sales and2.6 million in the first year of sales.
根据RBC分析家的预测,Palm Pre推出的首个季度销量将达到47万部,而今年的总销量则将达到260万部。 cnbeta

Since I'm only11& Bush has been Pres. for the last7 years then I asked my family& friends to tell me about some past presidents and their opinions.
由于我只有11岁,而布什已经当了7年总统,因此我请家人和朋友跟我讲讲一些前任总统的事以及他们的看法。 dict

The calculated result can be acted as the guide of establishing three formation pres sure and can be designed the mud density of carbonate formation.
其结果可以用于碳酸盐岩井段三个地层压力剖面的建立和钻井液密度的设计。 cnki

Therefore, it is necessary to study the technology for supplying power by the turbo driven by the pres.
因此,有必要研究利用飞机冲压空气带动涡轮发电供给吊舱内的电子设备。 dictall

This paper introduces the characteristics of mould and forming methods of forming bicycle handlebar by liquid forging hydraulic pres.
介绍了在液态模锻液压机上成形自行车把接头的模具特点和成形方法。 dictall

This paper introduces the characteristics of mould and forming methods of forming bicycle handlebar by liquid forging hydraulic pres. The liquid forging can form high quality handlebar.
介绍了在液态模锻液压机上成形自行车把接头的模具特点和成形方法。液态模锻可得到优质美观的把接头。 chemyq

We will be watching for statements from Geithner or Pres. Obama in support of the USD to offset that risk.




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