

单词 prepreg
释义 pre·preg 英'prɛ,prɛɡ美'prɛ,prɛɡ COCA¹⁸²⁸⁴³BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb⁵⁴⁴⁷¹
Good prepreg with stable processing and according with demands can be fabricated by controlling these factors reasonably.
通过合理控制这些影响因素,可制备出工艺状态稳定、质量符合要求的预浸无纬布。 cnki

In this paper, the technology of carbon fiber reinforced PEEK prepreg produced by melt impregnation is investigated.
初步探索了熔融浸渍法制备碳纤维增强 PEEK预浸带的制备工艺。 cnki

Prepolymerizing properties of bisphenol-Ad cyanateBADCy modified by novolac epoxy for hot- melt prepreg are stud ied.
本文研究酚醛环氧改性双酚A氰酸酯,用于制备热熔预浸料。 cnki

The glass cloth prepreg and laminates based on this matrix resin were prepared.
考察了共聚树脂及玻璃布预浸料的贮存稳定性和层压板的性能。 cnki

The properties of plain carbon fabric prepreg were researched using a picture frame shear rig which is installed on a mechanical test machine.
利用安装在拉伸试验机上的像框剪切装置,研究了平纹预浸碳纤维机织织物的剪切行为。 dictall

The steadiness of resin content in prepreg is the key factor to ensure the quality of the finished composite.
预浸带的树脂含量稳定性是保证复合材料制品质量的重要因素。 chemyq

The storage aging of epoxy prepreg has proud effects on the electrical and mechanical properties of the cured PCBs.
储存老化将对环氧预浸料的性能产生显著的影响,进而影响到印刷电路板的质量。 fabiao

The technology of synthesising the resin is simple and it can be dissolved in acetone for making prepreg.
该树脂合成工艺较为简便,而且有良好的溶液性,可用丙酮作溶剂制造预浸料。 chemyq

The testing method and standardization of carbon fiber and its fabric, prepreg, CFRP are illustrated both at home and abroad, for some testing units reference.
论述了国内外碳纤维及其织物、 预浸料、复合材料的测试方法及标准化,供国内有关测试单位及专业技术人员参考。 chemyq

A new matrix resin for composite4501B iS introduced, the properties of the resin, cured resin and composites are studied, and the processability of the prepreg is also shown.
本文介绍一种新的复合材料用树脂基体4501B,研究了树脂的性能、固化树脂的性能、预浸料的工艺性及复合材料的性能等。 cnki

ACG Group is one of the most famous companies producing prepreg and composite materials in the world.
先进复合材料集团公司是世界上生产预浸料和复合材料最有名的公司之一。 cnki

By analyzing the power transfer between the infrared heat source and the prepreg, the paper proposes calculation methods and equations about the transfer coefficients in the infrared heating process.
通过对红外热源与预浸带能量传输过程的分析,提出了红外加热过程中各传递系数的计算方法和公式。 hkxb.buaa.edu.cn

For the volatile content, the prepreg made by the hot-melt method was lower, generally less than0.8%.
在预浸料挥发分方面,热熔法工艺的较低,一般低于0.8%。 cnki

Other prepreg size and style could be available upon request.
可根据客户要求提供其它尺寸和厚度。 kblaminates

Several layers of woven thermoplastic prepreg are consolidated to such plates.
这样的板材是由若干层编织的热塑性预浸料合并而成。 www.frponline.com.cn

SPRAY INTERFACE is formulated for use in all epoxy prepreg or resin transfer processes.
喷涂粘接剂被设计用于所有环氧树脂预浸料或树脂传递过程。 mhwywz.com

Supply all kinds of carbon fiber and glass fiber prepreg.
供应各种规格玻璃纤维、碳纤维预浸布。 com

Tests were also carried out in composite manufacture, in which the fiber optic refractive sensors were embedded in the prepreg during the cure process.
在实验室与生产现场两种条件下将光纤折射率传感器埋设于预浸料中对其固化工艺过程进行了监测。 cnki

The scrim layer may be a glass fiber or carbon fiber scrim, or veil, that has absorbed resin from the sheets of prepreg during a molding process.
薄亚麻布层可能是玻璃纤维、碳纤维薄亚麻布、或面纱,并在复合材料片层的成型过程中,从预浸料层吸收树脂。 www.frponline.com.cn

The concept, prepreg method, characteristics of thermoplastics compositesTCM are described in detail; the application and market of TCM in the future are mentioned.
本文较详细的叙述了热塑性复合材料TCM的定义、浸渍方法、特性以及期望的用途和未来的市场发展。 cnki

The effect of resin composition and processing parameters of narrow fiberglass tape on the properties of prepreg and composites are studied as well.
探讨了树脂基体组成、连续玻璃纤维窄带预浸工艺参数等变量对预浸料和复合材料性能的影响。 cnki

The low temperature moulding prepreg technology and it's application are emphasized.
本文简介炭集团公司概况,重点介绍低温成型预浸料技术及其应用。 dictall

The prepreg had been used in helicopter secondary structure.
该预浸料已用于直升机次承力结构。 cnki

Thermoplastic prepreg tapes are welded onto a liner of the same plastic compound.
将热塑性预浸胶带焊接成一条相同塑料混合物衬垫。 www.frponline.com.cn

This kind of equipment is suitable for produce hot-melt prepreg composite materials by two-step. It includes hot-melt sizing machine and prepreg machine.
我公司生产的预浸设备为二步法生产热熔预浸复合材料设备,主要包括热熔涂胶机和热熔预浸机。 ttmn

This difficulty can be solved by flexible co-woven prepreg technology, facilitating the manufacture of complex curved surface structure with high quality and efficiency.
利用柔性混编预浸料技术则可解决这一难题,高质量、高效率地实现复杂曲面结构件的制备。 chemyq




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